
qì hòu xué
  • climatology
  1. 地理文摘,B辑:气候学与水文学。

    Geographical Abstracts : Part B : Climatology and Hydrology .

  2. 电离层F层等效风场的气候学特征

    The Climatology Properties of the Equivalent Winds in the Ionospheric F Region

  3. 基于DEM模型和气候学计算的滇南山区太阳总辐射空间化

    Total Solar Radiation Spatialization in Mountainous Region based on DEM and Climatological Calculation

  4. 光合有效辐射(PAR)的气候学研究

    A climatological study on the photosynthetically active radiation

  5. 南极地区UV-B气候学现状与展望

    The present situation and Prospect of the UV B climatology in Antarctica

  6. 高纬电离层气候学特征研究&EISCAT雷达观测及与IRI模式的比较

    Climatologic characteristics of high-latitude ionosphere & EISCAT observations and comparison with the IRI model

  7. 高师《气象学与气候学》课程CAI教学课件的制作&以气压场为例

    Making courseware for meteorology and climatology in normal university or normal college & Taking field of pressure as an example ; rarefied-gas aerodynamics at very high altitude

  8. OLR揭示的北太平洋副热带高压的气候学特征

    The climatic characteristics of the subtropical high pressure over the northern Pacific revealed by OLR

  9. 本文对20世纪90年代后期逐渐在古气候学、古海洋学、地质学和古生物学等跨学科交叉领域中崭露头角的热点问题&古ENSO研究的前沿进展做了系统的总结和回顾。

    Studies on paleo-ENSO in fields of paleoclimate , paleoceanography , geology and paleobiology in recent decades were reviewed in this paper .

  10. 在气候学计算中,可利用这个值进行PAR的能量和量子的换算。

    In climatological estimation a conversion between the two kinds of metrical system , quantum and energy of PAR can be carried out for climatological estimation .

  11. 根据山地气候学原理,利用GIS软件,分析降水空间分布的影响因子,建立月平均降水量空间估算模型,计算了月平均降水量的空间分布。

    According to the theory of mountainous climatology and Using GIS , the paper analyses the factors affecting Spatial Distribution of Precipitation , establishes the model of Spatial Distribution of Precipitation and calculates the Spatial Distribution of Precipitation .

  12. Millstone地区垂直等效风场的气候学变化基于运行数据的风电场等效建模方法比较

    Climatology of the Effective Winds at Millstone Comparative Study on Wind Farm Equivalent Modeling Based on Operation Data

  13. LAI作为叶片的重要物理属性参数,是描述陆地表面相关进程模型的主要输入参数,被广泛应用到了生态学、生物地球化学、气候学等相关研究领域。

    LAI as an important parameter of foliage , playing a significant role in land surface processes model , is widely applied to the relevant field of ecology , biogeochemistry and climate study .

  14. 东亚垂直专业化与我国贸易结构变迁Millstone地区垂直等效风场的气候学变化

    Research on the Vertical Specialization in East Asia and the Shift of China s Trade Structure ; Climatology of the Effective Winds at Millstone

  15. 在此基础上,应用山地气候学理论研究了坡度、坡向、高度、地理位置等对该地区一年内不同季节可能太阳直接辐射(Q)空间分布的影响。

    Based on the DEM and Mountain Climatology theories , the effects of slope , aspect , height above sea level and geographic location on spatial distribution of total possible direct solar radiation ( % Q % ) of different seasons in a year were studied .

  16. 文中利用1970~2001年NCEP再分析500hPa逐日高度场资料,根据阻塞高压的天气学定义,采用客观统计方法检索出近32a亚欧中高纬度392个阻塞高压个例,对其进行了气候学分析。

    According to synoptic definition of blocking , a objective method is used to statistic atmospheric blocking in Eurasia high-mid latitudes based on 32-year summers by means of 1970-2001 NCEP analysis data .

  17. 采用简化大气辐射计算模式、离散坐标(DISORT,discrete-coordinate-method)辐射传输算法、气候学经验模式及观测的方法研究了南京地区紫外辐射量的变化。

    Simplified atmosphere radiation transmission model , discrete-coordinate method , climatologic experiential model are adopted to calculate the Ultraviolet radiation in Nanjing .

  18. 该文从洞穴石笋δ18O与温度、降水的相关关系以及不同时间尺度下所指示的气候意义等角度对当前洞穴石笋气候学中氧同位素的应用进行了总结分析。

    In particular the problems in the relationship of the temperature or the precipitation with δ ~ ( 18 ) O , the relation of the oxygen isotope with temperature and precipitation , and also the meaning of different time-scale are described .

  19. 冬季局地大气SO2浓度变化的天气气候学方法研究

    A study on local sulfur dioxide concentration using synoptic climatological approaches

  20. 太湖无锡地区太阳总辐射的气候学计算及特征分析

    Climatological Calculation and characteristic analysis of global radiation over Wuxi region

  21. 西北太平洋夏季风的气候学研究

    The climate research of summer monsoon over the western North Pacific

  22. 计算区域蒸散发量的互补关系法及其应用区域蒸散发量的气候学计算方法

    The complementary relationship approach for estimating areal evapotranspiration and its application

  23. 北京地区雷暴大风的天气&气候学特征研究

    The Synoptic and Climatic Characteristic Studies of Thunderstorm Winds in Beijing

  24. 具备气候学、大气环流和动力气象学的基本知识。

    Knowledge on climate , atmospheric general circulation and dynamical meteorology .

  25. 总辐射与地表净辐射相关性的气候学研究

    Climatological research on correlation between global radiation and surface net radiation

  26. 宁绍平原太阳辐射能资源的气候学估算与分析

    The Estimation and Analysis of Solar Radiation in the Ning-Shao Plain

  27. 太阳直接辐射光量子通量的气候学计算方法

    The climatic estimation of photon flux density of direct solar radiation

  28. 甘肃永登强对流云的雷达气候学特征分析

    Radar Climatic Characteristics of Severe Convective Cloud in Yongdeng , Gansu

  29. 流域蒸散发的气候学计算农田蒸散的研究

    Estimation of Catchment Evapotranspiration by Climatic Approach STUDY OF FIELD EVAPOTRANSPIRATION

  30. 济南、福山太阳辐射的气候学特征分析

    Analysis of Climate Feature on Solar Radiation of Jinan and Fushan