
  • 网络Air Canada;Canadian Airlines;ACa.TO
  1. 加拿大航空公司及其地区性分公司jazz每天平均运营1300个定期航班。

    Air Canada and its regional affiliate Jazz operate 1300 scheduled flights each day on average .

  2. 加拿大航空公司方面没有人立刻发表评论。

    No one from Air Canada was immediately available to comment .

  3. 加拿大航空公司的登机手续台在哪?

    Where is the Canadian airways check-in counter ?

  4. 请您领我到加拿大航空公司的柜台好吗?

    Could you lead me to the counter of Air Canada , I need to transfer to Montreal .

  5. 和其他国际航空公司一样,加拿大航空公司也需要调整自己的业务,减少在目前油价背景下已无利可图的飞行。

    Air Canada , like most global airlines , needs to adapt its business and reduce flying that has become unprofitable in the current fuel environment .

  6. 由于没能取得飞行员的支持,加拿大航空公司日前宣布,取消与波音公司预订32架宽体客机的订单。

    Air Canada canceled an order for32 widebody Boeing jets after pilots rejected a contract deal that would have freed up funds for the new airplanes .

  7. 通过与星空联盟之间在战略和商业上的合理安排,加拿大航空公司可向155个国家超过855个目的地提供服务,同时提供顶级的飞行常客计划优惠。

    Through its strategic and commercial arrangements with Star Alliance ? , Air Canada offers service to over 855 destinations in 155 countries and provides top tier frequent flyer benefits .

  8. 比如加拿大的西捷航空公司(WestJet)就采用了Badgeville公司的游戏化技术来改造公司的费用管理。

    Canadian airline WestJet uses Badgeville , for example , to shape expense management .

  9. 而最大的航班削减将高达13%,发生在加拿大和联合航空公司。

    The biggest reductions will be a13 percent cut in flights between Canada and the United States .

  10. 负责处理加拿大民用航空航海事务公司的发言人路易斯加纳表示,即使发生紧急情况,航班仍然可以通过特高频与其他飞机或军事检测电台联系。

    But airliners in an emergency could still communicate through VHF contact with another aircraft or military monitoring station , said Louis garneau , a spokesman for the company that handles canada 's civil aviation navigation service .