- 名Presumption of guilt;guilty until proven innocent

" Guilty until proven innocent " meaning not blindly trusting anything that is provided and asking for convincing evidence .
It has denied the " presumption of guilty " in reality .
In this part , it include three aspects .
Presumption of guilty is the thought root which many criminal miscarriage cases produce .
Basic Issues on Presumption of Guilt
Therefore , the study of presumption of guilt is the theoretical basis for presumption of innocence .
After thinking , We think that the presumption of guilt is the main reason for that case .
Chastened regulators now talk about a presumption of guilt , not innocence , when prices look frothy .
This crime is not the presumption of crime , and doesn 't break the principle of presumption of innocence .
There are two contradictions in the judgment of Crimes of Huge Property with Ambiguous Source in the penal code of China .
Formally , the reversion is " guity reference ", but it has extreme necessity for breaking some criminal cases and is conformity with the orientation of law value .
It has so many disputes about this charge , such as value of legislation , accusation , objective requisites , presumption of guilt , burden of proof and legal penalty .
The Chinese guarantor pending trail system is an enforcement measure , mainly based on the concept of procedural protection , but mixing the presumption of innocence and presumption of guilty .
In your question , I sensed the presumption of guilt , I think we should not make groundless accusations against each other and spend more time doing practical things to cyber security .
The author applies the basic principles of ethics to analyze the two different affirmative and opposing opinions and puts forward the strategy of adopting " presumption of guilt " to genetically modified food .
The position is not neutral , the role of the lawyer can not fully play , plus the presumption of guilt of the values ingrained , despite repeated prohibitions torture to extract confessions .
Discuss the two existing big problems of the unclear huge property crime in theory of criminal procedural law : One is problem to decide guilt , and the second is problem to prove responsibility .
However , when it plays an active role in the investigation and interrogation , it also has produced a number of problems because of the effect of many aspects such as the presumption of guilt .
Thus , human rights safeguard in criminal lawsuit naturally become an important problem especially in our country where the legal notions such as ' presumption of guilt ',' focus on the entity , light procedure ' are deep seated .
In fact , ready to make the punishment of the relevant regulations , does not follow such legislation in advance the completion of the form of thought that a guilty , the presumption of our criminal offence constitutes a theory is very harmful .
One of the basic protections of the American criminal justice system is the assumption that the defendant is innocent until proved guilty .