
  • 网络mercantile bank
  1. 这个安全网可以减少谣言引致挤提的情况出现,有利银行体系的稳定。

    To the extent that this safety net is able to reduce the incidence of unnecessary rumour-driven runs , it also contributes to banking stability .

  2. 另外,降低房价极度暴跌的风险,对大量住宅相关资产及银行类股票有利。银行类股昨日大幅走高。

    Still , reducing the risk of an extreme collapse in house prices helps a wide range of housing-related assets and bank stocks which soared yesterday .

  3. 他补充说,这对小型银行特别有利,这些银行可让中小企业享受到较低的利率。

    This is especially beneficial to small banks which could pass on lower rates to small-and-medium enterprises , he added .

  4. 这种结果能否实现,归根结底取决于银行卡网络定价过程中发卡行和消费者之间的价格与收单行和商户之间的价格的结构是否有利于增强银行卡网络系统内部的正反馈效应。

    Whether this purpose can be realized depends ultimately on whether the two-sided price structure pushes the positive feedback effects of the network system .

  5. 一定程度上对买房人有利的是,银行比前几年更愿意将房产作为短售房抛掉。

    Working in their favor , in part , is that banks are more willing to unload homes as short sales than in previous years .