
  • Russian;The russians;Ru ia
  1. 嗯,我看她不是俄罗斯人就是波兰人。

    Well , I think she 's either Russian or Polish .

  2. 每个俄罗斯人都知道这本寓言式小说,《大师和玛格丽特》。

    Every Russian knows the allegorical novel The Master And Margarita .

  3. 他弄清了百万普通俄罗斯人的感受。

    He has managed to crystallise the feelings of millions of ordinary Russians

  4. 那两个俄罗斯人明显彼此相识。

    The two Russians evidently knew each other .

  5. 美国人和俄罗斯人都迫切希望避免在南亚发生冲突。

    Both the Americans and the Russians are anxious to avoid conflict in South Asia

  6. 四分之三的俄罗斯人住在城市里。

    Three-quarters of Russians live in cities .

  7. 除此之外,公共假日通常决定了俄罗斯人是早起还是晚睡。

    Russia 's other late nights and early mornings generally correspond to public holidays .

  8. 新年前夕,俄罗斯人保持着世界上最晚的就寝时间记录——大约在凌晨3:30。

    On New Year 's Eve , Russians have the world 's latest bedtime , hitting the hay at around 3:30 a.m.

  9. 俄罗斯人会在国际妇女节这一天为女性亲属庆贺节日,也会在这一天晚起一小时。

    Russians also get up an hour later on International Women 's Day , the day for treating and celebrating female relatives .

  10. 在其他习俗中,人们把鸡蛋上升到华丽的艺术层面,例如,19世纪起,俄罗斯人喜欢用珠宝来装饰鸡蛋。

    Others elevate the egg into a fancy art , like the heavily jewel-covered " eggs " that were favored by the Russians starting in the 19th century .

  11. 在世界各地,由于夏时制的开始或结束,人们的睡眠模式也发生了改变。例如,在俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京从10月26日开始将国家永久性地改为永久冬令时后,俄罗斯人每天大约晚半个小时醒来。

    Around the world , people changed sleep patterns thanks to the start or end of daylight savings time , Russians , for example , began to wake up about a half-hour later each day after President Vladimir Putin shifted the country permanently to " winter time " starting on October 26 .

  12. 例如,俄罗斯人、法国人和西班牙人可以使用沉默来表示对双方讨论议题的认同。

    For example , Russian , French , and Spanish persons may use silence to show agreement between parties about the topic under discussion .

  13. 俄罗斯人在交流时感谢彼此的比例是3%,而意大利人也只有14%。

    Russians only thanked each other 3 % of the time and Italians only 14 % .

  14. 在俄罗斯人熟知的伟大的卫国战争(GreatPatrioticWar)中,纳粹德国及其盟友被称为法西斯。

    Nazi Germany and its allies were called fascists during what Russians know as the Great Patriotic War .

  15. 根据年度酒店价格指数(hotelpriceindex),俄罗斯人是伦敦酒店最大的消费者,每晚平均花销为127英镑。

    Russians were the biggest spenders in the capital , spending an average 127 a night on hotels , according to the annual hotel price index .

  16. 瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)的教师队伍国际化程度最高,而俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学管理学院(St.PetersburgStateUniversity,GraduateSchoolofManagement)的教师则全部为俄罗斯人。

    IMd , also in Switzerland , has the most internationally diverse faculty , while St Petersburg Graduate School of Management 's faculty is all Russian .

  17. 在为《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)报道期间,AdrianChen探访过一个美其名曰“互联网研究机构”(InternetResearchAgency)的巨魔农场,他相信那里的俄罗斯人可能是最有组织的“巨魔”。

    Adrian Chen , who visited a troll farm called the Internet Research Agency while reporting for The New York Times , believes that the Russians might be the most organised trolls .

  18. 旁白:在诺里尔斯克(Norilsk)这一庞大的综合工业基地将成为红色领导人(RedDirector)和新俄罗斯人斗争的主要阵地。

    NARRATOR : The vast factory complex at Norilsk was to become a major battleground between the Red Directors and a new kind of Russian .

  19. 皮尤全球态度调查(pewglobalattitudessurvey)的结果显示,只有50%的俄罗斯人认可多党政治,半数俄罗斯人认为苏联不复存在是一大不幸。

    Just 50 per cent of Russians approve of multi-party politics according to the Pew Global Attitudes Survey and half consider it a misfortune that the Soviet Union no longer exists .

  20. 不到一半(44%)的俄罗斯人认为针对pussyriot的审判是公平的。

    Less than half ( 44 per cent ) said that they regarded the case against pussy riot as just .

  21. 俄罗斯远东地区发展部(MinistryfortheDevelopmentoftheFarEast)负责最近这次大开发。该部援引本部门指派的调查的结果,声称若能无偿获得土地的话,有20%的俄罗斯人愿意迁往远东。

    Russia 's Ministry for the Development of the Far East , the agency managing this latest development gambit , cited a survey it commissioned , saying that 20 percent of Russians would be ready to move east if given free land .

  22. 在2003年的一次会议上,当时的总统弗拉基米尔普京(VladimirPutin)甚至说:全球气候变暖只会意味着我们俄罗斯人可以少花些钱买皮大衣。

    At a conference in 2003 , Vladimir Putin , then president , even said global warming would merely mean that we Russians will spend less on fur coats .

  23. 在普京前两个任期内,俄罗斯人习惯了生活水平突飞猛进的提高,根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)的数据,从1999年至2009年,该国实际收入增长142%。

    Throughout the first two Putin terms , Russians became used to their living standards increasing by leaps and bounds – real incomes rose 142 per cent between 1999 and 2009 , according to International Monetary Fund data .

  24. 互联网搜索数据显示,对比特币(Bitcoin)最感兴趣的是俄罗斯人,但我们可以肯定,欧洲其他国家也有很多人已经开始考察比特币了。

    The Russians , according to Internet search data , have been showing the most interest in Bitcoin , but we can be certain many Europeans have started investigating it as well .

  25. 作为首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的居民,我继续获得俄罗斯人的贡献带来的惠益——特别是因为亚力山大·奥韦奇金(AlexanderOvechkin)。

    And as a resident of Washington , D.C. , I continue to benefit from the contributions of Russians -- specifically , from Alexander Ovechkin .

  26. 根据意大利别墅专家里卡多兰扎(riccardolanza)的说法,他的客户中,有一些最精明但手笔最大的客人属于俄罗斯人。

    According to Riccardo Lanza , an Italian villa specialist , some of his most subtle but highest spending clients hail from Moscow .

  27. 莱坊公司的利亚姆贝利(LiamBailey)说:直到两年前,伦敦市中心房地产市场上最富有的买家还是俄罗斯人&他们的平均花费远远超过了其他所有国家和地区的人。

    Until two years ago , the most affluent buyers in the central London market were Russian – on average they outspent every other nationality by far , says Liam Bailey of Knight Frank .

  28. 原本为花钱谨慎的泰国人与俄罗斯人设计的小包装袋的雀巢(Nescafé)咖啡,正在步入紧缩时代的欧洲销售。

    Small packs of Nescaf é coffee designed for cash-conscious Thais and Russians are on sale in austerity-era Europe .

  29. 但是Zimina表示,沃罗涅什的牧场可以帮助俄罗斯人了解牧场生活。

    But Ms. Zimina says the ranch in Voronezh can help show Russians about life on the range .

  30. 如果金砖四国(Bric)的消费者注定会成为危机后世界经济增长的引擎,那么俄罗斯人对奢侈品的偏好,就有可能从可爱的社会瑕疵转变为衡量全球经济健康状况的极为严肃的指标。

    If Bric consumers are destined to be the engine of growth for the post-crisis world economy , then Russians ' appetite for bling could be transformed from charming social foible into a deadly serious measure of global economic health .