
  • 网络DUMA;Russian State Duma;Russian Duma
  1. 遗憾的是:窗户与阳台门最多只能开启10公分,尽管我怀疑此举旨在防止住店客人对政客肆意开黑枪,因为酒店左侧就正对着俄罗斯国家杜马(StateDuma)大楼。

    It 's a shame that the windows and balcony doors don 't open more than about 10cm , though I suspect that 's to prevent guests from taking pot shots at politicians because rooms on the left of the building directly face the State Duma .

  2. 俄罗斯国家杜马上个月批准了该法案。

    The Russian State Duma approved that bill last month .

  3. 但是,一些健康倡议者说,俄罗斯国家杜马通过的措施公然违反了俄罗斯今年加入的国际控烟公约的准则。

    But some health advocates say the measure passed by the State Duma flies in the face of guidelines of the international tobacco control agreement that Russia joined this year .

  4. 二零零七年十二月二十四日摄于俄国莫斯科,是俄罗斯国家杜马(国会)议员斯维特兰娜‧霍尔金娜(左)与阿丽娜‧卡巴耶娃(右)在第一次议会上的照片。两位议员都是体操冠军。

    Russian State Duma lawmakers Svetlana Khorkina , left , and Alina Kabayeva , right , who are both gymnastics champions , are shown at the first parliamentary session in Moscow , Russia on Dec.24,2007 .

  5. 引言是对本文的研究背景和论述方法进行的总体性概括。二、俄罗斯联邦国家杜马选举制度的历史发展。

    The order of this part is that introducing the research background and method about this article . Second , the historical development of the electoral system of the State Duma of the Russian Federation .