
qū yù ɡuī huà
  • regional planning
  1. 基于GIS的区域规划研究

    The Study on Regional Planning Based on GIS

  2. GIS技术是实现区域规划空间信息集成的有效手段。

    GIS is an effective medium for realizing the integration of space information for regional planning .

  3. GIS在环保型养猪业区域规划中的应用规模化养猪场配套肉狗饲养的探索

    Regional planning of pig husbandry with environmental protection using GIS Study of Meat-dog Husbandry Attached to a Massive Pig Farm

  4. GIS在过去20多年的发展中逐渐得到广泛应用,其应用领域包括资源管理、环境治理、预防灾害、区域规划、城市管理、科研、教育和国防等多部门、多学科。

    In the past twenty years , GIS has been applied in many fields , such as resource management , environment fathering , disaster prevention , city management and so on .

  5. 目前,Voronoi图理论己广泛应用于机械加工、地理信息系统、城市区域规划等众多领域。

    At present , Voronoi has been widely used in machinery processing , CIS and city planning .

  6. 基于DEA-DA模型的区域规划方法研究

    Region Planning Studies in View of DEA-DA Model and Method

  7. 如IPM研究中的风险分析,生态系统管理决策,农业生态区域规划等课题,对天气模型都有现实的或潜在的需要。

    Risk analysis in IPM programs , decision making in ecosystems management , ecologically planning of agricultural areas , are all need weather simulators really for the present or potentially for the future .

  8. 系统动力学仿真技术在区域规划决策中的实际应用

    Simulation Technique in System Dynamics and Its Application to Regional Planning

  9. 本模型适用于全国或区域规划。

    This model can be suitable for national or regional programme .

  10. 新时期区域规划的理论、方法与实践

    Theory , Method and Practice of Region Planning in New Period

  11. 英国区域规划的发展及其启示

    The development on England regional planning and some enlightenment on it

  12. 面向对象的区域规划空间信息时空数据模型

    An Object-oriented Spatio-temporal Data Model for Spatial Information in Regional Planning

  13. 城市边缘与区域规划&以北京地区为例

    City Edge and Regional Planning : Taking Beijing Area as Example

  14. 北京市区重点区域规划研究报告

    Report on Planning Research into Key Areas in Beijing Proper

  15. 浙江省物流区域规划的意义及其构建

    Significance and Construction of Regional Planning of the Logistics in Zhejiang Province

  16. 小城镇的规划应当在区域规划的指导下进行;

    The small town planning should be in accordance with district programming ;

  17. 中国区域规划的新特点和发展趋势

    The New Characteristics and Development Trends of China Regional Planning

  18. 新一轮区域规划若干问题探讨

    Discussion on Some Key Issues about the New Round of Regional Planning

  19. 北京山区植物多样性保护区域规划研究

    Study on Regional Plan of Plant Diversity Protection in Beijing Mountain Area

  20. 区域规划思想应用于城市水系治理刍议&科学发展观落实思路之一

    Discussion on Application of Regional Planning Idea in City Water System Management

  21. 二是坚持区域规划,合理布局;

    Second , insist on regional planning and rational arrangement ;

  22. 全港及次区域规划处〔规划署〕

    Territorial and Sub-regional Planning Branch [ Planning Department ]

  23. 我国区域规划存在问题及其调整思考

    The Problems and Solutions of Regional Planning in China

  24. 区域规划信息空间整合的指标体系研究

    Research on the Index System of the Spatial Integration of Regional Planning Information

  25. 如何推行城市和区域规划改革:一位西方规划师的认识

    Urban & Regional Planning Reform : A Foreign Perspective

  26. 贫困山区县生态城镇的区域规划与建设模式研究

    The Regional Planning and Constructional Model of Ecological Town in Impoverished Mountain County

  27. 这不仅被大量事实所证实,也可应用于城市规划、区域规划和城镇体系规划。

    Urban , regional planning and urban system planning must follow the law .

  28. 从地理学的综合视角看新时期区域规划的编制

    Geographical integrated view to the compilation of regional planning in the new period

  29. 新中部(日本)区域规划所

    New Chubu ( Japan ) Regional Planning Institute

  30. 区域规划文本及其编写技术

    Regional Planning Text and It 's Compiling Technique