
  • 网络human history;The history of mankind
  1. 那应该是人类历史上首次经济需要高于军事扩张。

    It would be the first time in human history that economic necessity has prevailed over military aggrandizement .

  2. 这标志着人类历史新纪元的开始。

    It marks the beginning of a new era in human history .

  3. 在人类历史发展过程中不断产生新的艺术。

    New arts have been born in the course of the history of men .

  4. 在人类历史的部分时期中,数学与物理学几乎始终是不可分地联系在一起的。

    Throughout most of human history , mathematics and physics have been inseparably joined .

  5. 这是因为,人类历史上首次出现了这种现象,相当大一部分人在持续地接触能够记录个人行为和环境的关键特征的技术。

    That 's because , for the first time in human history , a large proportion of the species is in continuous contact with technology that can record key features of an individual 's behavior and environment .

  6. 但做白日梦的人也为人类历史上一些伟大的思想和成就做出了贡献。

    But daydreamers are also responsible for some of the greatest ideas and achievements in human history .

  7. 事实上,它们在人类历史上已经算很古老了。

    In fact , they are very old in human history .

  8. 在人类历史的大部分时间里,这种能力使盐变得有价值。

    For much of humans history , this ability has made salt valuable .

  9. 黑死病是人类历史上众多瘟疫中危害很大的瘟疫之一,它是中世纪历史上的一次惨重的生态灾难

    The Black Death is one the most serious pestilences in history .

  10. 国际调停(internationalmediation)是一种在调停者推动之下和平解决国际社会冲突与争端的方式,人类历史上的许多冲突与争端都是通过调停解决的。

    International mediation , pushed forward by mediators , is a method of peacefully resolving conflicts and disputes in international society . Many conflicts and disputes in human history are resolved by mediation .

  11. 世界贸易组织(WTO)的成立和国际互联网(Internet)的出现,是人类历史上的两件大事,它们分别从制度上和技术上把全球市场连为一体。

    The foundation of World Trade Organization ( WTO ) and the appearance of Internet are two significant events in human history , which connect the markets all over the world as a whole by means of both institution and technology .

  12. 预计到2050年每5人中就有1人是60y以上的老人,老年人口将在人类历史上第一次超过14y以下年龄段人口。

    It was estimated that by 2050 there was one aged over 60 years old in five people , and it was the first time in human history that the population of the elderly would be more than that of people aged below 14 .

  13. 我们希望你喜爱我们的人类历史回顾。

    We hope you have enjoyed our human history in review .

  14. 十多年时间,在人类历史长河中,仅仅是弹指一挥间。

    Ten years is only a moment in human 's history .

  15. 设计的不断完善,推动了人类历史的发展。

    The design unceasing improvement impelled the human history development .

  16. 生命价值问题是整个人类历史的本根性问题。

    The value of life is the root of all human history .

  17. 艺术在人类历史上主要承担着情感建构的重要任务。

    Artis mainly responsible for human emotion construction in history .

  18. 锡是人类历史上应用最早的金属之一。

    Tin is one of the first application metals in human history .

  19. 合情性的社会是人类历史进步的产物。

    Justifiability in society is the result of historical progress .

  20. 濒临失落的人类历史文化遗产

    A Historical Cultural Heritage of Human Which is Close to Be Lost

  21. 总而言之,现代科学确实有助于推动人类历史的进步。

    All in all , modern science does help push human history forward .

  22. 同时亦为人类历史写下新的一页。

    And it marked the beginning of a new chapter in human history .

  23. 历史交往作为一个历史哲学概念,指的是贯穿于人类历史各领域、全过程,并产生了各种各样后果的人类社会性行为。

    Historical interaction is a concept of historical philosophy .

  24. 美国对人类历史的贡献是客观存在的。

    It is an objective fact of American contribution to the human being .

  25. 社会主义国家的诞生是人类历史发展的一大进步。

    The emerging of socialist countries is a great progress of human history .

  26. 一部人类历史也就是追求社会公正的历史。

    The history of mankind is actually a history of pursuing social justice .

  27. 人类历史上经常可以看到瘟疫的踪影,瘟疫也给人类带来了巨大的灾难。

    There was plague everywhere in the history and it brought grave disaster .

  28. 城邦政治是人类历史上独一无二的政治现象。

    City-state politics is a unique phenomenon in the history of human beings .

  29. 这是划时代的军事变革,规模之大、内涵之广、影响之深,是人类历史上前所未有的。

    It 's influence is deep and unprecedented in the history of mankind .

  30. 飞机的发明是人类历史的一个重大转折点。

    The invention of the airplane was a milestone in mankind 's history .