
  • 网络cultural ecology;culture ecology;cultural ecosystem;ecology of culture
  1. 实验戏剧与文化生态&深圳戏剧现象再思考

    Experimental Theatre and Cultural Ecology : Re-thoughts on Shenzhen Theatre

  2. 文化生态视阈下传统武术的传承与保护

    Inheritance and Protection of the Traditional Wushu under Cultural Ecology

  3. 保护少数民族文化生态有多方面的重要意义。作为保护少数民族文化生态主渠道的民族院校图书馆要做到:建立特色馆藏,为保护少数民族文化生态提供文献和知识储备;

    Library is the main way of protecting minority cultural ecology .

  4. 文化生态旅游是一种较高层次的旅游活动。

    Cultural eco - tourism is a relatively advanced tour activity .

  5. 营造适宜创新的文化生态环境是关键。

    Create a suitable culture of innovation environment is the key .

  6. 西部地区民族文化生态建设的战略选择

    Strategic Choice in the Construction of National Culture Ecology in West Region

  7. 进行民族文化生态旅游环境容量测算;

    Figuring out the environmental capacity for minority eco-culture tourism ;

  8. 论以文化生态为依托的少数民族文化生态经济模式构建

    On the Construction of Minorities ' Culture under Eco-culture System

  9. 民族文化生态建设与文学艺术研究

    The Ecological Construction of National Culture and Study on the Literary Art

  10. 首先,各民族语言组成一个语言文化生态系统。

    First , each language culture makes up of a language cultural ecosystem .

  11. 中国传统官本位思想生发的文化生态根源

    The Cultural Root of Chinese Traditional Officialdom Standard Thought

  12. 文化生态:民俗风情旅游的开发

    Cultural Ecology : the Development of Folk Custom Tourism

  13. 乡村旅游的发展及对策&以文化生态为视角

    Discussion on the Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism & in Cultural Ecology Perspective

  14. 湖北民族文化生态旅游的开发及其品牌塑造

    The Development and Brand Building of the National Culture Eco-tourism in Hubei Province

  15. 粤闽赣客家文化生态效应对区域发展的影响

    Ecological effect and influence of Hakka culture on regional development of Hakka area

  16. 中国十大文化生态旅游目的地潇洒桐庐,富春江畔的山水福地。

    Tonglu , the Landscape and fortune area at the bank of Fuchun River .

  17. 徽州文化生态初步研究

    The preliminary studies of culture ecology in Huizhou

  18. 文化生态及其价值标准的相对性浅议

    The Relativity of Cultural Ecology and Value Standard

  19. 文化生态视野下传统武术的生存价值研究

    Value of Chinese Wushu from cultural ecological perspective

  20. 中原文化生态研究纲要

    The Research Outline of Zhong Yuan Cultural Ecology

  21. 文化生态与中国传统档案文化

    Cultural Ecology and Chinese Traditional Archival Culture

  22. 盆地的这些效应都有利于盆地农业文化生态节制行为的发展,并实现资源和环境的持续利用。

    All these contribute to the development of cultural ecological prudent behavior in Chinese agriculture .

  23. 文化生态美是各文化单元的文化生态价值的平衡的对应性自由实现。

    The culture-eco-beauty is the realization of the value of all units equally and freely .

  24. 武汉城市景观文化生态保护建设的问题与对策

    Problem and Measure in Protection and Construction of Landscape Culture and Environment In Wuhan City

  25. 基于文化生态理论中国旅游业可持续发展研究

    An analysis of China 's tourism sustainable development based on the theory of cultural ecology

  26. 论公共艺术与环境文化生态

    On Public Art and Cultural Ecology

  27. 城市文化生态是形成城市特色的文化要素。

    Culture and environment are Important factors to form the character of a city 's culture .

  28. 文化生态环境,也就是这些物质生活环境和精神生活环境之间的链接。

    Cultural ecological environment , that is , the link between material life and spiritual environment .

  29. 用绿色营造图书馆阅读氛围用健康构建图书馆文化生态

    Establishing the Reading Atmosphere with Green Color and Constructing the Cultural Ecology with Healthy in Library

  30. 走向文化生态取向的教师发展研究&来自人类发展文化本质理论的启示

    Research of Teacher Development From the Perspective of Theory on the Cultural Nature of Human Development