
  • 网络Russian financial crisis;the Russian crises
  1. 俄罗斯金融危机对中俄边贸的影响与对策

    Russian Financial Crisis Impacts on Frontier Trade between China and Russia and Countermeasures

  2. 分析了俄罗斯金融危机的成因,指出了其对中俄边贸的影响,提出了相应的对策。

    This paper analyses the course and reasons of Russian financial crisis , its impacts on the frontier trade between China and Russia and China 's corresponding countermeasures .

  3. 在亚洲和俄罗斯金融危机过去10年后,亚洲新兴国家保持了经常账户盈余去年平均为国内生产总值(GDP)的5%并建立了丰厚的官方外汇储备。

    A decade after the Asian and Russian financial crises , emerging Asian countries have maintained current account surpluses – last year averaging 5 per cent of gross domestic product – and built up hefty official foreign exchange reserves .

  4. 这项计划表明,自1998年的俄罗斯金融危机以来,随着能源价格达到创纪录水平,俄罗斯的公共财政状况也有了好转。

    The plan demonstrates the turnround in Russian public finances , fuelled by record energy prices , since its 1998 crisis .

  5. 自亚洲金融危机和俄罗斯金融危机以来,金融监管、公司治理以及透明度都有所提高。

    Since the Asian and Russian crises , financial regulation and supervision , as well as corporate governance and transparency , have all improved .

  6. 卢布昨日遭遇自1998年俄罗斯金融危机以来最严重的盘中下跌,主因是市场再度担忧油价下滑对俄罗斯经济的冲击。

    The rouble suffered its worst intraday fall since Russia 's 1998 financial crisis amid renewed fears over the impact of tumbling oil prices on its economy .

  7. 从1997年东南亚金融危机开始,1998年俄罗斯金融危机及2000年以来的阿根廷和委内瑞拉金融危机,加大了整个世界范围内的资本市场的动荡。

    Beginning with the financial crisis in 1997 Southeast Asia , in 1998 Russia and in 2000 Argentina and Venezuela , the instability of the global capital market prevailed over every corner of the world .

  8. 无论是1992-1993年的欧洲汇率体系危机、1994-1995年的墨西哥金融危机、1997-1998年的东南亚金融危机、1998年的俄罗斯金融危机还是2001年的阿根廷金融危机,都表现出极强的传染性。

    All of the crises , including ERM crisis in 1992-1993 , Mexican crisis in 1994-1995 , Asian crisis in 1997-1998 , Russian crisis in 1998 and Argentine crisis in 2001 , showed strong contagion effect .

  9. 然而,上述理由都不能充分解释美国不发挥领导作用的原因美国在1947年冬和1997-98年亚洲及俄罗斯金融危机期间均发挥了领导作用。

    Yet none of the above fully explains why America has failed to exercise the leadership that it applied not just in the winter of 1947 but in 1997-8 during the Asian and Russian financial crises .

  10. 利差交易可能导致未来汇率波动,这在1998年10月曾有先例。当时,对冲基金对俄罗斯金融危机做出反应,纷纷了结利差交易头寸,导致日元对美元汇率急剧下挫。

    The potential of the carry trade as a source of future exchange rate volatility has brought back memories of October 1998 when the yen collapsed against the dollar as hedge funds unwound carry trades in response to the Russian financial crisis .

  11. 俄罗斯应对金融危机的财税政策与借鉴

    Fiscal and Tax Policies Coping with Financial Crisis in Russia and Their Implications for China

  12. 第三章对1998年俄罗斯出现的金融危机进行分析,从其产生的外在和内生原因认识这场危机发生的必然性。

    In chapter three , Russian Financial Crisis in 1998 is analyzed . The inevitability of the crisis is discussed , based on the study of the internal and external factors .

  13. 在这些增长的背后,是俄罗斯自1998年金融危机以来年均7%的经济增长率。

    Behind such increases is Russia 's average 7 per cent annual economic growth since its 1998 financial crisis .