
mín zú gé mìng
  • national revolution
民族革命[mín zú gé mìng]
  1. 现在我们来说中国民族革命营垒里的情形。

    Now let us discuss the situation in the camp of China 's national revolution .

  2. 广大的小资产阶级群众,革命的知识分子,是民族革命中最可靠的同盟者。

    The broad masses of the petty bourgeoisie and the revolutionary intellectuals are their most reliable allies in the national revolution .

  3. 不是别的,就是建立广泛的民族革命统一战线。

    It is none other than to form a broad revolutionary national united front .

  4. 1935年,民族革命党创立以后,义烈团作为一个自主参与其党的团体而宣告自行解散。

    In 1935 , after the nation revolution party was founded , its declare to dissolve by itself .

  5. 关于危地马拉政府和危地马拉民族革命联盟恢复谈判进程的协定;

    Agreement for the resumption of the negotiating process between the government of Guatemala and the Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional guatemalteca ;

  6. 他作品中洋溢着的民族革命情感以及墨西哥民族的审美特质一直饱受画界的肯定。

    He works full of the revolutionary sentiment and the aesthetic characteristics of the Mexican nation has been suffering from painting in the affirmative .

  7. 目前,在《中国革命史》教学中存在着一种偏向,就是忽视少数民族革命史的教学。

    At present , there is a deviation of neglecting the importance of the revolution history of the minority nationalities in teaching The History of Chinese Revolution .

  8. 我们主张全国人民总动员的完全的民族革命战争,或者叫作全面抗战。

    We stand for a national revolutionary war in the full sense , a war in which the entire people are mobilized , in other words , total resistance .

  9. 不克服这个倾向,就不能进行胜利的抗日民族革命战争,就不能变片面抗战为全面抗战,就不能保卫祖国。

    Unless it is overcome , we cannot succeed in carrying forward the Anti-Japanese National Revolutionary war , in turning partial resistance into total resistance and in defending the motherland .

  10. 因此,“统一战线中的独立自主”这个原则的说明、实践和坚持,是把抗日民族革命战争引向胜利之途的中心一环。

    Thus the key to leading the anti-Japanese national revolutionary war to victory is to explain , apply and uphold the principle of " independence and initiative within the united front " .

  11. 近代中国社会民族革命勃兴的特征,使宣传画在发展过程中被更多地注入政治色彩,并逐渐成为政治宣传的有效方式。

    With the rising of national revolutions in modern Chinese society , the posters were added much political colors during the process , and gradually became an effective means of political propaganda .

  12. 中国人民的民族革命斗争,从一八四○年的鸦片战争算起,已经有了整整一百年的历史了;

    The national revolutionary struggle of the Chinese people has a history of fully one hundred years counting from the Opium War of 1840 , or of thirty years counting from the Revolution of 1911 .

  13. 在新的抗日民族革命战争的阶段上,我们将引导中国革命走向完成,也将给东方和世界的革命以深刻的影响。

    In the new stage , the stage of the Anti-Japanese National Revolutionary war , we shall lead the Chinese revolution to its completion and exert a profound influence on the revolution in the East and in the whole world .

  14. 新兴话剧在文化启蒙和民族革命运动中领导了现代戏剧的新潮流,开始了在民族文化土壤中生根、发芽的历程。

    In the process of cultural enlightenment and national revolutionary movement , the new drama led the new trend of the modern drama . The new drama sprout in the soil of the Chinese culture and the drama nationalization was started .

  15. 20世纪30年代,上海文艺界就如何建立文艺界的抗日统一战线而出现了国防文学与民族革命战争的大众文学两个口号的论争。

    In the thirties of the twenty century , on how to set up united front , a controversy about two slogan , namely " national defence literature " and " national mass literature of revolutionary war ", broke out in the literature and art circles in Shanghai .

  16. 中国革命史是中华民族的革命史&大学教科书中少数民族革命史教育亟待加强

    The History of Chinese Revolution-A History of the Chinese Nationalities

  17. 因此这是一次不彻底的民族民主革命,反映了中国民族资产阶级的软弱和妥协的性格。

    Hence it was a non-thoroughgoing national democratic revolutionary programme reflecting the weak and compromising character of the Chinese national bourgeoisie .

  18. 苏俄建国初期对华政策的基本原则是清除帝俄侵略政策,支持被压迫民族的革命。

    The basic principle of the policy on China is to remove the Russian aggressive policy of imperialism in Russian the early days of foundation in the Soviet , support the revolution of the oppressed nation .

  19. 在党的领导下,朝鲜族人民才走上了争取民族解放的革命道路。

    Korean people headed toward a revolutionary road of national liberation by the leadership of CPC .

  20. 第三,应当继承与中华民族和中国革命传统相承接的价值规范;

    Thirdly , the new value standard which continues from Chinese people and Chinese revolution tradition should be inherited .

  21. 作为我们党,已经有了用科学精神看生死观,用民族精神、革命精神看生死观。

    Our Party has possessed the Concept of Life and Death using the scientific , national and revolutionary spirits .

  22. 通过发起一场非裔美国人和少数民族的民权革命,

    and deepened the wellspring of justice by making a revolution in civil rights for African Americans and all minorities ,

  23. 党员的先进性,不就是民族精神、革命精神、科学精神、人文精神的统一吗?

    Are not the advanced character of the Party member the unification of the national , revolutionary , the scientific and the humanity of spirits ?

  24. 在领导民族地区的革命和建设事业中,为培养少数民族干部和民族地区人才做出了突出贡献。

    In the course of leading the work for the revolution and construction , he made great contribution for the fostering cadres and talents in ethnic minority regions .

  25. 孙中山作为一个伟大的民族资产阶级革命家和科学思想家,其科学思想对中国社会经济的发展产生过巨大的影响与作用。

    As a great capitalist revolutionist and scientific thinker , Sun Zhong - shan 's scientific thought has tremendous effect on the development of China 's economic development .

  26. 通过发起一场非裔美国人和少数民族的民权革命及扩大妇女的公民权利、就业机会和人身尊严,从而深掘了正义之泉。

    and deepened the wellspring of justice by making a revolution in civil rights for African Americans and all minorities , and extending the circle of citizenship , opportunity and dignity to women .

  27. 其中包括文化古迹、名人遗迹、园林、民族风情、革命遗址、特种工艺、文化娱乐场所以及文化艺术、民族习俗、城乡建设等。

    Including cultural heritage , famous monuments , gardens , national conditions and customs , revolutionary sites , special techniques , as well as the culture and the arts and cultural entertainment , ethnic customs , such as urban and rural construction .

  28. 在后现代的语境中,差异是重新理解人类社会、文化的一个关键概念,也是本文分析少数民族妇女在革命和解放中身份和地位的基础。

    In the post-modern context , the " difference " is a new understanding of human society and culture as a key concept and analysis of ethnic minority women in this " revolution " and " liberation " of the basis for identity and status .

  29. 本文试采用分析归纳法、比较研究法以及史学考证与法学分析相结合的研究方法,对民族资产阶级革命派的宪政思想进行深入研究。

    For these problems , academic circles have not conducted more thorough research . This article adopts the inductive analysis method , comparative study of law and historical textual research and legal analysis of a combination of research methods , to the national bourgeoisie revolutionary constitutional thought research .

  30. 作为民族国家想象的革命历史长篇小说的革命想象也正是在这样的思想背景下进行的。

    The " revolutionary " imagination of revolutionary history novels is just formed in this background .