
qì rónɡ jiāo
  • aerosol
  1. 气溶胶对大气能见度、气候变化以及人类健康等有重要影响。

    Aerosol particles affect visibility , climate , and our health and quality of life .

  2. 同步辐射X荧光技术在北极气溶胶和南极动物骨骼研究中的应用

    The Application of Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Fluorescence to Research on Arctic Aerosol and Antarctic Animal Bones

  3. 瓦赫宁根大学的科学家正在研发一种可以一次自动训练多只蜜蜂的机器,然后这些蜜蜂就可以利用它们的技能来检测周围环境中是否有气溶胶(含有病毒的微小颗粒物)。

    Wageningen scientists are working on a prototype of a machine that could automatically train multiple bees at once , then uses their skills to test for coronavirus aerosols ( tiny virus-laden particles ) in the surrounding environment .

  4. 气溶胶在毛细管中输运MonteCarlo模拟

    Monte Carlo simulation of transportation of aerosols in capillaries

  5. C是大气气溶胶中最重要的化学成分,它支配着气溶胶的季节和空间变化。

    C is the most important chemical component of atmospheric aerosols in Hong Kong . It dominates the seasonal and spatial variations of aerosols .

  6. SO2在大气气溶胶重要组分α-Fe2O3上的催化氧化反应机理及动力学研究

    Kinetic and Mechanism of the Catalytic Oxidation of SO-2 on Typical Oxides in atmospheric aerosol-a-Fe_2O_3

  7. 南京市区与郊区气溶胶PM(2.5)元素及多环芳烃污染特征的对比研究

    Comparative Researches on PM_ ( 2.5 ) and PAHs Compositions between Urban and Suburb in Nanjing

  8. 北京市大气气溶胶PM(2.5)中水溶性有机酸的测定

    Determination of Water Soluble Organic Acids in PM_ ( 2.5 ) of Atmosphere in Beijing City

  9. 杭州市心脑血管疾病与气溶胶等大气污染物之间关系的Poisson回归分析

    The Association of Atmospheric Pollutants Such as Aerosol with Cardio-cerebro-vascular Diseases in Hangzhou City Using Poisson Regression Analysis

  10. 结果DU气溶胶浓度在10min内降低到130。

    Results The concentration lowered to 1 / 30 within 10 min.

  11. 用Mie散射理论计算大气气溶胶光学特性

    Using the MIE theory to calculate aerosol optical characterization

  12. ICP分析用的气溶胶性质及HW雾室分析性能的研究

    Aerosol properties produced by ICP sample introduction systems and analytical performance of HW spray chamber

  13. EBM气溶胶灭火剂吸湿性的研究

    Study on the Hygroscopicity of EBM Aerosol Extinguishant

  14. 北京地区气溶胶PM2.5粒子浓度的相关因子及其估算模型

    The correlation factors and pollution forecast model for PM2.5 concentration in Beijing area

  15. 基于湿法捕集粉尘的原理,本文设计出一套新型纳米TiO2气溶胶湿法采样器。

    In this thesis , a water based wet sampler was designed and employed to sample nano-TiO2 aerosol according to the principle of wet sampling .

  16. 降雨弹爆炸产生的AgI气溶胶微粒的大小分布

    The size distribution of AgI aerosol particles produced by explosion of rain-shell

  17. 采用TEM、ESEM/EDX等方法对区域边界层内气溶胶粒子的粒径、形貌、成分及混合特征进行了单颗粒解析。

    The size , morphology , composition , and mixing state of aerosol particles in the regional atmospheric boundary layer were analyzed with TEM and ESEM / EDX .

  18. 并且发现OC和NO3-、SO42-两种二次气溶胶有很好正相关性,这说明重庆市二次气溶胶污染比较严重。

    Between OC and NO3 - , SO42-has better correlation , it indicates that the contamination of secondary aerosol is great .

  19. 降水pH值与云中液态水含量、降水量以及气溶胶中Cl和Ca的浓度有关。

    The pH value of precipitation in Beijing is closely related to the liquid water content in cloud , the rainfall amount and the concentrations of particulate C1 and Ca in the atmosphere .

  20. 烟气中的小颗粒或气溶胶表面发生的异相反应能够促进SO2和NOx的脱除。

    The heterogeneous reactions are happened in the surface of small particle or aerosol of the flue gas , which improves the removals of SO2 and NOx .

  21. 本文报道等离子体发射光谱(ICP-AES)和等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)同时用于大气气溶胶样品的分析。

    Coarse fraction of atmospheric aerosol samples have been analysed by both ICPAES ( Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometer ) and ICP-MS ( Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer ) in the study .

  22. 计算分析了雨强、雨滴谱、气溶胶粒子PH值,以及SO2、NH3气体浓度等因子对清除系数的影响。

    The influences of the rain intensity , size distribution of raindrops , pH of aerosols , concentration of SO 2 and NH 3 on the rain scavenging coefficients are discussed .

  23. 采用多波段卫星遥感数据,建立象元信息组合联立方程组进行象元信息分解,从TM卫星数据直接定量提取以象元为单元的区域大气人为气溶胶混浊度。

    Then a group of equations based of multi channel remote sensing data can be built to decompose the pixel information and quantitatively retrieve the synthetic aerosol turbidity using Landsat TM data .

  24. 以CO2气体为模拟有害气溶胶污染物,运用两相流动模型计算其在救护车病员室内的流动特征与分布状态,并通过试验进行了验证。

    The infectious aerosol flow pattern and distribution in the ambulance 's compartment are simulated by a two-phase flow model , and tested by carbon dioxide which is used as a substituted aerosol contamination source .

  25. 与表土相比,气溶胶的粒度小得多,具有较低的δ13C值和较高的δ18O值。

    Comparing with surface soil , aerosols had much smaller particle size and lower δ 13C value and higher δ 18O value .

  26. 大气气溶胶单粒子粒径和化学成分的LDI测量

    Laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry for the measurement of size and chemical components of individual aerosol particles

  27. 介绍了一种基于闪烁氙灯光源、利用差分光谱吸收(DOAS)技术监测大气气溶胶的新方法。

    With the method of differential optical absorption spectroscopy ( DOAS ), aerosol along the light path is measured with a flashlight source .

  28. 对所得的数据用化学质量平衡模式(CMB)法进行处理,得出了各种污染源对气溶胶小颗粒的贡献率。

    All the data were calculated by chemical mass balance method ( CMB ) and the various contribution to fine particulate aerosol .

  29. 用8级撞击式采样器在广州市五个代表点采集了大气气溶胶样品,用质子激发X荧光分析(PIXE)法进行了分析。

    Using eight-stage impact collector , we collected aerosol sample of five representative points in Guangzhou City , and analysed them using the method of Proton induced X-Ray emission ( PIXE ) .

  30. 初步分析结果表明,珠峰地区大气气溶胶以Al、Ca、Si、K、Fe等地壳元素为主,地壳元素占总元素浓度的82%以上。

    The results show that crustal elements such as Al , Ca , Si , K , Fe are the main composition of atmospheric aerosols over mount Qomolangma region and account for more than 82 % of the total elemental concentration .