
  • 网络social geography
  1. 不同交往水平的中小学生交往归因特点的研究该文在概念界定基础上,总结1990s以来西方城市社会地理学的研究趋势,归纳西方社会公平、疾病与健康地理、城市管制等研究重点。

    The Characteristics of Studies of Students ' Communicative Attribution in Different Abilities Last , the characteristics of studies on Western urban social geography are come up with .

  2. 社会地理学视域下的城市休闲体育空间重构

    Stratification and Reconstruction of Urban Leisure Sports Space from the View of Social Geography

  3. 中国社会地理学发展综述

    The development of social geography in China

  4. 最后就城市社会地理学在中国的研究意义进行了探讨。

    Finally , the paper discusses the study meaning of urban social geography for China .

  5. 历史社会地理学的若干理论问题

    Several Theoretical Issues in Histo-social Geography

  6. 苏联的社会地理学

    Social Geography in the Soviet Union

  7. 历史社会地理学来源于历史学、地理学和社会学,是一门综合历史地理学与社会地理学的整合学科。

    Derived from history , geography and sociology , histo-social geography is a synthesis of histo-geography and socio-geography .

  8. 在吸收西方社会地理学成果的基础上,结合中国实际,认为要重点研究社会集团的空间活动,也有人认为要研究社会集团、社会文化、社会生态、社会问题。

    Meanwhile , others think that social community , social culture , social ecology and social problems should also be done .

  9. 社会地理学是人文地理学重要的分支,在我国刚刚兴起。

    He social geography , in our country , which is on the upgrading , is a new and important branch of human geography .

  10. 这种对城市与乡村关系的集体关注,使他们的作品具有了社会地理学的文化意蕴。

    This kind of collective concern to the relationship between the city and the village endowed their works cultural implication of the social geography .

  11. 在解释过程中运用社会地理学、城市地理学、经济学、社会学等多学科综合的方法。

    In explaining the process of applying acts uses the methods of social geography , urban geography , economics , sociology and other multi-disciplinary , integrated approach .

  12. 对以上命题的探索涉及到当代社会地理学、城市地理学以及在此基础上产生的城市社会地理学前沿性研究。

    All these involve some preceding studies on social geography and urban geography , as well as urban social geography , which was created on the basis of social geography and urban geography in the present age .

  13. 第二,探索性地总结了新社会地理学主体研究内容、结构及其目标。

    Secondly , the author tries to generalize the research content , structure and aim of " new " social geography , that is too say , the comprehensive theories and recent development of " social space structure " .

  14. 至于虚拟空间地理学所涉及的信息社会地理学问题,则着重讨论了虚拟空间对社会空间和物质关系发生的作用与影响,以及有关虚拟城市的建构等内容。

    As for the informational society geography involved by virtual space geography , it emphatically discusses contents of the action and effect of the virtual space to the social space and the material relation , the construction of virtual city , and so on .

  15. 历史社会地理学是历史地理学的一门重要分支学科,它的研究对象是历史时期的社会,包括各种社会集团的区域分布、形成过程、空间结构、行为特征、心理差别、社会问题及其时空演变系统。

    A leading branch of histo-geography , histo-social geography studies society in history , including the regional distribution , process of shaping , spatial structure , characteristics of behavior , differences in psychology , social problems and evolving system in time and space of social groups .

  16. 城市社会地理学目标性命题就是对城市生活空间的研究,当前西方国家对其探讨已转向社会空间评价方面,城市康体保护空间是构成城市社会生活空间质量的基本方面之一。

    The study of urban life space is the objective preposition of urban social geography , the discussion of which was shifted to the exploration of social spatial evaluation in western countries . Urban health protection space constitutes one of the qualities of basic urban social life space .

  17. 历史社会地理学的研究内容应为历史时期的社区研究、不同区域人群兴衰的地理背景、不同区域人群的空间结构及其时空演变规律、不同区域人群的社会行为和历史时期社会问题的空间研究。

    Its study should sprawl into historical communities , historical background for the rise and fall of peoples in different regions , spatial structures and laws of temporal and spatial evolution , social behavior of peoples in different regions and spatial study of social problems in historical phases .

  18. 1990年代以来俄罗斯社会经济地理学的发展

    Analysis on Russian Socio-economic Geography Development Since 1990s

  19. 网站信息流对不同类型空间人流的导引作用研究是揭示“信息社会的地理学”特征的重要切入点之一。

    The guiding effect of website information flow to various human flows is an important cutting-point to reveal the geographical features in the information society .

  20. 城市社会的时间地理学研究

    Time - Geographical Approach to the Study of Urban Society

  21. 中国西部地区全面建设小康社会研究的地理学范式

    The geographical paradigm of " constructing the well-off society in all-round way " in Western China

  22. 信息社会下城市地理学的发展&城市地理信息系统的形成与发展

    The Development of Urban Geography in Information Society-The Forming and Development of Urban Geography Information System

  23. 经济学、管理学、社会学、地理学等领域学者从不同理论视角,对集群创新网络进行了研究。

    At the same time , theories from economics , management sciences , sociology , and geography provide different aspects to the study of cluster innovation network .

  24. 从经济学、社会学、地理学、建筑学、人类学五个学科领域关注集市聚居的研究。

    The paper focuses on the study of bazaar settlement from the five subject fields of Economics , sociology , geography , architecture , and anthropology , etc.

  25. 本研究采用多学科交叉的综合研究方法,分别用了生态学、环境学、社会学、地理学、经济学、统计学等相关学科的基础理论,对所获取的丰富资料与信息进行归纳。

    It uses basic theory of ecology , environmental sciences sociology , geography , economics , statistics and other relating disciplines . It sums up the obtained rich data and information .

  26. 1980年代以来,我国的小城镇一直是多门学科竞相参与的研究领域,尤其以社会学、地理学、城市规划学和经济学等学科的研究为最。以往的研究多集中在:小城镇发展研究;

    The small cities and towns development has been becoming the pop issue of many research areas since the 1980s , especially from sociology , geography , urban planning , and economics subjects .

  27. 企业集群问题现在已经成为一个热点问题,国内外众多学科的学者都对企业集群现象产生了浓厚的兴趣,包括经济学、管理学、社会学、地理学等。

    It is a hot spot to the issue of Enterprises Cluster , and many scholars from different subjects , such as Economics , Management , Sociology and Geography , have keen interesting in this field .

  28. 人地和谐观倡导的是人类与自然之间相互适应、协调共处、共同发展的观念,它融合了多学科的理念,涉及经济学、社会学、地理学等广泛领域,它是可持续发展的基本思想。

    The theory of man-land harmony proposes that man kinds should adjust themselves to adapt the nature and develop or expand by each other . It is the core idea of sustainable development , which combines many academic areas , such as economics , sociology and geography .

  29. 社会科学科目包括地理学、经济学、政治学、心理学和社会学。

    Social science disciplines include geography , economics , political science , psychology , and sociology .

  30. 国外地理学研究动态&《国际社会科学杂志》地理学专辑介绍

    Overseas geography : state of the art & introduction to two geographical special issues of International Social Science Journal