
  • 网络money market mutual fund;mmmf;MMMFs;MMFS
  1. 美联储(FederalReserve)昨日表示,将动用多至5400亿美元,用于向货币市场共同基金购买短期债务,以扶持美国金融体系的一大关键支柱。

    The US Federal Reserve yesterday said it would finance up to $ 540bn in purchases of short-term debt from money market mutual funds to shore up a key pillar of the US financial system .

  2. 9月19日:美联储贴现窗打开资金购买资产支持商业票据从货币市场共同基金。

    Sept.19 : Fed opens discount window to fund purchases of asset-backed commercial paper from money market mutual funds .

  3. 货币市场共同基金用于投资短期债券和其他票据,这里的情形恰好相反。

    Among money-market mutual funds , which invest in short-term debt and other instruments , it is the other way round .

  4. “货币市场共同基金表示,告诉客户‘我们在欧洲没有任何投资’,要比试图去解释这其中的差异容易多了,”一名央行的银行家如是说。

    " Money-market funds say it 's easier just to say to clients that'we haven 't any exposure to Europe'than to try to explain the differences ," says a central banker .

  5. 然而,金融业正在经历前所未有的变革,商业银行的竞争者日益增多,这些竞争者既包括货币市场共同基金、财务公司等金融机构,也包括网络技术公司、超级市场等非金融机构。

    Now the finance industry is experiencing unseen changes with more competitors including financial institute such as MMMF , and financial corporate or non-financial institute such as network technology companies and supermarkets .

  6. 如果对所有银行债务提供担保,而对货币市场共同基金或保险公司不同等对待的话,消费者可能会因此将资金从一个领域转至另一个领域,以便求得最好的保护。

    Guaranteeing all bank liabilities without doing the same for money-market mutual funds or insurance companies could prompt customers to move money from one sector to another , seeking the best protection .

  7. 本文简要地对一些的相关案例进行分析,如:我国金融体制改革,金融创新电子化,货币市场共同基金的兴起。

    This paper is intended for analyzing three cases as follows : the reform of the financial system in China , the electronization of financial innovation , the prosperity of the Money Market Mutual Fund .

  8. 这些业务的规模意味着,在货币市场共同基金及其它传统放贷机构撤出货币市场后,英国央行实际上充当起了向银行提供定期贷款的角色。

    The size of the operations meant the Bank was in effect adopting a temporary role of the provider of term-lending to banks when money market mutual funds and other traditional lenders had exited the market .

  9. 他们拒绝为所有银行储蓄提供明确的全面担保(尽管目前是模糊的全面担保),因为担心这将导致货币市场共同基金行业崩溃该行业是非银行金融体系的核心领域。

    They rejected an explicit blanket guarantee on all bank deposits ( even though an implicit blanket guarantee now exists ) because of the fear this would collapse the money market mutual fund sector , a core part of the non-bank financial system .

  10. 货币市场的共同基金是最好的。

    Money-market mutual funds are best .

  11. 过去六周来,金融领域的动荡导致货币市场多家共同基金将它们的大部分投资限于隔夜商业票据。

    Over the past six weeks , turmoil in the financial sector caused many money-market mutual funds to limit most of their investments to overnight commercial paper .

  12. 货币市场基金是共同基金的一种,它汇集了众多的小额投资,集中投资于短期货币市场工具如商业票据、短期国库券和大额可转让存单等。

    Money Market Fund ( MMF ) is one of the main categories mutual funds , it paid market-based rates by investing the small sums gathered from many customers in short-term market instruments-primarily commercial paper and Treasury securities and in large certificates of deposit .

  13. 货币市场基金是伴随货币市场与共同基金制度的发展而发展起来的一种投资基金。

    The monetary market fund is a type of investment funds which is developed with the development of the monetary market and common fund system .

  14. 第四章从理论角度分析了货币市场基金的本质特征,指出货币市场基金份额本质上是一种生息资产、无风险资产,而货币市场共同基金本质上是一种特殊的中介机构。

    The chapter four analyzes the MMF 's nature character and points out that the MMF is the interest-bearing asset , non-risk asset and the MMMF is one special intermedia institution .