
rén wén zhǔ yì
  • humanism
人文主义 [rén wén zhǔ yì]
  • [humanism] 欧洲文艺复兴时期的主要思潮,反对维护封建统治的宗教神学体系,提倡学术研究、思想自由和个性解放,肯定人是世界的中心。主要代表人物有 彼得拉克、 薄伽丘、 伊拉斯谟、 蒙田等

人文主义[rén wén zhǔ yì]
  1. 位于哥本哈根大学人文主义系里的绿色灯塔(GreenLighthouse)也是SolveigNielsen和她的COPENHAGEN-X引以为傲的一个项目。

    Located in the Department of University of Copenhagen humanism green Lighthouse ( Green Lighthouse ) and Solveig Nielsen her COPENHAGEN-X proud of a project .

  2. 德国政治教育有深厚的传统和底蕴,其政治教育的概念与内涵与德语政治(Politik)的语源及德国古典人文主义Bildung教育观有深刻的渊源。

    Political education ( Politische Bildung ) of Germany has profound tradition and details , its concept and connotation have close relationship with the derivation of german " Politik " and the " Bildung " conception of classical humanism .

  3. 人文主义地理学的一个主要目标是协调社会科学与人之间的关系,容纳知性(understanding)与智慧(wisdom),客观(objectivity)与主观(subjectivity)以及唯物主义和唯心主义。

    It is the first collection work on this field . One of the main aims of humanistic geography is corresponding the following relations : social sciences and human , understanding and wisdom , objectivity and subjectivity , materialism and mentalism .

  4. 人文主义对西方教育的影响及其启示

    The Influence of Humanism on the Western Education and Its Inspiration

  5. 芒福德是一位世界著名的技术哲学家,是人文主义技术哲学的重要代表人物之一。

    Lewis Mumford is a world 's famous philosopher of technology .

  6. 实证主义、人文主义、结构主义是现代西方地理学中的三大哲学流派。

    Three philosophies-positivism , humanism and structuralism - dominate western geography .

  7. 人文主义技术之思的实质及特征

    The essence and characteristic of the philosophy of the humanist technology

  8. 它们共同的理论基础是现代人文主义思想的兴起。

    The common ground of these three factors is modern humanism .

  9. 中国传统文化的基本特质是人文主义。

    The basic essence of the traditional Chinese culture is humanism .

  10. 人文主义是文艺复兴时期的显著特征之一。

    Humanism is one of the distinguishing features in Renaissance period .

  11. 莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》的人文主义特征内在悲剧与外在悲剧的完美融合&比较《哈姆雷特》与《原野》中莎士比亚与曹禺的人性探求

    Humanism Features in Hamlet Perfect Integration of Internal and External Tragedies

  12. 阿什比技术人文主义教育思想述评

    Review of the Educational Thought of Ashby 's Technological Humanism

  13. 中国传统人文主义的多元流界定及现代意义

    Definition and Contemporary Meaning of the Pluralistic Stream of Chinese Traditional Humanism

  14. 图书馆需要理解,它是人文主义的事业;

    The library needs be understudied what is the business of humanism ;

  15. 文艺复兴时期的教育思潮是人文主义教育思想。

    The education thoughts of the Renaissance bear the features of humanism .

  16. 人文主义与英国文学&论莎士比亚作品中的人文主义

    Humanism and English Literature & Humanism in ShakesPeare 's Works

  17. 人文主义地理学&当代西方人文地理学的一个重要流派

    Humanistic Geography & An Important School of the West Contemporary Human Geography

  18. 统儒家天人观的人文主义特征

    Humanistic Characteristic of Traditional Confucian Outlook on Heaven and Man

  19. 中学语文教育应注入人文主义教育

    Chinese Language Education of Middle School Should Include Humanism Education

  20. 集体人文主义藤上绽开的新花(萨维)

    The newest flower on the vine of corporate humanism ( Savvy )

  21. 先秦儒家伦理性财富观的人文主义启示

    Humanistic Revelation from the View of Wealth of Pre-Qin Confucianism

  22. 他对于激发英国的人文主义起了不小影响。

    He had a considerable influence in stimulating English humanism .

  23. 试论人文主义与科学主义在西方高等教育中的冲突与整合

    The Conflict and Integration of Humanism and Scientism in Occidental Higher Education

  24. 莎士比亚全部作品的基本思想是人文主义或称人道主义。

    All works of Shakespeare 's basic idea is humanist or humanitarian .

  25. 这种情形受到了人文主义、浪漫主义的激烈批评。

    This phenomenon was severely criticized by humanism and romanticism .

  26. 我们高举的价值立场是不具有强权性的女性人文主义价值立场。

    The writer 's standpoint of value is female humanism .

  27. 高校英语教学人文主义理念的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Humanistic Ideas in College English Teaching

  28. 论维柯《新科学》的人文主义思想

    The Thought of Humanism in Vico ′ s New Science

  29. 他刚获得了人文主义文学名誉博士学位。

    He received an honorary doctorate degree in Humane Letters .

  30. 莎士比亚几乎在他所有的戏剧创作之中都高举人文主义的伟大旗帜。

    Shakespeare holds the great banner of humanism in all his creations .