
  • 网络Coordinated development of regional economies;balanced regional economic development
  1. 西部经济增长方式转型与区域经济协调发展

    Transformation of Economic Growth Mode and Coordinated Development of Regional Economies in Western China

  2. 东西部经济关系与区域经济协调发展

    The Economic Relations between Eastern and Western China and the Coordinated Development of Regional Economies

  3. 而后在区域经济协调发展的背景下,文章对中国和东盟吸收FDI的合作方面进行分析,包括吸收区外直接投资和互相直接投资角度。

    Afterwards , under the background of coordinated development of regional economy and from the prospects of direct investment outside area and mutual direct investment , the paper analyzed the cooperation work on the attracting FDI of China and ASEAN .

  4. 江苏区域经济协调发展与区域创新能力的分析研究

    Jiangsu Region Economy Coordinated Development and Region Innovation Ability Analysis Research

  5. 一体两翼,促进湖北区域经济协调发展&对湖北省构建中心、副中心城市的思考

    One Body Two Wings , Promoting the Development Hubei Regional Economy

  6. 企业跨地区并购与区域经济协调发展

    Cross - Regional Business Combination and Regional Economic Coordination and Development

  7. 四川省区域经济协调发展战略探讨

    An Approach to the Coordinated Regional Economic Development in Sichuan Province

  8. 地方政府竞争与区域经济协调发展

    The Competition among Local Governments and Coordinated Development of Regional Economy

  9. 以城市为主导统筹区域经济协调发展

    Overall coordination development of regional economy on the basis of cities

  10. 区域经济协调发展中的中外政府行为比较

    Comparative Studies of Chinese and Overseas Governmental Behaviors in Regional Economic Coordination

  11. 论广东实现区域经济协调发展的战略选择

    On Balanced Strategy for Regional Economic Development in Guangdong Province

  12. 辽宁区域经济协调发展的实现途径

    The Way to Coordinated Regional Economy Development of Liaoning Province

  13. 论缩小东西差距与区域经济协调发展

    On the East-West disparity and coordinative development of regional economy

  14. 企业所得税政策与区域经济协调发展

    Corporate Income Tax Policy and Regional Economy Developing in Harmony

  15. 现代物流对促进区域经济协调发展的作用机理

    The Mechanism of Modern Logistics to Coordinative Development in the Regional Economy

  16. 促进区域经济协调发展法律制度研究

    Study of Legal System on Coordinated Development of Regional Economy

  17. 高技术产业与区域经济协调发展机制研究

    Study on the Coordinated Development Mechanism of High-tech Industries and Regional Economy

  18. 海洋产业结构转换与区域经济协调发展关系研究

    The Relations between Marine Industrial Structure Transformation and Regional Economies Coordinated Development

  19. 区域经济协调发展战略与科技西进策略

    On the Coordinate Development of Regional Economy and Its Tactics

  20. 基于政府行为视角的区域经济协调发展研究

    The Government Behavior and the Coordinated Development of Regional Economy

  21. 完善政策促进区域经济协调发展

    Improve Policy to Promote the Development of Regional Economy

  22. 区域经济协调发展模型探讨

    Research on the Coordinate Developmental Models of Regional Economy

  23. 潮州区域经济协调发展探索

    Explorations in the Coordinate Development of Chaozhou Regional Economy

  24. 黑龙江省区域经济协调发展的对策研究

    Research for Heilongjiang regional economic coordinating developing 's policy

  25. 推进区域经济协调发展。

    We will promote balanced economic development between regions .

  26. 基于区域经济协调发展视角的天津产业定位探究

    Inquisition of View Tianjin Industry Localization based on Region Economy Coordinated Development Angle

  27. 区域经济协调发展与振兴东北老工业基地的战略意义

    Development of regional economy and strategic significance of rejuvenation of northeast industry base

  28. 区域经济协调发展的理论基础。

    The theories of coordinated development of regional economy .

  29. 然后,研究了与区域经济协调发展的高等教育最优规模,利用系统动力学原理建立了高等教育发展的适度规模模型;

    It also studies the high relativity between higher education and regional economic development .

  30. 福建省城市化与区域经济协调发展研究

    A Study on the Coordinated Development of Urbanization and Regional Economy of Fujian Province