
  • 网络aeroflot;Russian airlines;Aeroflot Russian Airlines
  1. 然而,第一批交付给俄罗斯航空公司(aeroflotofrussia)的四架超级喷气机屡屡出现故障,导致多个航班被取消。

    However , the first four planes delivered to Aeroflot of Russia have suffered repeatedly from breakdowns , leading to flight cancellations .

  2. 可能会出现在没收目标清单上的资产包括俄罗斯航空公司停靠在国外机场的飞机以及停泊在外国港口的俄罗斯游轮。

    The assets likely to be on the target list : Aeroflot planes on the ground in foreign airports , and Russian cruise ships in foreign ports .

  3. 捷克警方说,俄罗斯航空公司的一架飞机在劫机未遂事件后紧急迫降布拉格。

    Czech police say a Ru ian airliner has made an emergency landing in Prague after an hijacking attempt .

  4. 上世纪70年代末制造,用来解决俄罗斯航空公司最紧张的航线上的客流问题。

    It was created in the end of70-s for solving the problem of passenger traffic on the most intense lines of Aeroflot .

  5. 在一次不寻常的职业变动中,他最终成了俄罗斯航空公司在伦敦最繁忙的希思罗机场的业务经理。

    But in an unusual career move , he ended up as operations manager for the Russian airline Aeroflot at london 's busiest airport , heathrow .

  6. 近日,俄罗斯航空公司的一架飞机在起飞后,发现一只轮子掉了,不得不返回起飞机场。

    A plane in a Russian airline 's fleet was forced to turn back to its departure airport after one of its wheels fell off after it had taken to the air .

  7. 大量合同和资金已经蒸发,增长已经放缓,包括俄罗斯国际航空公司(Aeroflot)在内的俄罗斯领先企业无法获得必要投资。

    Contracts and capital have evaporated , growth has slowed and leading Russian companies such as Aeroflot , the airline , have been unable to acquire necessary investment .

  8. 俄罗斯航空有限公司主营租赁,特殊事件和工程管理,宇航监视和防御系统设备。

    Russian aviation specialist , one-stop lease shop , special event and project management , aerial surveillance and defense systems .

  9. 她也曾有令人称羡的工作,之前任职于官方《消息报》,而后是俄罗斯国际航空公司飞行杂志。

    She had good jobs too , first on Izvestia , the government paper , then on Aeroflot 's in-flight magazine .

  10. 俄罗斯亚马尔半岛航空公司一架B734型号的飞机,从俄罗斯中部城市秋明市起飞,在飞行了115英里之后,机组人员接到通知,他们的飞机掉了一个轮子。

    Yamal Airlines flight B734 had already flown 115 miles from Tyumen , central Russia , when the crew were informed of the missing part .

  11. 据报道,这架图-204飞机隶属俄罗斯“红翼”航空公司,当时机上载有8人。

    Reports say there were eight people aboard the Tu-204 belonging to Russian airline Red Wings .