
  1. 目前,国际社会还未形成统一的国际民商事案件管辖权制度。

    The uniform jurisdiction system has not come into being in the world .

  2. 涉外民商事案件管辖权研究

    Research of Jurisdiction in Concern Foreign Civil Case Resume

  3. 海牙民商事案件国外搜证公约

    Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters

  4. 分析我国涉外民商事案件管辖的缺点。

    Please analyze the disadvantages of concentrating the jurisdiction over foreign-related civil and commercial cases in china .

  5. 域外送达程序的复杂繁琐也是导致涉外民商事案件审理期限过长的重要原因。

    This problem is distinguished and is a great reason leading to the time wasting of trial term .

  6. 在涉外民商事案件的解决过程中,国际司法协助的作用不可忽视,域外送达机制是司法协助中重要的方面。

    Judicial assistance is important in settling of international civil cases . Service abroad is indispensable in judicial assistance .

  7. 第一审民商事案件当庭宣判若干问题的法律思考

    A Legal Thinking about Problems over the In-Court Judgment Pronouncement in the Civil and Commercial Cases in the First Instance

  8. 该制度可以保证法院在涉外民商事案件中安全地适用外国法。

    In order to apply foreign law safely , reservation of public order is necessary in international civil and commercial law .

  9. 许多执行难的民商事案件,究其本质就是破产案件。

    Many civil and commercial cases , which fall into difficult enforcement cases , by its very nature , are bankruptcy cases .

  10. 对法官审理民商事案件中审查运用鉴定结论现状的调查与思考

    Investigation and Consideration about the Present Condition of the Check-up and Application of Conclusion of Identification in the Judgment of Civil Lawsuits

  11. 管辖权问题和法律适用问题是一国法院在处理涉外民商事案件时必须要解决的两个基本问题。

    Jurisdiction and application of law are two basic problems which the court must resolved in deciding the foreign-related civil and commercial disputes .

  12. 国际私法作为调整涉外民商事案件的主力军,也以其特殊的调整方法担当着不可推卸的责任。

    Private international law as the mainstay of adjusting foreign-related civil an commercial cases , with its special adjustment methods undertake the responsibility .

  13. 跨国民商事管辖权,是指一国法院对特定的涉外民商事案件行使审判权的资格。

    Transnational civil and commercial jurisdiction means that a court has the qualification to exercise jurisdiction over the foreign related civil and commercial cases .

  14. 随着经济的发展和公民维权意识的提高,世界范围内民商事案件急剧增加。

    With the economic development and the increasing consciousness about protecting citizen rights , civil and economic cases in the world have been soaring .

  15. 自此,内地与香港正式建立了相互承认与执行民商事案件判决的机制。

    Hence , a new mechanism to facilitate reciprocal recognition and summary enforcement of Mainland judgments in civil or commercial matters in Hong Kong and vice versa .

  16. 笔者认为,尽管我国立法对非方便法院原则为加以规定,但在实践中,法院在处理国际民商事案件时经常采用该原则。

    The author holds that though there is no regulation in our law , in the practice , our courts often use it in international civil and commercial litigation .

  17. 外国法的查明和解释是法院在审理涉外民商事案件时通常会遇到的问题。

    S : The proof and explanation of foreign law is a problem that the court will usually meet while dealing with foreign-related cases in civil and commercial matters .

  18. 住所是国际私法中确定涉外民商事案件的管辖权和法律适用的一个重要的连接因素。

    The domicile of natural person is an important connection factor in the process of ascertaining the jurisdiction and the application of law in the international civil and commercial cases .

  19. 涉台民商事案件法律适用的现状与展望涉外刑事案件处置之司法困镜及对策探略

    Current Situation and Prospect of the Conflict of Civil and Commercial Laws between the Two Sides of the Strait ; The Judicial Dilemma and Countermeasure on Criminal Case Concerning Foreign Affairs

  20. 近年来在白银两级法院民商事案件的审理中,涉及适用公平责任原则的案件呈逐年上升趋势。

    In recent years in the Baiyin court of civil and commercial cases , involving the application of the principle of fair liability cases showed an upward trend year by year .

  21. 能够运用民法的基本理论,对各类民商事案件进行鞭辟入里的分析并作出前瞻性的判断。

    He is capable of using the basic theories of civil law for the detailed and thorough analysis of various types of civil and commercial lawsuits as well as generating judgment of forward-looking vision .

  22. 如果我们能够形成一种良好的证明责任分配与证据审查判断思维,那么审理各类民商事案件就可以方向准确、步骤明确、成竹在胸。

    Only by developing good logical reasoning on evidence judgment and the distribution of the burden of proof , can we take accurate , clear steps , in handling all kinds of civil and commercial cases intimate knowledge .

  23. 国际商事仲裁领域中的法律适用问题,即涉及到国际私法中有关冲突法的理论,又关涉各国的国内有关涉外民商事案件法律适用以及国际民事诉讼的实体法。

    However , application of law in international arbitration issues of involves complicated private international law , including conflict laws , and civil laws regulating foreign-related disputes , and the use of substantive law in civil proceeding for foreign cases .

  24. 第二章,在了解世界各国有关国际民商事案件管辖权规定的基础上,通过对比的方法研究讨论在网络环境下,传统的国际民商事案件管辖权的基础遇到了哪些挑战。

    In the second part , on the base of full understanding of jurisdiction in international civil cases in different nations , in the comparative method of studying , taking into consideration what challenges the jurisdiction has met in traditional private civil cases .

  25. 合同与侵权竞合的现象在涉外民商事案件中非常普遍,但对竞合案件,依照合同识别与依照侵权识别将适用不同的管辖权规则和冲突规则,最终的判决结果也可能不同。

    The concurrence of torts and contract in civil and commercial cases with foreign elements . However , different jurisdictional and conflict rules will be applicable according to whether the case is identified into torts or contract dispute , which determines the court 's verdict .

  26. 正是因为电子送达方式的这些优势,现今我国在涉外、涉港、涉澳、涉台的民商事案件中,电子送达方式的法律效力已经得到相关司法解释的确认。

    It is precisely because of these advantages of electronic mode of delivery , today our country in foreign affairs , and Hong kong or Taiwan-related civil and commercial cases , the legal effect of electronic delivery methods has been confirmed by the relevant judicial interpretations .

  27. 民商事案件联系市场经济的诸多方面,审判结果直接作用于市场交易主体,对维护市场经济秩序和公平交易具有重要作用。

    And the civil and commercial cases connect with many aspects of the market economy . The result of trial directly acts on the subject of market deals . So , it is of significance to protect the order of the market economy and fair deal .

  28. 家事案件执行具有不同于一般民商事案件执行的显著特点,这类案件的执行,并不仅仅是简单地强制实现判决书上确定的权利,还需要顾及相关当事人的情感和将来良好关系的维持。

    The enforcement of family cases are more different from that of civil cases , and they have their own specialities which not only need to force the party to perform their duty , but also need to remain the good relationship between parties in the future .