
qū nèi mào yì
  • intra-trade
  1. 第四部分则进一步探索区内贸易在CAFTA经济收敛中的作用机制。

    This part further explores the mechanism of intra-regional trade in economic convergence of CAFTA through two steps .

  2. 本文从实证分析的角度出发,运用区内贸易比重、巴拉萨模型、区内贸易流量、格鲁伯-劳艾德指标等工具,对祖国内地与香港CEPA的经济效应进行系统研究。

    Applying some analytical means such as intra-regional trade proportion , the Balassa model , intra-regional trade flow and the GL indicator , this paper makes a systematic study on the economic effect of Mainland and Hong Kong CEPA from empirical analysis angle .

  3. 企业常选择市场规模较大的区域或区内贸易自由度较高区域作为生产区位,这可提高产业的集中度。

    Firms would choose production locations with good market or free trade and thus lead to industrial concentration .

  4. 相反,他表示,亚洲很多区内贸易仍“散发出浓重的供应链味道”,即向其它地区提供出口。

    Instead , he says a lot of intra-Asian trade still " smells a lot of just supply-chain dynamics " feeding exports to other regions .

  5. 尽管区内贸易融合及互相倚赖程度逐渐提高,金融及货币方面的融合却显然没有相应的发展。

    This high and increasing degree of trade integration and regional interdependence has clearly not been matched by a corresponding degree of financial and monetary integration .

  6. 其中区内贸易和区间贸易比较发达,海外贸易虽有政府干涉但亦有所发展。

    In this three kind of trade forms , the intra-region trade and regional trade were more developed . Although government interfered the overseas trade , it developed further .

  7. 此外,我们对中国与东盟的贸易结构进行了测算,揭示出中国与东盟区内贸易存在较高的互补性、而在区域外的出口结构却呈现出越来越显著的趋同态势。

    In addition , the trade structure between China and ASEAN countries , according to our calculations , reveals increasing complementarity in FTA and competitive tendency of export structure outside AFT.

  8. 由于在联盟内部实行区内贸易和资本流动,因此即便大央行的货币政策出错,对于它所服务的成员国来说,造成的影响也较小。

    Owing to the implementation of intra-regional trade and capital flows inside the union , even a wrong monetary policy of the central bank will have little influence on its leaguers .

  9. 另外,中国将通过提供促贸援助,帮助非洲国家改善海关、商检设施条件,为非洲国家提高贸易便利化水平提供支持,推动非洲区内贸易的发展。

    In addition , China will help African countries improve their customs and commodity inspection facilities by mobilizing aid for trade , provide support for African countries to promote trade facilitation , and push forward trade development within Africa .

  10. 本文从中国、东盟在区内贸易、对区外出口、区内直接投资、吸引外国直接投资四个方面分析中国、东盟自由贸易区面临的问题。

    This article analyze the problem in the process of the development of China-ASEAN free trade area in terms of the inner trade , the export to outside , the inner investment and attracting foreign direct investment and provide corresponding policy and advices .

  11. 在东北亚地区,经济区域化趋势首先通过市场机制发展的,主要表现为公司企业根据市场的选择发展贸易和投资,从而使这个地区的经济联系增加,区内贸易投资比例升高。

    According to the main characteristics of the trend of economic regionalization initiated by market mechanism in Northeast Asia , the companies alternatively developed trade and investment in accordance with the market , resulting in the strengthened economic relations and high proportion of investment within the area .

  12. 海关对企业分类管理不涉及保税区内加工贸易企业。

    Enterprises of processing trade in bonded areas will not be involved in classified management by the Customs .

  13. 到21世纪中叶,亚洲区内的贸易规模将远远超过世界任何其它地区。

    By the middle of the 21st century , intra-Asian trade will far surpass that of any other region .

  14. 因此,以贸易来说,澳洲已确立其区内重要贸易夥伴和贸易体系的地位。

    So in terms of trade , Australia is firmly anchored as an important partner - and an important player - in the region .

  15. 今天,亚洲区内的贸易活动,亦发展得很迅速。在古代,希腊人就在地中海地区从事贸易活动。

    Trade flows within the Asian Region have been growing fast as well . In ancient times , the Greeks traded along routes in the Mediterranean .

  16. 最后针对中国-东盟自由贸易区产业内贸易的特点与影响因素,本文系统地提出了促进双边产业内贸易发展的政策建议。

    Finally , the systematic policy recommendations to promote the development of inta-industry of CAFTA are put forward according to the characteristics and influencing factors of intra-industry trade between China and ASEAN .

  17. 从1977年的《东盟特惠贸易安排协定》开始,东盟各国围绕商品关税减让等主要方法,对增加东盟区内的贸易往来作出了持久的努力。

    Guided by the Agreement on ASEAN Preferential Trading . Arrangements in 1977 , ASEAN countries made consistent efforts to promote the intra - regional trade , mainly by cutting the tariff of selected goods .

  18. 文章提出了两岸四地区域经济法律文本的框架构想,为区内货物贸易、服务贸易、投资、争端解决机制、原产地规则等方面的法律规制,提供了可选择的法律模式。

    Then , the thesis advances the conception on the legal regulation and the constructive propositions of legal regulation that concerns many fields such as regional goods trade , service trade , investment , the dispute settlement and so on .

  19. FTA的贸易创造效应已成为全球贸易新的增长点,能够促进区内经济和贸易增长。

    FTA creates new global trade growing sources , boosts regional economy and trade increase .

  20. 首先是在国际分工深化的背景下中国&东盟自由贸易区内探寻服务贸易开展方式的经济学理论分析。

    First of all , the trade in services of China - ASEAN Free Trade Area bases on the theory of Economic Analysis .

  21. 东盟自由贸易区:区域内贸易的发展和利益分配中国与东盟自由贸易区产业竞争比较研究

    AFTA : The Development of the Intra-regional Trade and the Distribution of the Benefit A Comparative Study on Industrial Competition between China and AFTA

  22. 蒂尔福德说,要么欧盟领导人应当解决欧元区内的巨大贸易失衡问题。例如,像德国那样的国家有很强的出口能力,而希腊之类的国家的出口能力较弱。

    Or , Tilford says EU leaders should address the huge trade imbalances within the eurozone marked by strong exporters like Germany and weak ones like Greece .

  23. 第四章,阐述我国在CAFTA的建立过程中,应该如何充分发挥比较优势,协调与区内其它国家的贸易关系,不断进行贸易结构调整和产业结构升级。

    Chapter 4 , Expatiate how we use our competitive advantages to harmonize the trade relationship among CAFTA , and adjust our trade structure , upgrade the industry structure continuously .

  24. 这些货物现在在保税仓库中。五.中转贸易:在保税区内可以开展中转贸易。

    These kinds of goods are now in bond . Transship trade : transship trade cargo can only be stored in the bonded warehouse .

  25. 第二部分是文章的重点,首先分析了东北区对外贸易的发展现状,并在此基础上通过对东北区产业内贸易指数的计算,说明了东北区产业内贸易的实际发展水平及其特点。

    The second part analyses the current situation of foreign trade of the Northeast district , and shows the actual development level and the characteristics of intra-industry trade of the Northeast district by intra-industry trade index .

  26. 就欧元区整体而言,这样的贬值幅度不会产生多大的直接影响,因为欧元区国家的贸易大多是区内贸易。

    For the eurozone as a whole , such a depreciation would not have a large direct impact , since most trade is within the area .