
fàng dàn
  • Absurdity;wile in speech and behavior;unbridled;wanton
放诞 [fàng dàn]
  • [unbriddled;wanton] 放纵

  • 少好文学,放诞任气。--《南史.檀超传》

放诞[fàng dàn]
  1. 初到贬所的杨慎内心充满了思乡、孤独、痛苦怨恨等情绪,还不得不放诞佯狂以避祸。

    In early days he arrived , his mind was filled with homesickness , loneliness , resentment and pain , and he had to pretend unrestrained to avoid misfortune .

  2. 第一,强调德性,认为美德就是知识;第二,摒弃感官的享乐,却又行为放诞。

    First , it puts emphasis on virtue , and believes that the virtue is knowledge . Second , it gets rid of the sensual pleasure , but behaves unconventionally .

  3. 他对拜伦、雪莱的翻译,他的文学创作,以及他自由不羁、多情放诞的单纯气质,都成为五四浪漫作家的精神资源。

    His translation of Byron 's and Shelley 's poems , his literary writing and his unbound and affective personality were all taken as spiritual resources for those romantic writers in the May-4th day .