
  • 网络rosneft;Rosneft Oil
  1. 反过来,俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)也将获得英石油5%的股权。

    In return Rosneft will get5 % of BP .

  2. 俄罗斯石油公司上周在欧洲法院(EuropeanCourtofJustice)的普通法院对欧洲理事会(EuropeanCouncil)提起诉讼,请求废除后者在7月份作出的决定,即禁止该公司、俄罗斯其它能源企业以及国有银行在欧洲资本市场上筹集资金。

    Rosneft filed a case against the European Council in the general court under the European Court of Justice last week , requesting an annulment of the council 's July decision that largely barred it and other Russian energy companies and state banks from raising funds on European capital markets .

  3. 该交易在bp与其tnk-bp公司的合作伙伴之间,引发了激烈争执,这家俄罗斯石油公司是bp与几位俄罗斯寡头联合运营的合资企业。

    The deal sparked a furious row between BP and its partners in TNK-BP , a Russian oil company run as a joint venture between BP and a few Russian oligarchs .

  4. 尤科斯(yukos)的债权人昨日否决了一项管理层拯救计划,投票支持对这家俄罗斯石油公司进行破产清算。

    The creditors of Yukos rejected a management rescue plan yesterday and voted for the liquidation of the Russian oil company .

  5. Yugraneft油田归Norex公司和Chernogorneft公司所有,后者是俄罗斯石油公司Sidanco的子公司。

    Yugraneft was owned by norex and chernogorneft , a subsidiary of the Russian oil company sidanco .

  6. 4月份,埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)与规模庞大的俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)宣布缔结合作协议,将共同开发喀拉海约有850亿桶的原油储备。

    In April , Exxon Mobil ( XOM ) and Russian oil giant Rosneft announced a partnership to develop Arctic reserves in the Kara Sea estimated at up to 85 billion barrels .

  7. 俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft,简称俄油)即将在挪威国有的挪威国家石油公司(Statoil)的帮助下,在挪威境内开钻第一口油井,尽管俄罗斯石油业正受到欧洲的广泛制裁。

    Rosneft is about to start drilling its first oil well in Norway with the help of Norwegian state-owned Statoil despite Russia 's oil industry being subject to extensive European sanctions .

  8. 俄罗斯石油公司也是世界收益最为丰厚的企业之一。

    Rosneft is also one of the most profitable companies in the world .

  9. 俄罗斯石油公司的诉讼请求是代表该公司本身和其它身份不明的当事人提起的。

    Rosneft 's request was filed on behalf of the company itself and other unidentified parties .

  10. 与俄罗斯石油公司相同,俄罗斯国有天然气公司的大部分股权都属于俄国政府,俄国政府持有该企业一半以上的股权。

    Like Rosneft , Gazprom is majority-owned by the Russian government , with government-controlled entities holding just over half of all shares .

  11. 作为将秋明英国石油公司卖给俄罗斯石油公司的回报,英国石油公司持有该俄国石油巨头股份的份额也接近了20%。

    In return for selling TNK-BP to Rosneft , BP also grew its stake in the Russian oil giant to nearly 20 % .

  12. 公司还与石油巨头企业俄罗斯石油公司(RosneftIt)达成交易,在北冰洋及黑海俄罗斯领域范围内开采石油。

    It also struck a deal with oil giant Rosneft to explore for oil in Russian-controlled portions of the Arctic Ocean and black sea .

  13. 埃克森美孚与俄罗斯石油公司达成的协议,突显出国际石油企业勘探和开发俄罗斯属北极油气田(世界上仅存的几处未开发的大型油气田之一)的决心。

    It underscores international oil companies ' determination to explore and develop the Russian Arctic , one of the few places in the world with large , untapped oil and gas reserves .

  14. 它们或是拥有或掌控着更充沛的油气储备,例如巴西国家石油公司和俄罗斯石油公司,或是坐拥庞大的消费市场,并受益于政府的雄厚财力与勃勃野心,例如中石油。

    They either own or control much higher oil and gas reserves , as is the case with Petrobras and Rosneft , or they have access to a huge consumer market and benefit from the deep pockets and ambitions of their governments , as is the case with PetroChina .

  15. 在与俄罗斯的石油公司拙劣的尝试性资产交换和北极勘探协议,加剧了BP的困境。

    A botched attempt at an asset swap and arctic exploration deal with Russia 's Rosneft has added to BP 's woes .

  16. 今年,秋明石油公司阻止了英国石油公司拟与俄罗斯国有石油公司Rosneft进行的一笔交易【埃克森美孚公司(Exxon)最终赢得了这笔交易】。

    This year , a deal between BP and Russia 's state-owned oil company Rosneft was blocked by TNK ( Exxon ( XOM ) ultimately won the deal ) .

  17. 俄罗斯国有石油公司Rosneft与美国能源巨头埃克森美孚已宣布了一项战略协议,共同勘探和开发北极海下石油和天然气。

    Russia 's state-owned oil company Rosneft and the United States energy giant Exxon Mobil have announced a strategic deal to jointly explore and develop oil and gas reserves under the sea in the Arctic .

  18. 批评人士表示,对尤科斯(Yukos)进行外界认为的具有政治动机的法律攻击,意味着普京违背了自己先前有关法律专政的承诺。尤科斯曾是俄罗斯最大的石油公司。

    Critics say he undermined his own early commitment to a dictatorship of the law through what was seen as a politically motivated legal assault on Yukos , once Russia 's biggest oil company .

  19. 其中官员包括俄罗斯大型国有石油公司的总裁伊戈尔·谢钦,公司包括伏尔加集团,这家公司的所有人是克里姆林宫的圈内人根纳季·季姆琴科,他已经在制裁名单上。

    Among the official 's name is Igor Sechin , the president of giant state oil company Rosneft , the company is included the Volga group which belongs to Kremlin insider Gennay Timchenko who is already on the sanction 's list .

  20. 尤科斯公司是俄罗斯的纵向一体化石油公司。

    Yukos is a vertically integrated oil company in Russia .

  21. 制裁可能危及俄罗斯国有控股的俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)和埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)等西方石油巨头为勘探俄罗斯北极海域而成立的合资公司。

    Sanctions could endanger joint ventures that Rosneft , the state-controlled Russian oil group , has set up with western majors such as ExxonMobil to explore in Russia 's Arctic seas .

  22. 俄罗斯政府控股的俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)董事长伊戈尔•谢欣(IgorSechin)在洛桑会议上表示,“所有人都期待我们(在多哈)的工作取得成功的结果。”他这样想未免太一厢情愿了。

    But when Igor Sechin , chairman of the Russian state-controlled oil group Rosneft , told the FT conference that " everyone is expecting the successful outcome of our work " in Doha , he was indulging in wishful thinking .

  23. 上个月,历经多年政府打压和寡头折腾之后,英国石油公司宣布出售其俄罗斯合资公司秋明英国石油公司(TNK-BP)股份,换取国有的俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)20%的股份和123亿美元的现金。

    And in Russia last month , after years of strong-arming by the government and corrupt Russian oligarchs , BP agreed to sell its turbulent Russian partnership , TNK-BP , for a 20 % stake in Rosneft , the state-owned Russian oil company , and $ 12.3 billion in cash .

  24. 全球20大收益最为丰厚的公司中有两家公司所属俄罗斯,一个是俄罗斯石油公司,另一个就是俄罗斯国有天然气公司。

    Along with Rosneft , Gazprom is one of two of the world 's 20 most profitable companies based in Russia .

  25. 周五晚间,欧盟(EU)各成员国领导人敦促俄罗斯总统普京,履行俄罗斯与西方各石油公司签订的合同。目前,欧盟对俄罗斯不断收紧对能源行业的控制感到担忧。

    European leaders on Friday night pressed Vladimir Putin , Russia 's president , to honour contracts with western oil companies , amid fears in the EU over Moscow 's tightening grip on the energy sector .

  26. 俄罗斯喀拉海上的三个海上区块正是俄罗斯石油公司曾计划与英国石油共同勘探的那三个。

    The three offshore blocks in the Russian Kara Sea are the same ones that Rosneft planned to explore with BP .