
mín shì huó dònɡ
  • civil activity
  1. 纠纷解决替代方式(ADR)在美国经济民事活动领域中早已开始实践,它起因于通过中立的第三者协助争议当事人双方解决他们之间纠纷的过程。

    ADR refers to processes in which a neutral third party assists those in a dispute to resolve issues between them , which has been put into practice long in the area of economic and civil activity in America .

  2. 第三条当事人在民事活动中的地位平等。

    Article 3 Parties to a civil activity shall have equal status .

  3. 清算组织可以依法进行必要的民事活动。

    The liquidation commission may also engage in necessary activities of a civil nature according to the law .

  4. 第四条民事活动应当遵循自愿、公平、等价有偿、诚实信用的原则。

    Article 4 In civil activities , the principles of voluntariness , fairness , making compensation for equal value , honesty and credibility shall be observed .

  5. 第六条民事活动必须遵守法律,法律没有规定的,应当遵守国家政策。

    Article 6 Civil activities must be in compliance with the law ; where there are no relevant provisions in the law , they shall be in compliance with state policies .

  6. 清算组可以依法进行必要的民事活动。

    The liquidation team may carry out necessary civil actions in accordance with law .

  7. 在民事活动中,一般情况下先由分支机构承担民事责任;

    In civil activities the affiliate at first undertakes civil liabilities on general occasions ;

  8. 商品房买卖日益成为一个与普通民众关系最为密切的民事活动。

    Commercial housing business becomes one to relate the closest civic action day by day with the ordinary populace .

  9. 而当其因行使职权的需要而从事民事活动的时候是可能存在精神损害赔偿问题的。

    When it is necessary for the exercise of authority when engaged in civil activities that may damage the spirit of the problem .

  10. 现代民法中的诚信原则既是当事人进行民事活动的行为准则,又是法官享有自由裁量权的依据。

    Good faith in the modern civil law is not only the party 's action standard but also the judge 's free judgment foundation .

  11. 成果二、保险合同对当事人诚实信用的要求,要比一般民事活动更为严格。

    Two , the requirements of good faith to the insurance contracts parties , should be more strict than that of general civil activities .

  12. 但如果民事活动中设立的担保物权在先,则应允许在调解程序中再次设立担保物权。

    However , if security interest in civil activities is established earlier , it should be permitted to establish security interest again in conciliation proceeding .

  13. 学校及其他教育机构在民事活动中依法享有民事权利,承担民事责任。

    A school or any other institution of education shall , in civil activities , enjoy civil rights and bear civil liabilities according to law .

  14. 在所有权、担保物权、债等一系列规定中,都体现了民事活动中诚实、公平、平等的基本思想。

    In the provisions of proprietorship and security interest , debt , honesty , fairness and the equality in the civil conduct have been manifested .

  15. 其他民事活动由他的法定代理人代理,或者征得他的法定代理人的同意。

    In other civil activities , he shall be represented by his agent ad litem or participate with the consent of his agent ad litem .

  16. 第七条民事活动应当尊重社会公德,不得损害社会公共利益,破坏国家经济计划,扰乱社会经济秩序。

    Article 7 Civil activities shall have respect for social ethics and shall not harm the public interest , undermine state economic plans or disrupt social economic order .

  17. 代理制度自创建以来,以其强大的生命力,在拓展民事活动空间,降低交易费用,促进民商事活动的繁荣发展以及确保市场主体法律权利能力的实现等方面发挥着巨大的推动作用。

    Since the establishment of agency legal institution , it has promoted the ability of individual to do civil action and transact business and reduced the cost of dealings .

  18. 第八条在中华人民共和国领域内的民事活动,适用中华人民共和国法律,法律另有规定的除外。

    Article eight the law of the people 's Republic of China shall apply to civil activities within the people 's Republic of china , except as otherwise stipulated by law .

  19. 非法人团体是指具有独立意志和可支配性财产,并能以自己的名义对外参与民事活动,但又不具有法人资格的自然人组成的有机体。

    Non-incorporator society should be the natural society with its own will , property-managing and civil relationships created in its own name , but in hasn 't the legal position of corporation .

  20. 理论和立法上的不足,不仅不利于保护法人的人格利益,也会妨碍法人参与民事活动的积极性。

    The deficiency in theory and legislation is bad to the protection of the personal right of legal person , which also influences the motivation of legal person in activities relating to civil law .

  21. 这不仅违反了民事活动所需遵循的平等原则,也还严重挫伤了小股东投资公司的积极性,影响社会经济的健康发展。

    This not only goes against the equal principle advocated in civil activities , but also suppresses the investment enthusiasm of minority shareholders , and furthermore , influences the healthy development of social economy .

  22. 此时公司完全处于清算组的控制下,清算组对内处理各种事务,对外代表公司进行各种民事活动和诉讼活动,其地位类似于公司正常经营过程中的董事,拥有广泛的职权。

    The company completely controlled by the liquidation group in this procedure . The liquidation group deals with domestic affairs , represents company in various civil activities and litigation activities . It owns extensive powers .

  23. 诚信原则为世界各国民法尊崇的基本原则,我国民法通则及合同法均将其确定为民事活动的基本原则。

    As a basic principle of civil law in all countries of the world , principle of good faith is confirmed to be the basic principle of civil activities in general principles of civil law .

  24. 刑民交错的界定过程,也是司法主体重构案件事实的过程,进而判断这个案件事实属于犯罪活动还是民事活动。

    The definition of the Criminal and Civil staggered process , reconstruction of the main facts of the case is judicial process , and then determine the facts of the case is criminal or civil activities .

  25. “为了保障公民权益,根据宪法和我国实际情况,总结民事活动的实践经验,制定本法。”

    " This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution and the actual situation in our country , drawing upon our practical experience in civil activities , for the purpose of protecting the lawful civil rights "

  26. 法人制度与有限责任制度皆是非常重要的法律制度,法人是能以自己的名义参与民事活动,具有民事权利,承担民事义务的组织。

    Legal person system and limited liability system are very important legal system , legal person is an organization who can participate in civil activities in its own name , with civil rights and assume civil obligations .

  27. 禁止权利滥用原则的要旨是要求民事活动的当事人在行使权利及履行义务的过程中,实现个人利益与社会利益的平衡。

    The gist of Forbidding Misuse of Rights Rule is that the litigants of civil activities are asked to fulfill the balance of individual interest and social interest during the course of exercising rights and carrying out duties .

  28. 公司的独立人格表现在公司能以自己的名义独立参加民事活动,享有民事权利,承担民事义务,特别是能用自己的财产独立地承担公司对外经营产生的一切债务。

    With independent personality , the company can take part in civil activity in the name of itself , enjoy civil right and assume civil obligation , especially assume all debts of company using it own property independently .

  29. 行为能力欠缺者所缺乏的,只是行为能力,不是权利能力,为了实现权利能力的实质平等,恰恰需要为其创造条件,使他们得以参与民事活动。

    The declared person are lack of capacity , not right capacity . In order to achieve the equality of the substance of the right , it is necessary to create conditions to enable them to participate in civil activities .

  30. 在公司设立过程中设立中公司需要进行各种民事活动,而一旦公司设立失败,这些民事活动的后果由谁承担将是不能不面对的法律问题。

    In the course of its establishment , there are various civil activities . But once the company can not be established , who will undertake the consequences of civil activities , this is the legal problems which is must be faced .