
mín shì hé tonɡ
  • civil contract
  1. 劳动合同与普通民事合同的求异研究

    Study on Differences of Labor Contract and Regular Civil Contract

  2. 论行政合同与民事合同的区分标准

    On Standard of Differentiating Administrative Contract from Civil Contract

  3. 邮政合同是民事合同的一种。

    Mail contract belongs to the civil contracts .

  4. 金融合同与民事合同及其他种类的合同相比较,具有自己的法律特征。

    Compared with the civil contract , financial contract has its own legal charateristics .

  5. 民事合同与行政合同之比较及启示

    Civil Contracts Administrative Contracts : Comparative Study

  6. 论医患关系是特殊的民事合同关系

    Patient-hospital Relation & A Special Civil Contract

  7. 论环境民事合同制度

    On System of The Environmental Civil Contracts

  8. 学术界主要有三种观点,即行政合同说、民事合同说、混合合同说。

    There are three main academic views : administrative contracts , civil contracts and mixed contracts .

  9. 试析媒介消费中的民事合同关系&兼论适用合同法的规定保护媒介消费者的合法权益

    The Relations of Civil Contract in the Media Consumption and Contract Law with Protection of the Consumers

  10. 符合条件的人民调解协议具有民事合同的性质;

    Those people 's mediation agreements being adaptable to the conditions , have the nature of civil contracts .

  11. 彩票合同的主体是彩票发行机构与彩票购买人,彩票合同属于民事合同、有偿合同、诺成合同、双务合同、定型化合同、射幸合同和最大诚信合同。

    The two parties of lottery contract are the distributor of lottery tickets and the buyer of lottery tickets .

  12. 认为国有土地使用权出让合同的性质是民事合同;

    And then believes the feature of grant contract on the right to state-owned land is a civil contract .

  13. 从立法上明确规定劳动争议调解协议是民事合同;仲裁阶段如何认定调解协议的效力,法律应有明确的规定:完善支付令在调解协议中的实施。

    Explicit regulations of labor dispute mediation agreement is civil contract , and perfecting the payment in the conciliation agreement .

  14. 政府采购合同从形式上看更多具有民事合同的性质,但是,从本质上分析,它仍应属于行政合同的范畴。

    Government procurement contract has more civil contract in form , but in essence it still belongs to administrative contract .

  15. 立法中过多地渗入民事合同理论,与行政合同性质相冲突。我们认为,民事合同与行政合同在理论与立法上的相互影响、相互借鉴是一个历史趋势。

    Excessively putting civil contract theory into administrative contract , it is a conflict with the nature of administrative contract ;

  16. 关于这一特定法律关系的理论主要有行政法律关系、民事合同法律关系、双重法律关系。

    Theories of the specific legal relationships mainly include administrative legal relationships , civil contract legal relationships and dual legal relationships .

  17. 从对医疗关系的性质分析出发,阐述该条款性质上为民事合同条款;

    Based on analyzing the nature of medical relationship , this chapter demonstrates that the clause is a civil contract clause .

  18. 合同诈骗罪合同的外延包括大部分存在于市场活动中的民事合同、劳动合同,口头形式等非书面形式合同也可以成为合同诈骗罪的合同;

    The extension of this kind of contract involves the majority of the civil contract and employment contract existing in the market .

  19. 物业服务合同是典型的民事合同,是一种新类型的服务合同,是合同法上的无名合同和要式合同。

    As a new kind of service contract , it belongs to the unnamed contract and special-formed contract in the Contract Law .

  20. 在我国由于受理论界对行政合同与民事合同混淆的影响,一直将装备采购合同视同于经济合同。

    Due to the theoretic promiscuity of administration contract and civil contract , the equipment-purchasing contract is continuously regarded as economy contract .

  21. 就业协议的法律性质属于民事合同。

    The legal nature of employment agreement belongs to civil and commercial law while labor contract is a branch of social labor law .

  22. 但这些特征的存在并没有改变其性质,就性质而言,它仍然是民事合同。

    Though standard form contract is different from traditional contract in theory , In nature it is still one kind of civil contract .

  23. 从公私合作的背景来看,第三人与行政机关之间是民事合同关系。

    Looking from the backgrounds of public-private partnerships , the relationship between the third person and the agency is the civil contract bond .

  24. 它的本质是通过合同实现政府意志和社会公共利益,有不同于民事合同的实质性特点。

    Satisfying the governmental will and social public benefits are its essentials and which has the key characters that are different from civil contract .

  25. 能源管理合同是具有互利性、综合性和长期性的民事合同,属于合同法中的无名合同。

    The EPC is a mutually beneficial , comprehensive and long-term civil contract , which belongs to nameless contract as specified by Contract Law .

  26. 行政合同起诉期限应当借鉴民事合同诉讼时效的规定,区分有效和无效行政合同,采取不同的起诉期限计算方法。

    The time limit for commencement of action for administrative contract should be different , basing on whether an administrative contract is effective or ineffective .

  27. 由于政府特许经营合同兼具行政合同与民事合同的特征,不能将其归类为单纯的行政合同或民事合同。

    Since it involves both administrative and civil characteristic , it is not suitable to view it as a administrative contract or a civil one .

  28. 邮政通信合同在性质上是一种民事合同,应将其纳入未来民法典合同分则予以规定。

    Postal communications contract is in essence a kind of civil contracts , which should be included in the contract subsection of future civil code .

  29. 本文分设三章,从与民事合同和传统的行政行为相比较的视角,对行政契约的生效问题进行了探讨。

    This thesis consists of three chapters , which separately study the effectuation of administrative contract by comparing with civil contract and traditional administrative action .

  30. 或者,签署合同的政府机构,通过将私人民事合同中没有的条款写入合同,将合同自行变成行政合同。

    Alternatively , the contracting government agency can itself make a contract as an administrative one by including certain terms not found in private civil contracts .