
  • 网络Regional coordination;regional integration
  1. 本章以借鉴欧盟结构基金的区域协调经验为基础,对京津冀推进经济一体化区域政策框架进行了概述;分析了京津冀一体化的运行机制及其保障措施。

    It outlines the regional policy framework of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional integration on the basis of experiences of the regional coordination mechanism of EU structural fund , and it also analyzes the working mechanism and protecting measures of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Regional integration .

  2. 从斯密&杨格定理谈区域一体化和区域协调发展

    On regional integration and regional coordinated development from Smith-Young Theorem

  3. 拓展帮扶领域,健全帮扶机制,优化帮扶方式,加强产业合作、资源互补、劳务对接、人才交流,动员全社会参与,形成区域协调发展、协同发展、共同发展的良好局面。

    We should expand the fields for paired assistance , improve related mechanisms and common regional development .

  4. 基于3E协调度的我国区域协调发展评价

    Appraisal of Coordinated Development of Area in China Based on 3E Coordinated Degree

  5. 山区人口、资源、环境与发展(PRED)的协调关系到我国区域协调发展目标的最终实现。

    The coordination among population , resources , environment and development ( PRED ) in mountain area is very important to the regional development in China .

  6. 选择持续发展战略,确保区域协调发展。

    And selecting sustainable development strategy and ensuring regional coordinated development .

  7. 基于混杂模糊切换的快速路区域协调控制研究

    Freeway Area-wide Coordinated Control Based on Hybrid System and Fuzzy Switch

  8. 山东区域协调发展机制与政策

    The Mechanism and Policy of the Regional Coordinated Development in Shandong

  9. 长三角区域协调发展实践的启示

    The Revelation of Harmonious Development Practice in Changjiang Delta District

  10. 一体化还是差别化&有关区域协调发展的理论解析

    Integration or Differentiation & an Interpretation on Regional Coordinated Development

  11. 基于时序规划的交通信号区域协调控制方法研究

    Control Method Research for Area Traffic Signal Control Based on Temporal Planning

  12. 最后力求提出一些利于广西各区域协调发展的战略以及各区域开发的对策建议。

    At last put forward with region developing suggestion and developing tactic .

  13. 区域协调发展:中国地区间的财力差异与调节

    Regional Coordinated Development : Financial Disparity and Adjustment among Regions in China

  14. 第六章在前文介绍了多边、区域协调后,探讨贸易与环境的双边协调,主要介绍了美国和墨西哥签署的旨在解决两国边境地区环境问题的双边协议。

    Chapter VI discusses the bilateral cooperation to reconcile trade with environment .

  15. 非正式规划:区域协调发展的新建议

    Informal Planning : A New Way of Regional Integrated Development

  16. 试论城镇组团式规划的区域协调模式的选择&以中山市东部组团发展规划为例

    Selection of regional coordination mode of coastal region in Zhongshan

  17. 面向区域协调发展的大汾阳空间形态重构

    The Regional Coordinated Development-oriented Spatial Pattern Reconstructing of " Greater Fenyang "

  18. 由生物入侵到城市竞争与区域协调

    From ecologic invasion to city competition and regional coordination

  19. 促进中部地区崛起是统筹区域协调发展的关键。

    The rise of Mid-china becomes the key issue of harmonious regional cooperation .

  20. 网络环境下我国社科信息事业发展的区域协调问题

    Regional Coordination of Social Science Information Services in China in the Network Environment

  21. 区域协调发展系统与规划理念分析

    A Systematic Analysis of Regional Coordinated Development and Planning

  22. 区域协调与管理研究&以福建省城市联盟为例

    Study on hypo-region cooperation and management & Fujian city alliance as the case

  23. 区域协调发展问题是区域经济学研究的重要问题。

    Research on regional coordinated development is of great importance in regional economic .

  24. 京津冀区域协调发展存在的问题及对策研究

    Existed Problems and Countermeasures of Regional Coordinative Development in Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei

  25. 交通信号区域协调优化的多智能体博弈模型

    A Game Theoretical Model of Multi-Agents in Area Coordination and Optimization of Traffic Signals

  26. 济宁市高等教育与区域协调发展研究

    The Research on the Harmonious Development between Higher Education and Region in Jining City

  27. 总部经济、产业升级和区域协调&基于全球价值链的分析

    Headquarters Economy , Industrial Upgrading and Balanced Regional Development : In Perspective of GVC

  28. 区域协调发展中县(市)域发展规划的实践与启示&论陈烈的县域发展规划的实践特点

    The practice and Apocalypse of the county region development planning in region harmonizing and developing

  29. 区域协调发展的政策途径

    The policy approach to coordinated regional development

  30. 区域协调发展战略的实施有赖于财政的制度安排。

    The strategy of regional balanced development depends on financial system to a large extent .