
  • 网络climate prediction;climate forecast
  1. Poincaré截面法在局地气候预测中的应用初探

    The Primary Application of Poincar é Section Method to Local Climate Prediction

  2. 基于GA-BP网络模型在短期气候预测中的应用

    The Application to Short-Term Climate Prediction Based on Genetic Algorithms and BP Neural Networks

  3. 偏最小二乘回归方法(PLS)在短期气候预测中的应用

    The Application for the Partial Least-Squares Regression ( PLS ) in the Short-term Climate Forecast

  4. Nino海区SSTA短期气候预测模型试验

    Experiment on short term climatic prediction to SSTA over the Nino oceanic region

  5. IAP数值气候预测系统对2004年中国夏季气候的预测

    Real-Time Prediction of 2004 Summer Climate Anomalies Using IAP Dynamical Climate Prediction System

  6. 典型相关分析(CCA)对我国冬季气温的短期气候预测试验

    Short term climate forecast experiment of winter temperature in China using canonical correlation analysis

  7. 利用ARGO资料改进ENSO和我国夏季降水气候预测

    Utilizing ARGO Data to Improve the Prediction of ENSO and Short-term Climate Prediction of Summer Rainfall in China

  8. 跨季度动力气候预测系统IAPDCP-II

    Dynamical Extraseasonal Climate Prediction System IAP DCP-II

  9. 隶属于国家海洋和大气局(NOAA)的美国气候预测中心称,拉尼娜现象将持续至今年春季。

    CPC is an office under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA ) . The body said La Nina will last into spring of this year .

  10. 基于SCSA,重建耦合振荡分量序列(RCCS),并与回归分析相结合,对Nino各海区平均的SST月际序列作短期气候预测试验。

    The short term climatic prediction experiment is made for SST over Nino oceanic regions based on reconstructed coupled oscillation components series ( RCCS ) together with regression model .

  11. 国家海洋和大气管理局气候预测中心的气象学家米歇尔•拉赫茹克斯说,这种“Z”形走势不时出现,这很自然,但不清楚为什么现在会这么强劲。

    The zigzag pattern arises naturally from time to time , but it is not clear why it 's so strong right now , said Michelle L'Heureux , a meteorologist at the Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration .

  12. 全球海洋ARGO资料的获取为气候预测的研究提供了前所未有的海洋资料。

    The acquirement of the global ARGO data provides unprecedented ocean data for researches on the climate prediction , a tropical dynamic ocean-statistical atmospheric coupled model is set up .

  13. 印度热带气象研究所使用PRECIS,这是一种由英国哈德利气候预测和研究中心发明的高分辨率局部气候模型。他们用该模型来模拟未来2071到2100年间的大气改变。

    IITM uses PRECIS , a high-resolution regional climate model developed by the UK 's Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research , to simulate climate change up to2071 – 2100 .

  14. 用CCA短期气候预测模型对我国夏季降水的预报试验结果显示,我国的降水对因子场的响应存在明显的地区性差别,且预报效果同各区降水指数与典型主分量相关性的高低关系密切。

    Also , the CCA predicted summer precipitation experiments show that the rainfall response to the SST varies considerably from place to place and the forecast skill depends strongly upon the amount of correlativity between the rainfall index and canonical principal component .

  15. 非洲的许多其它组织和机构如今也在为干旱和灾害管理提供卫星数据和信息,包括东非的政府间发展机构的气候预测与应用中心(ICPAC),非洲南部发展共同体,以及西非的AGRIMET。

    Climate Prediction and Application Centre ( ICPAC ), in East Africa , the Southern African Development Community , and AGRIMET in West Africa .

  16. 成都区域气象中心短期气候预测业务评估

    Operational Evaluation of Short-term Climate Forecast in Chengdu Regional Meteorological Center

  17. 目前短期气候预测可预报性的研究概况

    Survey of Study on Predictability of Short-term Climate Prediction at Present

  18. 短期气候预测评估方法和业务初估

    Assessment methods of short range Climate Prediction and their operational application

  19. 外源强迫和初始值在短期气候预测中的作用

    Effects of External Forcing and Initial Condition on Short-Term Climatic Forecast

  20. 用非线性分类筛选模式做短期气候预测的尝试

    A Short range Climate Prediction Using Non linear Categorical Screen Model

  21. 河西走廊东部近50年沙尘暴气候预测研究

    Study on Climatic Prediction of Sandstorm in East of Hexi Corridor

  22. 青海省雪灾气候预测的地气图方法

    Di-Qi Map Method for Predicting Snow Disaster of Qinghai Province

  23. 灰秩序统计量模型及其在短期气候预测中的应用

    Grey Rank Variate Model and Its Application in Short Term Climate Prediction

  24. 基于所有可能回归的最优气候预测模型

    The optimum climate forecasting model based on all possible regressions

  25. 我国春季沙尘天气趋势的数值气候预测试验

    Experimental Dynamical Prediction of Spring Dust Storm Events in China

  26. 长江三峡地区夏季旱涝特征及气候预测

    Characteristics of Drought / flooding in the Yangtze Gorges and Climate Prediction

  27. 未来的天气气候预测体系

    A Discussion of Future System of Weather and Climate Prediction

  28. 2004年夏季中国气候预测结果及思路

    An Introduction on Climate Forecast in 2004 Summer over China

  29. 黔东南地区短期气候预测方法研究

    The Study on Short-term Climatic Forecast Way in Southeast Guizhou

  30. 我国近年来短期气候预测研究的若干进展

    Reviews on Study of the Short-term Climate Prediction in China