
  • 网络Lloyds;Lloyds Banking Group;Lloyds Bank;Lloyds TSB
  1. 此外,政府正在考虑放宽政府在苏格兰皇家银行、HBOS和莱斯银行的持股条款。

    In addition , the government is considering easing the terms under which it took stakes in RBS , HBOS and Lloyds .

  2. 然而,莱斯银行声称,此项计划取得了巨大的成功。

    Yet Lloyds claims that this scheme has been a great triumph .

  3. 莱斯银行(Lloydsbank)等赞助商正在进行抢购以分发礼品。

    Sponsors such as Lloyds Bank are snapping them up to hand out as gifts .

  4. 莱斯银行(lloyds)发现了一个省钱的新办法。

    Lloyds Bank has found a new way of saving money .

  5. 莱斯银行(LloydsBankWBM)的策略师万德(EricWand)说,所有目光都在紧盯着希腊,政治前景不明朗将继续拖累人气。

    ' All eyes are firmly on Greece , and the political uncertainty will continue to weigh on sentiment , ' said Eric Wand , a strategist at Lloyds Bank WBM .

  6. 莱斯银行的经验表明,所有这些政策都会促使行为发生积极的改变。

    The Lloyds experience suggests that all of these policies would change behaviour for the better .

  7. 据说,莱斯银行等其他机构也在考虑加入政府的资产担保项目。

    Other institutions such as the Lloyds banking group are said to be looking into participating in the government 's asset-protection plan .

  8. 据莱斯银行的报告指出,同期的日本、爱尔兰和德国的房价出现大幅下降。

    Japan , Ireland and Germany posted the biggest price declines in the same period , according to the Lloyds TSB report .

  9. 莱斯银行昨晚拒绝就此置评,只是表示:“我们的独立薪酬委员会尚未就奖金问题作出任何决定。”

    Lloyds would not comment last night other than to say : " no decision on bonuses has been taken by our independent remuneration committee . "