
  1. 从真实到象征&中国古代血缘认同与始祖神话的历史演变

    From Reality to Symbol-The Historical Evolution of Ancient China 's Consanguinity Approving and Ancestor Deifying

  2. 这是一则英雄神话而不是严格意义上的始祖神话。

    This is a piece of heroic myth , but not the first ancestor myth in strict significance .

  3. 日本与我国西南少数民族的女性始祖神话及女神崇拜观念比较

    Comparison of Female Ancestral Myths and the Concept of Goddess Worship between Japan and the Ethnic Groups in Southeast China

  4. 少数民族文化与中华民族共有精神家园建设论土家族女始祖神话在族群演进中之作用

    Minority Culture and the Building of the Common Spiritual Homeland for the Chinese Nation The Role of the Myths of Original Female Leader 's in the Evolution of Tujia Ethnic Group

  5. 论土家族女始祖神话在族群演进中之作用土族女诗人李宜晴怀人思亲诗词探析

    The Role of the Myths of Original Female Leader 's in the Evolution of Tujia Ethnic Group A Study and Analysis on Li Yiqing ′ s Poems about Missing Friends and Relatives

  6. 《三国史记》、《三国遗事》的始祖神话&古代朝鲜、日本及中国神话之比较

    The First Ancestor 's Myth Recorded in " Historical Records on the Three Kingdoms " and " The Forepassed Incidents of the Three Kingdoms " & Comparison among ancient Korean , Japanese and Chinese myth

  7. 本文检讨了辽太祖耶律阿保机的降生神话、始祖神话以及一些重要的契丹习俗,发现它们大都能在摩尼降生神话及摩尼教教义和神话中找到原型或依据。

    Close scrutiny of Khitan customs and myths about the birth of Yel ü Abaoji ( Emperor Taizu of the Liao ) and other Khitan ancestors , reveals that most of them derive from Manichaean myths and doctrines .

  8. 从朝鲜民族和满族的建国神话及始祖神话中可以看到,两个民族的原始信仰最初表现为对天的崇拜,同时因鸟作为天界与人世间来回的使者而被崇拜。

    From the Manchu and ancestor of the founding of the Korean nation and can be seen in the myth , human primitive beliefs first manifested on the day of worship , and bird as the Angel of the day room and was worshipped .