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shǐ xīn shì
  • the Eocene epoch
始新世[shǐ xīn shì]
  1. brevis组合,时代为中、晚始新世。

    Brevis Assemblage of the Middle and Late Eocene .

  2. 始新世太平洋板块以俯冲作用为主,诱发了区域近南北向伸展构造事件,并形成具有EMⅠ富集地幔混染特征的玄武岩;

    The subduction of Pacific Plate during Eocene induced the S-N extension event and basalts with EM ⅰ and EM ⅱ enriched mantle contamination were formed .

  3. 早始新世末期是一个构造转型期,鲁西南和济阳坳陷发育了近EW向的断层;

    The structural transition age is in the late Early Eocene , during which the EW-striking faults are formed in Southwest Shandong and Jiyang Depression ;

  4. 古新世&始新世极热事件与地球系统的自我调节:Gaia理论的应用

    The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and the self-regulation of Earth system : an application of the Gaia theory

  5. 中、晚始新世是郯庐断裂右旋剪切活动最强烈的时期,鲁西南和济阳坳陷发育了NE向断层。

    The most active age of dextral share of Tancheng-Lujiang fracture is in the Middle and Late Eocene , during which the NE-striking faults are formed in Southwest Shandong and Jiyang Depression .

  6. 第二次发生在E2末T03构造层形成之前,即始新世末,此时区内主要烃源岩都已经进入生烃高峰,是区内主要的油气生成、运移期。

    The second time occurred in the end of E 2 ( end of Eocene ), a period during which the main source rock generated hydrocarbon in its maximum amount .

  7. 始新世,塔古(Taglu)阶沉积过程中,北极阿拉斯加微型板块被动边缘逐渐发生变形。

    Eocene , tower ancient ( Taglu ,) order the deposition process , the passive margin of Arctic Alaska micro-plate gradually deformed .

  8. 始新世晚期,太平洋板块俯冲方向由NNW转为WNW,右旋应力场控制了盆地东部始新世断拗的发育。

    At late Eocene , the Pacific Plate subduction direction were changed from NNW to WNW , and the development of Eocene fault depressions in the eastern part of the basin were controlled by dextral stresses .

  9. 古新世始新世最热事件(PETM,Paleocene-EoceneThermalMaximum)是发生在古新世始新世交界时的一次全球性的气候突变事件。的影响极大。

    The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum ( PETM ) event is an abrupt climate change event that occurred at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary . The event led to a sudden reversal in ocean overturning along with an abrupt rise in sea surface salinity ( SSSs ) and atmospheric humidity .

  10. 故此确定该剪切带糜棱岩形成于低温(局部可达高温)、中至高压环境,形成时代为始新世末(37Ma)。

    So , it is determined that the mylonite formed in low temperature ( locally high ) and mid to high-pressure environment of late Eocene epoch ( 37Ma ) .

  11. 在南海北部陆架,这一孢粉组合可与WS1-3-1井流沙港组三段孢粉组合对比,时代为早始新世。

    On the northern shelf of South China Sea , the latter assemblage can only be compared with the third member of Liushagang Formation in the WS1-3-1 well , Beibu Gulf Basin .

  12. 通过对盆地内部博湖南北坳陷抬升-冷却年龄的综合分析,确定盆地内部构造抬升-冷却事件的时限为37~62Ma(始新世到古新世)。

    Through integration analyse the periphery and inner Bohu sag uplift-chilling age of the basin , we confirmed the time limit of tectonic uplift-chilling event is 37 ~ 62Ma ( Eocene to Paleocene ) .

  13. 位于印支地块上的万安盆地属一走滑拉张盆地,其内主要发育始新世以来的新生代沉积,最大沉积厚度可达12500m,盆地内发育众多类型各异的局部构造。

    Wan ' an Basin being located on Indosinian landmass is a strike-slip-tension basin , in which there are mainly the Cenozoic ( beginning at Eocene ) deposits with maximum sedimentary thick of being up to 12500 m and many various local structures .

  14. 山西垣曲盆地始新世轮藻植物群

    Eocene CHAROPHYTES from the Yuanqu basin , Shanxi province , China

  15. 广西百色盆地始新世孢粉组合与环境

    Eocene Palynological Assemblages and environments in the Baise basin of Guangxi

  16. 记山东曲阜中始新世晚期&雷兽新属种

    A new brontothere from late Middle Eocene of qufu , Shandong

  17. 中国始新世中、晚期哺乳动物群

    A review of middle and late Eocene mammalian faunas from China

  18. 南苏门达腊盆地是典型的弧后裂谷盆地,其演化经历了4大构造期:始新世中期到渐新世早期为裂谷发育期;

    The South Sumatra Basin is a typical back-arc rift basin .

  19. 黑龙江依兰始新世植物群的研究

    A study on the Eocene flora in Yilan county , Heilongjiang

  20. 生活于古新世至始新世的小型原始有蹄动物目。

    Small order of primitive ungulates of the Paleocene and eocene .

  21. 江汉盆地始新世中、晚期古气候定量重建初探

    Primary Study on Quantitative Reconstruction of Middle-Late Eocene Climate in Jianghan Basin

  22. 江汉盆地始新世中、晚期气候变化周期性的孢粉学证据

    Palynological Evidence of Middle-Late Eocene Climatic Cycles in Jianghan Basin

  23. 北部湾盆地在中始新世至早渐新世是一个湖泊。

    Beibu Wan Basin was a lake in the middle Eocence-Lower Oligocene .

  24. 准噶尔盆地北缘古新世和始新世地层的划分及其时代

    The division of Paleocene and Eocene deposits in the northern Junggar Basin

  25. 垣曲盆地始新世哺乳动物研究的新进展

    Recent progress on study of Eocene mammals in Yuanqu Basin

  26. 最早的马;灭绝的四趾始新世的哺乳动物,大小如狗。

    Earliest horse ; extinct primitive dog-sized 4-toed Eocene animal .

  27. 新疆布尔津盆地晚始新世&早渐新世岩石及生物地层

    Late EOCENE-EARLY Oligocene lithological and biological stratigraphy in the Burqin region of Xinjiang

  28. 山东首次发现晚始新世哺乳动物化石地点

    The first discovery of late Eocene locality of mammalian fauna in East China

  29. 江汉盆地早始新世沉积环境及与油气关系

    Early Eocene sedimentary environment of Jianghan Basin and its oil and gas potential

  30. 湖北南漳早始新世的鳖类

    An early Eocene trionychid from nanzhang , Hubei