
  • 网络cultural geography
  1. GIS在历史及文化地理学研究中的应用&国外研究进展综述


  2. 3S技术在历史、文化地理学研究中的应用分析由平谷早期文化遗存分布论其历史地理特征

    Application and Analysis of " 3S " in Research on Historical Geography and Cultural Geography A Study of the Historical and Geological Features of Ping Gu Based on the Distribution of Its Early Cultural Relics

  3. 近20年来中国文化地理学研究综述

    The Summarization of Cultural Geography in China in Recent Twenty Years

  4. 现代文化地理学对旅游研究的隐喻作用

    On the Theory Relationship between Modern Cultural Geography and Tourism Study

  5. 所以新文化地理学重视空间,认为文化是通过空间组成的。

    So that New Cultural Geography implies culture is composed by places .

  6. 论我国文化地理学研究的前沿走向

    The current trends of study on cultural landscape in China

  7. 当代西方新文化地理学知识谱系引论

    Introduction on knowledge genealogy of new ' cultural geography '

  8. 文化地理学与新疆社会经济发展之透视

    Perspective of Cultural Geography and Development of Social - economics in Xinjiang

  9. 从新文化地理学重构人文地理学的研究框架

    Re-constructing the research frame of Human Geography from perspectives of New Cultural Geography

  10. 论文化地理学的基本理论与主要内容

    The basic theory and main content of cultural geography

  11. 近年我国文化地理学研究的新进展

    New progress in Ch in a 's cultural geography

  12. 基于文化地理学对历史文化名城保护的理论思考

    Research on Protective Theory of Historical and Cultural Cities Based on Cultural Geography

  13. 华夏建筑文化地理学研究

    A Study of Geography of Chinese Architectural Culture

  14. 论文化地理学研究的主题

    On the Themes of Cultural Geographical Research

  15. 文化地理学视野中的中国音乐家研究

    A Geographical Study of Chinese Musicians

  16. 对学生不加引导、激发地灌输知识。当代西方新文化地理学知识谱系引论

    Teach without challenging the students . INTRODUCTION ON KNOWLEDGE GENEALOGY OF NEW ' CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY '

  17. 本文又对文化地理学的主要内容进行了阐述,意在丰富、充实文化地理学的研究。

    At the same time , the paper also sets forth the main content of cultural geography .

  18. 第四,新文化地理学的景观研究具有很强的文化政治倾向。

    New Cultural Geography has a strong trend of cultural politics while it looks at human landscapes .

  19. 文化地理学

    New Culture Cultural Geography

  20. 文化地理学和文化史学是区域文化研究的基本理论与方法,同时还应采用考古学的文化类型学、地下实物与文献的双重印证以及先秦文化源的考察方法。

    Culture geography and Culture history are the basic theory and method in the study of regional culture .

  21. 因此,本文将从文化地理学的角度出发,对翻译进行跨学科性的研究。

    Therefore , this thesis is to make an interdisciplinary research of translation from the angle of cultural geography .

  22. 近年来,批评界涌现了许多关于空间、地点和文化地理学的跨学科研究。

    Recently , interdisciplinary researches have been carried out in the field of space , place , and cultural geography .

  23. 景观政治学是新文化地理学的关键建设领域,甚至有人把它当作景观解释的中心。

    The politics of landscape is a key construction area of new cultural geography , which is even considered the core of landscape interpretation .

  24. 社会风俗一直是新文化地理学、民俗学、人类学研究的传统领域,同时也是研究的焦点问题。

    Social custom is a traditional field of new cultural geography , Ethnology and anthropology Meanwhile . it is also the focus of the research .

  25. 勒布朗克补充。她的丈夫罗伯特.勒布朗克在新罕布夏大学教授文化地理学35年。

    " Wars do not bring peace ," added LeBlanc , whose husband Robert LeBlanc taught cultural geography at the University of New Hampshire for35 years .

  26. 从文化地理学角度看,则因其正处于古与今、中与西的时空交结点上。

    From the analysis of culture and geography , they are just in the combination with ancientry and modern times , with China and the west .

  27. 同时,在区系划分的基础上,引进生物学的基因图谱概念,建立反映各个聚落景观区系演化过程和相互关联性的景观基因图谱,以此推进文化地理学关于区域景观基因图谱的探索性研究。

    A landscape gene atlas , which reflects the development and interactions of settlement landscape zones , will be produced to push the research in culture geography .

  28. 这些研究既是对文化地理学和景观生态学研究的充实,也是对中国传统建筑景观研究的深入探索。

    These studies not only research enrichment on Cultural Geography and Landscape Ecology , but also to the study in-depth exploration of the Chinese traditional architectural landscape .

  29. 地上不可移动文物属于文化地理学研究的文化景观,同时也是城市重要的文化资源和旅游资源。

    Unmovable Surface cultural relics belong to cultural landscapes in the research of Cultural Geography Science . They are also important cultural and tourism resources in a city .

  30. 第三章挖掘了《达罗卫夫人》的社会空间,运用了文化地理学、空间权利的相关理论来阐释人与人之间的关系同样也是空间建构的一种方式。

    The author of this paper uses the cultural geography and space power theories to prove that the relationship between human beings is also a construction of space .