
qū yù
  • region;area;zone;range;limit;district;sector;reach;domain;scope;spread;beat
区域 [qū yù]
  • (1) [region;area;district]∶土地的界划。指地区

  • 区域自治

  • (2) [limit;scope;range]∶界限;范围

  • 工人运动的区域

  • 瘤体个别之区域出血坏死

区域[qū yù]
  1. 此项调查覆盖的地理区域非常广阔。

    The survey covers a wide geographical area .

  2. 警方摄像头已特别对准那一区域。

    Police cameras had been specifically trained on that area .

  3. 他们生活在社会边缘的过渡区域。

    They lived in the twilight zone on the fringes of society .

  4. 当指针进入红色区域时,发动机就过热了。

    When the needle enters the red zone the engine is too hot .

  5. 当地的地方法规规定在特定区域饮酒属于非法。

    The bylaw makes it illegal to drink in certain areas .

  6. 这些区域也应该设专门的自行车道。

    Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes .

  7. 步行区域意味着孩子们可以在那里相对安全地玩耍。

    Pedestrian zones mean that children can play in relative safety .

  8. 总共有大概1,500万人住在所选定的区域内。

    In all some 15 million people live in the selected areas

  9. 在这些区域内,交通限速是20英里/小时。

    Inside these zones , traffic speeds are restricted to 20 mph .

  10. 那片区域里的很大一部分海豚终将死去。

    A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die

  11. 两层浮油漂浮在7平方英里的区域上。

    Two oil slicks are covering a total area of seven square miles

  12. 这个地区是世界上野生动物最为密集的区域之一。

    The area has one of the world 's greatest concentrations of wildlife

  13. 在建筑密集区域,车速限制为每小时30英里。

    A speed limit of 30 mph was introduced in built-up areas .

  14. 在工作日,房间的1/3用作办公区域。

    On weekdays , one third of the room functions as workspace .

  15. 骚乱主要发生在两所大学附近的区域。

    The disturbances have centred round the two main university areas

  16. 这是个需要小心对待的区域。

    This is a region to be treated with circumspection .

  17. 我们分成两人一组,每一组负责一个区域。

    We divide into pairs and each pair takes a region

  18. 街道委员会留意所辖区域内的家家户户。

    Street committees keep a weather eye on the families in their district .

  19. 工作人员从监狱的主要区域撤出,但外围仍派人守卫。

    Staff withdrew from the main part of the prison but secured the perimeter

  20. 游客常会迷路并误入危险区域。

    Tourists often get lost and stray into dangerous areas

  21. 非本地区居民未经所在地许可,不得进入该区域。

    Non-residents were refused entry into the region without authority from their own district

  22. 照例,6月12日将会进行地方及区域选举。

    As usual there will be the local and regional elections on June the twelfth

  23. 点击并摁住鼠标左键将所选区域高亮显示。

    Highlight the chosen area by clicking and holding down the left mouse button .

  24. 它们在广阔的区域内搜寻腐肉。

    They range widely in search of carrion .

  25. 总统官邸区域在下午6点钟后禁止进入。

    The area of the President 's residence is a no-go area after six p.m

  26. 法医专家勘查了这个区域,以寻找线索。

    Forensic experts searched the area for clues .

  27. 在别处,大片区域被抽干了水或铲平了地,以作为工业或集约化农业用地。

    Elsewhere large areas have been drained and levelled for industry or intensive farming .

  28. 一个国家不同区域的森林在组成结构上存在很大的差异。

    Forests vary greatly in composition from one part of the country to another .

  29. 研究表明婴儿通过辨别光亮和黑暗的区域来学会看东西。

    Research suggests that babies learn to see by distinguishing between areas of light and dark

  30. 允许在指定区域内吸烟。

    Smoking is allowed in designated areas .