
fànɡ bào zhú
  • set off firecrackers;squib
  1. 不许放爆竹的禁令在独立纪念日广遭忽略。

    The prohibition against firecrackers was widely ignored on the Fourth of July .

  2. 放爆竹有可能导致危险。

    Shooting off firecrackers can be dangerous .

  3. 旧卡车突然出现回火,声音像放爆竹一般。

    EXAMPLE : The old truck made a sudden backfire which sounded like a firecracker .

  4. 饭后,孩子们放爆竹,或一家老小坐在电视机旁看春晚。

    Children light crackers excitedly , while the rest gather around to watch the Spring Festival Gala program .

  5. 是的,烟花真的很美。我们也放爆竹。爆竹很棒。真的很响。

    Yes , they 're really beautiful . We have firecrackers , too . They 're great . Really noisy !

  6. 年节文化中声音符号的象征意义及解读&以拜年和放爆竹为例

    Unscrambling the Symbolic Meaning of Sound Symbols in the Festival Culture & Take Paying a New Year Call and Firecrackers for Example

  7. 一个男孩点燃了一个爆竹,爆竹在木柴上燃烧起来。是的,烟花真的很美。我们也放爆竹。爆竹很棒。真的很响。

    A boy set fire to a firework , and it burned on the sticks . Yes , they 're really beautiful . We have firecrackers , too . They 're great . Really noisy !

  8. 几乎所有家庭都会放烟花爆竹。

    Almost every family will play fireworks .

  9. 放烟花爆竹是过年时最传统的活动,但今年就连用公款购买烟花爆竹也被禁止。

    Even spending public funds on firework displays , the most traditional new year activity , has been banned .

  10. 春节放烟花爆竹的风俗起源于中国一个古老的传统:举着点着的竹子游行驱赶恶鬼坏运气。

    Fireworks displays during Chinese New Year stem from a custom of lighting bamboo stalks on fire to ward off evil spirits .

  11. 我放的爆竹中有一个没响,高英说:“在你的靴子上使劲撞它,它就会响。”

    One of my squibs would not go off , and Gowing said : " Hit it on your boot , boy ; it will go off then . "

  12. 所以当地人在元旦前会不停地放烟花爆竹,还打碎一切可以打碎的东西制造声响。

    So the locals in the New Year 's Day before we will continue with the release of fireworks and firecrackers , but also smashed all the things that can be broken to create sound .

  13. 男孩们一下午都在放鞭炮和爆竹。

    The boys spent the afternoon setting off Squibs and firecrackers .