
qū fēn
  • distinguish;differentiate;separate;discriminate;make a distinction between;treat;handle;demarcation;tell apart;separate out;sift
区分 [qū fēn]
  • (1) [distinguish]∶划分;区别;辨别;分辨

  • 不到四岁的小孩很难区分昨天和一星期以前这种时间的差别

  • (2) [handle;treat]∶处理;处置

  • 本院依法区分

区分[qū fēn]
  1. 这两兄弟太相像了,很难区分他们。

    The two brothers are so much alike , it is difficult to discriminate one from the other .

  2. 你必须学会把事实和看法区分出来。

    You must learn to discriminate between facts and opinions .

  3. 有时候现实和幻想很难区分。

    Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish .

  4. 很难把他们区分开来。

    It 's difficult to tell them apart .

  5. 机器都编了号,便于我们区分。

    The machines were coded so we could tell them apart .

  6. 必须区分考古学本身和以科学为基础的考古学。

    A distinction must be made between archaeology proper and science-based archaeology .

  7. 语言是将人类与动物区分开来的基本特征。

    Language is something which fundamentally distinguishes humans from animals .

  8. 仿真武器与真武器很难区分。

    Replica weapons are indistinguishable from the real thing .

  9. 很难将这两个目标区分开来。

    It is difficult to separate the two aims .

  10. 你怎么把他们区分开来?

    How do you tell one from another ?

  11. 区分普通照片和出色照片的一个至关重要的因素就是光线。

    The single most important factor that separates ordinary photographs from good photographs is the lighting

  12. 虚构和现实越来越难以区分了。

    Fiction and reality were increasingly blurred

  13. 我仍然只能根据鞋子的颜色来区分马克和戴夫!

    I can still only tell Mark and Dave apart by the colour of their shoes !

  14. 柴鸡蛋和笼养鸡蛋在煮过4分钟之后很难区分。

    Free range and battery eggs , boiled for four minutes , were hard to tell apart .

  15. 你能区分英国人和美国人吗?

    Can you know an Englishman from an American ?

  16. 植物学家能区分各种不同的植物。

    A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants .

  17. 你能区分京剧和豫剧吗?

    Can you tell the difference between Beijing Opera and Henan opera ?

  18. 这种植物可区分为许多种类。

    This genus of plants differentiate into many species .

  19. 智力把人和动物区分开来。

    Intellect distinguishes man from animals .

  20. 可以区分出来作为植物群落学单位的植被的最小部分是“群落单元。”

    The smallest part of the plant cover that can be distinguished as a PHYTOCOENOLOGICAL unit is the " coenocell . "

  21. 他公开反对将“白人”和“黑人”视为不同群体的观点,声称这些区分忽略了人类多样性的范围。

    He spoke out against the idea of " white " and " black " as distinct groups , claiming that these distinctions ignored the scope of human diversity .

  22. 一项新的研究挑战了这种信念,质疑大脑是否真的可以通过性别来区分。

    A new study challenges that belief , questioning whether brains really can be distinguished by gender .

  23. 后来,我提出了一个更广泛的理论,来大致区分两类学习者——无助取向与驾驭取。

    Later , I developed a broader theory of what separates the two general classes of learners — helpless versus mastery-oriented .

  24. 那么地上5秒钟是否是区分可食用食物和有毒食物的关键门槛?

    So is five seconds on the floor the critical thresholdthat separates a piece of eatable food from a case of food poisoning ?

  25. 领导这项研究的达芙娜·乔尔说,她的研究发现,虽然有一些基于性别的相似之处,但许多不同类型的大脑并不能根据性别来区分。

    Daphna Joel , who led the study , said her research found that while there are some gender-based similarities , many different types of brain can 't always be distinguished by gender .

  26. 如果你觉得工作中的责任给你带来压力,你应该后退一步,区分重要和不重要的责任。

    If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work , you should take a step back and identify those of greater and less importance .

  27. 为了做出明智的选择,你应该知道如何区分三种印刷字典:袖珍字典、书桌字典和足本字典。

    To make a wise selection , you should know how to distinguish among three kinds of print dictionaries : pocket , desk , and unabridged .

  28. 事实上,他们的同学和老师有时都很难区分他们。

    In fact , it was hard for their classmates and teachers to tell them apart sometimes .

  29. 为了区分每个人,盎格鲁撒克逊人在他们的名字上加上了一个人的籍贯或工作。

    To tell each person apart , the Anglo-Saxons added either the place a person came from or the job they did to their first name .

  30. Dunch指在午餐之后、晚餐之前吃的饭,跟早餐和午餐之间的早午餐(brunch)类似。不过,dunch要跟linner区分开来。

    Dunch refers to a meal enjoyed subsequent to lunch but prior to dinner , just like " brunch " is typically the meal between breakfast and lunch .