
  • 网络hero myths;myth of hero
  1. 文化依恋、文化质疑到文化批判&金庸英雄神话的文化阐释

    Cultural Interpretation of Jin Yong 's Hero Myths

  2. 通古斯&满语族英雄神话比较

    A Comparative Study of Heroic mythologies in Tungusic - Manchu family

  3. 民族文化的狂想与英雄神话的升腾&宋词中英雄主义精神管窥

    Crazy dream of national culture and flight of heroic mythology

  4. 现在的超级英雄神话的特点是。

    Now , a staple of the superhero mythology is .

  5. 英雄神话在军旅题材电视剧中的消解与重构

    The Mythology of Hero in the Chinese Military TV Plays

  6. 试论中国古代体育英雄神话传说

    On sports mythology and legend in ancient ch in a

  7. 我们都愿意相信超级英雄神话。

    We want so badly to believe in superheroes .

  8. 进入英雄神话影响区,团队成员将听不到任何声音。

    Fellowship members will no longer hear a sound when entering Tale of Heroism effect area .

  9. 反思与解构:论新时期文学革命英雄神话的破灭

    Reflection and Deconstruction : Disillusion of the Myth of Revolutionary Heroes in Literature of the New Age

  10. 这是一则英雄神话而不是严格意义上的始祖神话。

    This is a piece of heroic myth , but not the first ancestor myth in strict significance .

  11. 中国通古斯语族民族的萨满教特点通古斯&满语族英雄神话比较

    The Shamanism Features of the Tunguses in China A Comparative Study of Heroic mythologies in Tungusic - Manchu family

  12. 《左传》中具有原始神话意象的材料可分为英雄神话、图腾神话及自然神话三类。

    The myths in Zuo Zhuan can be divided into three typles : heroic myth , totem myth and nature myth .

  13. 在两个民族萨满祖先英雄神话传说中他们依天神旨意、凭借着奇特功能繁衍部落部族或保护部落。

    In the mythical legend of the two national Shamanism ancestors , the Shamanism ancestors according to god order , relying on peculiar function to multiply and protect tribe .

  14. 小说以英雄神话为写作框架,对亨利·菲尔丁的流浪汉小说和传统史诗的固有模式进行故意模仿。

    In the fourth chapter of my thesis , elaboration is on the parody of traditional literary forms including Henry Fielding 's picaresque novels , traditional epic and the hero myth .

  15. 当代神话的典型表现是科技神话、消费神话、英雄神话等样式。

    Science and technology , consumption and heroes are typical subjects of contemporary myth , which has adopted the symbolic and structural forms of traditional myth and then varied and developed .

  16. 英雄神话的破灭与政治理想的动摇,无疑极大地拓展了中国现代文学的艺术想象空间和文本审美张力,从而开创了中国现代文学的新局面。

    Undoubtedly , the disillusion of the myth of heroes and shaking of political ideal tremendously broaden the space of artistic imagination and the aesthetic tension of the text , thus opening up a new prospect in contemporary Chinese literature .

  17. 该部分从意识形态概念入手,在回顾影视世界中的意识形态批评的基础上,指出反恐片的意识形态表征方式主要蕴藏在美国政治、美国精神和英雄神话三者之中。

    It begins with the concept of the ideology , and then point out that the characterized method of the ideology in the anti-terrorism films mainly contains in American politics , American spirit and American heroic myth on the basis of reviewing the ideological criticism of the film world .

  18. 民族英雄是神话史诗与民间故事歌颂传扬的主要对象。

    National hero is the main eulogizing object in mythic epics and folk stories .

  19. 我对那些英雄式的神话非常着迷。

    I find the whole mythology surrounding superheroes fascinating .

  20. 但现代主义的批评矛头直接指向的就是传统的英雄人物和神话传说。

    In fact , traditional heroes and mythology are the blaming targets of modernism .

  21. 浅析后英雄时代的钱钟书神话

    The Myth of Qian Zhongshu in the Post-heroic Age

  22. 任何与上古神话传说有关的东西其中包括《神祗和英雄》(希腊神话)会使我着迷。

    Anything to do with old myths and legends , including Gods and Heroes , fascinates me .

  23. 当我还是个孩子时,我总是喜欢阅读那些非常好的英雄在其中的神话故事,

    When I was a child , I always like reading fairy tales about heros who were good ,

  24. 以神话&原型批评理论探讨了其作品基督精神的英雄模式,希腊神话的美学模式,和对神话传说进行再创作的现代主义风格。

    This thesis is intended to discuss the hero pattern of Christian spirits , the aesthetics pattern of Greek mythology and the modernistic recreation of myths and legends in her works through myth-archetype criticism .

  25. 科学小说故事的英雄--新的神话的上帝--勇敢地与黑暗抗争,不管它是整个行星的地质毁灭还是贪婪的政客的邪恶。

    The heroes of science fiction stories the gods of the new mythology struggle manfully against the darkness , whether it 's geological doom for the whole planet or the evil of grasping politicians .

  26. 美国现代小说家厄内斯特.海明威以其海明威式英雄的塑造,成为英雄缺席的20世纪西方文学中英雄神话的精神守望者。

    Ernest Hemingway , the American modern novelist , figuring the hero type of Ernest hemingway in his works , has become the spirit watcher of Hero mythology of 20th among western literature where the hero is absent .