
  1. 对CPA民事赔偿制度的思考

    Thinking to CPA Civil Compensation

  2. 不实诉讼民事赔偿制度初探

    The Preliminary Exploration in the civil compensation System of Untrue Litigation

  3. 我国《证券法》没有规定内幕交易的民事赔偿制度。

    Civil liabilities of insider trading are lacking in our country .

  4. 证券民事赔偿制度与投资者利益的保护

    Civil Compensation System of Securities and Protection of Investors ' Benefits

  5. 包括:细化退市标准,建立完善场外交易市场,完善民事赔偿制度,建立股本保险。

    Improving civil compensation system ; establishing share capital insurance .

  6. 该功能发挥的程度取决于民事赔偿制度完善的程度。

    How well the system functions depends on the perfection of it .

  7. 证券市场审计民事赔偿制度体系初探

    A Study on Audit Civil Liability System Setup in The Security Market

  8. 试论我国证券民事赔偿制度的建立与完善

    On the Establishment and Perfection of the Civil Compensation System of Securities

  9. 论证券虚假陈述民事赔偿制度的缺陷与完善

    On the Disfigurement and Consummation of Negotiable Securities Mendacious Statement Civil Compensation System

  10. 虚假陈述民事赔偿制度研究

    Research on False Explanation and the Civil Compensation System

  11. 船舶油污损害民事赔偿制度研究

    Study on Civil Compensation of Oil Pollution Damage

  12. 惩罚性赔偿是一种超出受害人实际损害的民事赔偿制度。

    Punitive Damages are a civil compensation system which exceeds the actual damaged value .

  13. 其次论述了我国证券市场内幕交易民事赔偿制度存在的缺陷。

    The second part elaborated the country securities market insider trading civil compensation system defects .

  14. 特别分析了国家赔偿制度与民事赔偿制度的关系。

    Special analysis of the state compensation system and the relationship between civil compensation system .

  15. 试析证券市场民事赔偿制度

    Civil Affairs System in the Security Market

  16. 本章对我国民事赔偿制度中的惩罚性赔偿之现行规定进行了全面梳理。

    This chapter comprehensively sorts the current regulation of punitive damages in China civil law system .

  17. 证券民事赔偿制度立法改革范式研究

    A Study of the Reform of Legislative Model concerning the Civil Compensation System in terms of Securities

  18. 并试图从以下几方面构建我国的证券民事赔偿制度:1、修改和完善相关的法律制度;

    Consequently , the following should be considered : 1 . reform and amend the concerned legal system ;

  19. 立法方面的建议主要是明确界定基本概念,完善民事赔偿制度以及加重内幕交易法律责任。

    Legislative proposals include define clearly main basic concepts , improve civil compensation system and aggravate insider trading liability .

  20. 完善的证券民事赔偿制度,是维护证券市场公正、促进社会稳定的必要。

    The sound civil compensation system of securities is indispensable to maintain a fair security market and to promote social stability .

  21. 惩罚性赔偿是英美法中与补偿性赔偿相对应的一项民事赔偿制度,也是英美法系颇具争议的法律制度之一。

    Punitive damages which is a special form of civil liability in common law , are damages appealed in a lawsuit .

  22. 我国证券市场欺诈行为盛行的重要原因之一就是,证券民事赔偿制度的缺位。

    One of the major reasons for these securities frauds is without civil compensation system of security tort in China security market .

  23. 上市公司虚假陈述行为危害了证券市场信息披露制度和市场经济的诚实信用基础,需要通过严格的民事赔偿制度予以遏制。

    The misstatement of the listed companies jeopardize the stock market information disclosure system and the market economy basis of good faith .

  24. 需要建立多层次的市场体系、建立民事赔偿制度和配套制度来完善。

    To perfect the stock market , a multi-level system , the civil compensation system and other correlative systems should be established .

  25. 证券民事赔偿制度在西方被认为是维护证券市场发展的重要基石。

    The civil case indemnification system in the west to pass for is an important cornerstone that supports stock market 's development .

  26. 首先从工伤保险制度的历史沿革来探讨工伤保险制度与民事赔偿制度之间的渊源;

    Firstly , this chapter discusses the source of Civil Compensation and Industrial Injury Insurance , based on its historical origin and development ;

  27. 惩罚性赔偿制度作为一般民事赔偿制度的例外,在英美法系得到普遍的承认。

    The punitive compensation system took the general civil compensation system the exception , obtains the universal acknowledgement in the English America legal system .

  28. 证券市场的民事赔偿制度,被看作是保护中小投资者利益的最有效的法律手段。

    Civil affairs in the security market is looked upon as the most effective law means being to protect small and medium investor benefits .

  29. 我国证券市场发展迅速,但证券民事赔偿制度却迟迟不能有效建立。

    Our country 's stock market development is quick , but the civil case indemnification system of stock market can 't validate to establish for a long time .

  30. 首先,立法中应确立民事赔偿制度、补偿制度及强制保险制度相结合原则;确立医疗责任保险第三人的赔偿请求权及补充保险竞合处理原则。

    First , the combination of the compulsory insurance system and civil compensation system should be established in legislation ; as well as third party compensation claims establishing .