
  • 网络British Special Forces;United Kingdom Special Forces
  1. 我曾在英国特种部队服役。

    I 've served with the British Special Forces .

  2. 也有一些新闻谈到,驻阿富汗英国特种部队首席指挥官因抱怨缺乏设备而辞职。

    There are also news reports that the head of British special forces in Afghanistan has resigned after complaining of a lack of equipment .

  3. 英国特种部队委员长&艾德里安·斯多斯作为证明人出席了该葬礼,并当众披露了关于艾琳·尼尔内老人的故事。

    Adrian Stones , chairman of Britain 's Special Forces Club , takes the stand and Eileen Nearne 's story unfolds .

  4. 《周日泰晤士报》报道称,利比亚叛军已在该国东部抓获八名英国特种部队士兵及一名低级外交官。

    The Sunday times newspaper reported that Libyan rebels had captured as many as eight British special forces soldiers and a junior diplomat in the east of the country .

  5. 根据一些报导,数目不详的中情局特工,以及英国情报机关和特种部队人员,正与利比亚反政府武装接触。

    According to published accounts , an unknown number of CIA officers , along with British intelligence and special forces counterparts , are working with the Libyan rebels .

  6. 同时,一份英国报纸指出,英国驻阿富汗特种部队的首席指挥官蒂安莫利少校突然辞职,原因是他的部队缺乏军车。

    Meanwhile , a British newspaper says the head of the country 's elite special forces in Afghanistan has abruptly resigned because of a lack of armored vehicles for his troops .

  7. 《每日电讯报》报导,蒂安莫利少校认为英国国防部无视他提出的警告,他曾警告说:英国特种部队目前所配备的薄型装甲车,即路虎“夺取型”军车不足以承受在阿富汗的使命。

    The Daily Telegraph reported Major Sebastian Morely claimed The British Defense Ministry ignored his warnings that the military 's lightly armored " Snatch Land Rovers " are too vulnerable for the Afghan mission .