
  • 网络Secretarial service
  1. 仍然决定保留秘书服务?

    Still determined to retain secretarial services ?

  2. 提供秘书服务给医生组织。

    Secretarial services for doctors'organization .

  3. 会议大厅的商务中心提供各种秘书服务工作。

    The business centre at the conference hall offers secretarial service , of vary sort .

  4. 商务中心为您提供电话、复印、中英文打印、图文传真、秘书服务及票务服务。

    The business center provides telephone , copy Chinese and English type , fax , secretary and ticket services .

  5. 文字处理软件,可以用于不仅为作家,但对于那些能够提供秘书服务,走出自己的房子。

    Word processing software can be used not only for writers but for those that can offer secretarial services out of their house .

  6. 配备先进的商务中心提供专业的秘书服务外,还会提供宽带上网服务,让您的商务之旅倍加便利。

    You 'll find the well-equipped Business Centre offers not only professional secretarial services , but also Broadband Internet access makes your trip more convenience .

  7. 可以使用昂贵地段的地址,和同一层的办公室共享前台和秘书服务。

    I get a business address at an expensive location , and I can share the receptionist and secretary with other offices in the same floor .

  8. 我们提供全面秘书服务等图片拷贝,传真,邮费,速递服务、航空票务、旅游安排及租车。

    We offer comprehensive secretarial services such as photo Copy , facsimile , postage , courier service , airline ticketing , tour arrangement & car rental .

  9. 如果您在入住期间仍需办公,酒店的秘书服务和商务中心将助您一臂之力。

    And if you need to keep in touch with the office while you are here , our secretarial and business services are ready to help .

  10. 经济及社会理事会事务和秘书处服务司

    Division of Economic and Social Council Affairs and Secretariat Services

  11. 信息管理事务处(信管处)主管经济和社会事项秘书处服务助理秘书长

    Assistant Secretary-General for Secretariat Services for Economic and Social Matters

  12. 政治和大会事务及秘书处服务部

    Department for Political and General Assembly Affairs and Secretariat Services

  13. 以前在联合国秘书处服务过的史密斯先生。

    Mr. Smith , late of the UN Secretariat .

  14. 主管政治和大会事务及秘书处服务副秘书长办公室

    Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Political and General Assembly Affairs and Secretariat Services

  15. 以及目前由文字处理、电传及语音邮件和电子邮件占主导地位的秘书处服务。

    And in secretarial services now dominated by word processing , faxes , and voice and electronic mail .

  16. 而业务范围仍保持传统审计、税务、会计记帐、公司秘书等服务模式;

    Scope of services provided are still typical types , i.e. audit , taxation , book-keeping and company secretarial services , etc.

  17. 我们可以提供秘书,翻译服务,我们当然有传真和电传。

    We can provide secretarial and translation services and we of course have fax and telex .

  18. ◎远雄商务中心租户、工商及工商户均享有分配指定的服务秘书提供专一服务及协助。

    As you are the tenant , the client of Mailing or Business Address Registered Service , Far Glory will assign an appointed secretary to serve you through a day .

  19. 高校秘书人员应强化服务意识、务实意识、角色意识、求知意识。

    Secretaries in colleges and universities should strengthen service consciousness , practical consciousness , role consciousness and learning consciousness .

  20. 13.秘书处本协定由wto秘书处提供服务。

    13 . Secretariat This Agreement shall be serviced by the WTO Secretariat .