
  • 网络British tax system;tax system in UK
  1. 中古晚期英国税制的演变

    The Evolution of England Tax System in the Later Mediaeval Times

  2. 英国税制改革及其启示

    British Tax System Reform and Its Enlightenment

  3. 由此,税收已不再被视为王室私事,而成为国家公共事务,英国税制也完成由封建性向国家性的转变。

    Therefore , tax was no longer regarded as royal privacy , but public affairs . And British taxation system transformed from feudal system to state one .

  4. 在本部分中,作者首先对英国封建税制的内容做了详细的考察和介绍。

    At first , the author made a detailed review and introduction .

  5. 例如,美国和英国的税制就不同英国纳税人向英国慈善团体捐赠,可以在英国获得税收减免;但美国的规定则不同。

    For example , the tax regimes of the US and UK differ donations to a UK charity by a UK taxpayer qualify for tax relief in the UK , but the rules are different in the US .

  6. 斯图亚特王朝面临的财政困境是税收变革以及英国革命的诱因,革命带给英国一个改革税制的契机。

    The Stuarts ' financial difficulties caused the tax reform and the Revolution . And the Revolution gave an opportunity to tax reform of England which brought some significant changes in taxation .