
qū yù zhōnɡ xīn
  • regional center
  1. 区域中心城市构建表现出明显的引力模型特征。

    Development of regional center cities is characterized by a gravity model .

  2. 试论高等教育在构建区域中心的战略地位

    On the Strategic Position of Higher Education in Constructing the Regional Center

  3. 计算Mark区域中心点,Hough变换圆心累加范围限制在这个中心点附近区域。

    CIRCLE OF LIFE Knowledge Accumulating Skill By computing the center of the Mark region , the accumulating range of circle center in Hough transform is restricted near this center .

  4. 爱马仕(Hermès)在新加坡的旗舰店即将重新开业,此举押注于东南亚的增长。目前,另一个与新加坡竞争的区域中心——香港——正受困于反中国内地情绪,这种情绪侵蚀了其奢侈品购买中心的地位。

    Herm è s is relaunching its flagship Singapore store in a bet on growth in Southeast Asia at a time when its rival regional centre Hong Kong is beset by anti-mainland Chinese sentiment that has eroded its status as a luxury shopping hub .

  5. 联合国非洲经济委员会于1975年建立的资源测绘促进发展区域中心(RCMRD)近年来已经获得了成功。

    The Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development ( RCMRD ), established in1975 by the UN Economic Commission for Africa , has come into its own in recent years .

  6. 强化区域中心城市建设,增强辐射与带动作用;

    Strengthen the radiating and driving function of the central cities .

  7. 勘测制图和遥感事务区域中心

    Regional Centre for Services in Surveying , Mapping and Remote Sensing

  8. 此外,区域中心的投资项目也计算间接创造的职位。

    Regional Centers are also allowed to count indirectly created jobs .

  9. 新余:如何构建现代区域中心城市

    How to build the modern central city of the district & Xinyu

  10. 研究的主要内容1.区域中心城市的功能及效应分析。

    Analysis of functions and effects of regional central cities .

  11. 国内区域中心城市财政问题研究

    The Research on the Financial Problems of the Domestic Regional Inner City

  12. 区域中心城市交通网络的构建

    On building regional central city of trans - port network

  13. 近东农业改革和农村发展区域中心

    Regional Centre for Agricultural Reform and Rural Development in the Near East

  14. 阿拉伯技术转让和发展区域中心

    Arab Regional Centre for the Transfer and Development of Technology

  15. 区域中心城市物流信息平台规划研究

    Research on Logistics Information Platform Planning of Regional Central City

  16. 区域中心城市技术扩散能力比较研究&以上海、北京为例

    A study on technology diffusing ability of heart city

  17. 妇女、家庭与发展研究训练阿拉伯区域中心

    Regional Arab Centre for Research and Training on Women , Family and Development

  18. 外层空间科学和技术教育区域中心

    Regional Centre for Outer Space Science and Technology Education

  19. 粮食营养训练和应用研究区域中心

    Regional Food and Nutrition Training and Applied Research Centre

  20. 西太平洋促进环境规划和应用研究区域中心

    Western Pacific Regional Centre for the Promotion of Environmental Planning and Applied Studies

  21. 区域中心城市工业主导产业选择以及辨识模型研究

    The Selection and Distinguish Model of Leading Industry in the Regional Central City

  22. 打击有组织犯罪和贪污区域中心

    Regional Centre for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption

  23. 成都区域中心动力气候模式产品降尺度应用业务系统

    Downscaling Interpretation and Application System of Dynamical Climate Model Products in Chengdu Meteorological Center

  24. 海洋污染应急信息和训练区域中心

    Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Information and Training Centre

  25. 区域中心供氧在兴起;

    Emerging central oxygen supply in region ;

  26. 开罗国际商业仲裁区域中心

    Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration

  27. 南美洲地震学区域中心

    Regional Centre for Seismology for South America

  28. 国家和区域中心点网

    Network of national and regional focal points

  29. 紧急应变和反应区域中心

    Regional Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response

  30. 我来这儿是拿一个包裹,是从海洋研究区域中心寄来的。

    I am supposed to pick up a packet from the regional center for marine research .