
rén kǒu xué
  • demography;larithmics
人口学[rén kǒu xué]
  1. 广州市男性与女性戒毒人群人口学和HIV相关危险行为特征的比较

    Comparative Analysis on the Demography and HIV-related High Risk Behavior between Male and Female Drug Users in Guangzhou

  2. 基于GIS的人口压力空间分布模式研究&空间数据挖掘在人口学领域应用的实例

    Study on Spatial Distribution Pattern of Population Pressure in China Based on GIS : Example of Application of Spatial Data Mining in Demography

  3. 中国Internet用户人口学特征研究

    On the Demographic Features of the Internet Users in China

  4. 通过多元Logistic回归分析影响支持网类型的人口学变量。

    By multiple logistic regression analysis to assure the population variables of social support network type .

  5. 通过次序Logistic回归分析影响收入等级的人口学变量。

    Through the order-logistic regression analysis , to assure the population variables of the level of income .

  6. 目的··:了解住院海洛因依赖者HIV抗体阳性率及HIV抗体阳性者的人口学特征。

    Objective : To investigate the positive rate of HIV antibody among hospitalized heroin addicts and the demographic characteristics .

  7. 结论FSW人口学特征的改变使得AIDS干预的难度增加。

    Conclusion The change in demographic characteristics of FSW resulted in more difficulty for AIDS prevention .

  8. 目的了解城市潜在紧急避孕方法(EC)使用者的基本人口学特征。

    Objectives To find out the demographic characteristics of Chinese urban potential users of Emergency Contraception ( EC ) .

  9. 根据《社会人口学信息采集表》,半定式访谈HIV感染者/AIDS病人,调查其疾病情况、治疗情况。

    Using the " Demographic Data Forum ", we interviewed every individuals with HIV / AIDS , explored their disease , treatment , and its impact .

  10. 结果1.两组患者基线资料对比显示:两组患者在社会人口学特征、吸入疗法态度、哮喘控制水平方面的差异均无统计学意义(P0.05),两组患者具有可比性。

    There were no significant differences between the two groups in baseline demographic characteristics , attitude towards the inhalation therapy and level of the asthma control ( P0.05 ) .

  11. 采用标准问卷收集研究对象的人口学、医疗注射情况、性行为、艾滋病(AIDS)相关的知识、态度及HIV自愿咨询检测史等信息。

    Structured questionnaire was administered to collect information on socio-demography , medical and injection history , sex behaviors , HIV / AIDS related knowledge , attitudes , history of voluntary counseling and testing , etc.

  12. 方法2003年12月~2004年5月采用横断面研究方法调查HIV感染者的社会人口学特征,婚内、婚外性行为和安全套使用情况。

    Methods From December 2003 to May 2004 , a cross-sectional study was performed to interview the socio-demographic characteristics , sexual behaviors and condom use with spouses and non-steady sex partners among HIV positive adults .

  13. 方法应用SPSS统计软件包对住院病人的基本分布、费用构成、人口学和临床学指标进行分析。

    Methods All data of the structures of hospitalizing expenses , effects of treatment , days of hospitalization and expenses of different mental disorders were carefully analyzed with SPSS software .

  14. 目的:对中国湖南省和加拿大BC省两地无责任能力精神障碍患者人口学等资料进行比较,探讨不同的法律体系中无责任能力的精神障碍患者的基本特点。

    Objective : To explore and compare the demographic differences between persons with mental disorder who have been found not criminally responsible in BC , Canada and Hunan , China .

  15. 所以,在网络技术逐步完善,网络化大潮迅速席卷全世界的今天,从人口学等角度研究Internet用户无疑具有重大的理论和现实意义。

    Therefore , at present , when the network technology is being gradually perfected and the trend of networking is sweeping across the whole world , it is , no doubt , of great significance both in theory and in reality to study the Internet users demographically .

  16. 方法采用家庭负担会谈量表(FIS)和自制量表,调查了48例抑郁症和43例躁狂症家庭照料者负担,并分析照料者与被照料者的一般人口学特征与照料负担的关系。

    Methods : 48 depression and 43 mania patients ' family caregivers were evaluated with family interview schedule ( FIS ) for the their burden .

  17. 该研究与一个相关的国际健康与人口监测网络(人群及其健康的人口学评价(INDEPTH))建立联系。

    The study links a related international network of health and demographic surveillance : the Demographic evaluation of populations and their health ( INDEPTH ) .

  18. 采用标准化问卷收集研究对象的人口学、医疗史、危险行为等信息,采集7ml静脉血用于检测HCV感染。

    Structured questionnaire was administered to collect socio-demographic , medical and risk behavioral information . 7 ml-volume venous blood was collected for HCV antibody testing .

  19. 山西省某市外来流动人口的社会人口学特征与安全套使用应用Logistic回归模型探讨了影响四大城市住房市场化的主要社会人口学因素。

    Sociodemographic characteristics and condom use among migrants in an area of central China A Logistic Model is constructed to understand the determinants of housing marketization in the four megalopolises . The results indicate that birth cohort and occupation of the householder are the most significant factors .

  20. 通过构建新疆ASL区划指标体系和综合运用人口学分析的多种指数,对天山北坡经济带城乡人口关联性进行了评价,是对城乡人口关联发展进行量化研究的初步尝试。

    The urban-rural population interactional development was estimated based on the Xinjiang ASL zoning index system and various demology indexes , which were the tentative quantitative investigation of urban-rural population interactional development .

  21. 采用开放式问卷,对我国U-17男子足球运动员的运动倦怠及其与人口学变量的关系进行研究。

    By using the method of investigation , the research analyzed the burnout of male U-17 soccer athletes in China and the relationship between burnout and demography variable .

  22. 施救意愿与研究对象参与CPR学习培训、过去实施CPR经历、工作科室有关;社会人口学资料中,有无心脏性猝死家属也是影响施救意愿的因素之一。

    The willingness to rescuer were related to the experience to trained and performed CPR , working department ; In socio ‐ demographic data , whether the families has risk of sudden cardiac death is one of the factors affecting the rescue willingness .

  23. 采用问卷调查的方法对299名北京市城区养老机构入住老人生活质量进行横断面研究,问卷内容包括一般人口学资料、日常生活活动能力测定量表(ADL)和健康状况调查问卷(SF-36)。

    Questionnaire research were used to measure quality of life in 299 older people who live in various organizations providing for the aged in Beijing city , including general population information , form of activity of daily life ( ADL ) and questionnaire for healthy condition ( SF-36 ) .

  24. 小城镇现代商品流通模式初探现代人口学

    Basic Study on Mode of Modern Commodity Circulation in Small Towns

  25. 生育行动的一般理论&理解人口学初探

    General Theory on Birth Behavior : A Look into understanding Demography

  26. 人口学资料在大学新生心理建档中的运用

    Application of Demographic Data in Setting up Psychological Archives of Freshmen

  27. 山东女性人才发展的人口学研究

    A Demographic Study of the Development of Women Talents in Shandong

  28. 人口学视野下的婚姻家庭研究:内容与方法

    Study on Marriage and Family in Demography : Contents and Methodology

  29. 人口学变量与医院员工满意度的关系探讨

    Study on relationship between hospital employee satisfaction and the demographic factors

  30. 1999:中国人口学研究回顾与评述

    1999 : A Summary and Review of Population Studies in China