
yǒu zuì tuī dìnɡ
  • Presumption of guilt;guilty until proven innocent
  1. “有罪推定”,也就是指,不要盲目相信提供过来的任何东西,要寻找令人信服的证据。

    " Guilty until proven innocent " meaning not blindly trusting anything that is provided and asking for convincing evidence .

  2. 否定事实上存在的有罪推定;

    It has denied the " presumption of guilty " in reality .

  3. 具体包括三个方面的内容:第一,关于巨额财产来源不明罪是否属于有罪推定的问题。

    In this part , it include three aspects .

  4. 有罪推定是诸多冤错案件产生的思想根源。

    Presumption of guilty is the thought root which many criminal miscarriage cases produce .

  5. 有罪推定基本问题研究

    Basic Issues on Presumption of Guilt

  6. 对有罪推定的研究有助于了解其残余形式的源流,也为理解和贯彻无罪推定原则提供了理论前提。

    Therefore , the study of presumption of guilt is the theoretical basis for presumption of innocence .

  7. 究其根源,“有罪推定”的办案潜意识是造成这些错案的根本原因。

    After thinking , We think that the presumption of guilt is the main reason for that case .

  8. 如今,吃一堑长一智的监管者们在价格看上去存在泡沫时谈论着有罪推定,而非无罪推定。

    Chastened regulators now talk about a presumption of guilt , not innocence , when prices look frothy .

  9. 立罚并不存在有罪推定问题,更无从论及对无罪推定原则的背反。

    This crime is not the presumption of crime , and doesn 't break the principle of presumption of innocence .

  10. 我国刑法所设置的巨额财产来源不明罪在逻辑上存在着两个悖论:一是把来源不明的巨额财产视为非法所得,但又无证据证明之,这不等于是有罪推定吗?

    There are two contradictions in the judgment of Crimes of Huge Property with Ambiguous Source in the penal code of China .

  11. 证明责任倒置在形式上是有罪推定,但它对某些刑事案件实体真实的发现极具必要性,也符合正当的法律价值取向。

    Formally , the reversion is " guity reference ", but it has extreme necessity for breaking some criminal cases and is conformity with the orientation of law value .

  12. 但是,在理论上围绕巨额财产来源不明罪的立法价值、罪名、客观要件、有罪推定、证明责任、法定刑存在重大争议。

    It has so many disputes about this charge , such as value of legislation , accusation , objective requisites , presumption of guilt , burden of proof and legal penalty .

  13. 而我国的取保候审制度是一种强制措施,主要以程序保障为理念,有罪推定理念与无罪推定理念混杂。

    The Chinese guarantor pending trail system is an enforcement measure , mainly based on the concept of procedural protection , but mixing the presumption of innocence and presumption of guilty .

  14. 刚才你说的话我怎么有有罪推定的感觉啊?我想我们还是少一些没有根据的相互指责,多做一些维护网络安全的实事。

    In your question , I sensed the presumption of guilt , I think we should not make groundless accusations against each other and spend more time doing practical things to cyber security .

  15. 作者运用伦理学的基本原则对支持和反对两种观点进行了分析,提出对转基因食品应该采取有罪推定的战略。

    The author applies the basic principles of ethics to analyze the two different affirmative and opposing opinions and puts forward the strategy of adopting " presumption of guilt " to genetically modified food .

  16. 看守所的地位不能中立,律师的作用不能充分发挥,再加上有罪推定的观念根深蒂固,刑讯逼供屡禁不绝。

    The position is not neutral , the role of the lawyer can not fully play , plus the presumption of guilt of the values ingrained , despite repeated prohibitions torture to extract confessions .

  17. 论述了巨额财产来源不明罪在刑事诉讼法学理论方面存在的两大问题:一是有罪推定问题,二是证明责任问题。

    Discuss the two existing big problems of the unclear huge property crime in theory of criminal procedural law : One is problem to decide guilt , and the second is problem to prove responsibility .

  18. 然而,侦查讯问在发挥积极作用的同时,受有罪推定、轻公正、重效率、轻程序、重实体传统思维等多方面因素的影响,侦查讯问也产生了许多问题。

    However , when it plays an active role in the investigation and interrogation , it also has produced a number of problems because of the effect of many aspects such as the presumption of guilt .

  19. 因此,保障犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益在我们这样一个有罪推定、重实体,轻程序等法律观念根深蒂固的国家,就显得特别重要。

    Thus , human rights safeguard in criminal lawsuit naturally become an important problem especially in our country where the legal notions such as ' presumption of guilt ',' focus on the entity , light procedure ' are deep seated .

  20. 事实上,预备犯的处罚之相关规定,并没有遵循这种立法前置性的完成形态思路,反而对之进行了有罪推定,这对于我国刑法犯罪构成理论是非常有害的。

    In fact , ready to make the punishment of the relevant regulations , does not follow such legislation in advance the completion of the form of thought that a guilty , the presumption of our criminal offence constitutes a theory is very harmful .

  21. 美国刑事司法制度基本的保障之一就是被告在被证明有罪之前,推定为无罪的人。

    One of the basic protections of the American criminal justice system is the assumption that the defendant is innocent until proved guilty .