
mín zú zì xìn xīn
  • National self-confidence;national confidence;national pride;national self-respect
  1. 民族自信心的重建与中国特色社会主义文化建设

    Rebuild of National Confidence and the Cultural Construction of the Chinese Feature Socialism

  2. 于破和立两个方面提出了当前文化重建民族自信心的路径和方略。

    Fourthly , the author posed methods and routes of present culture rebuilding national confidence through breaking and building .

  3. 二是要加强民族自信心的教育,树立健康的民族心态;

    Enhance the national self-confidence and establish healthy national attitudes ;

  4. 伊拉克和阿富汗战争沉重地打击了英国的民族自信心。

    The Iraq and Afghanistan wars took a heavy toll on national self-confidence .

  5. 当前大学生主流思想积极向上,具有较强的民族自信心和自豪感,表现出较为明显的社会主人翁意识。

    Students mainstream thinking positive , Performance have the more obvious social sense of ownership .

  6. 空前的民族自信心&试从比较的角度谈鲁迅前期小说的思想性

    Unprecedented National Confidence & On the Ideological Content of LU Xun 's Early Days ' Novels from the View of Contrast

  7. 顺应中国公司孜孜以求打造越来越强民族自信心的势头,把中国风格与欧洲制作技术融合在一起,就成为愈发流行的做法。

    Fusing Chinese style with European manufacturing is a trend gathering momentum , as business owners seek to tap growing national confidence .

  8. 明初将中国重新大一统后的民族自信心膨胀是形成象生雄浑写意等风格的时代原因。

    The Chinese unification will again after the national confidence expansion is formed as student vigorous freehand styles such as the age of reason .

  9. 在教学中,深入挖掘,加强教育,可使学生立足世界,知我中华,爱我中华,增强民族自信心和凝聚力,激发学生立志报国的热情。

    To strengthen it in teaching world history can make the students understand both the world and Chinese history and love our country ever more .

  10. 鸦片战争后中国国力急转直下,民族自信心严重受挫,缓慢的开始针对西方的侵略做出回应。

    With the national strength decreasing drastically after the Opium War and the national confidence frustrated , China gradually began to respond to western invasion .

  11. 历史题材电视节目起到了增强民族自信心、民族荣誉感,凝聚和塑造民族精神的巨大作用。

    The historical theme television program had the self-confidence of nationality , the national sense of honor , the condensation and the mold national spirit tremendous role .

  12. 当代以来,自古以来的中国即世界中心的思想一次次遭到帝国主义的打击,民族自信心下降到历史最低点。

    In modern times , the Middle Kingdom was repeatedly defeated by the imperial countries , and the nation 's confidence was at its lowest point ever .

  13. 一个长远影响是,中国人的民族自信心将增强,并将自卑感抛在脑后。

    One of the lasting impacts is that Chinese will feel more confident of themselves as a nation and put the sense of inferiority behind them , he says .

  14. 日本帝国主义不仅发动了对中国的侵略战争,而且曾长期把鸦片作为麻醉中国人民意志、削弱中华民族自信心和反抗力的软武器。

    Japanese Imperialists did not only start the aggressive war in China , but has also long used opium as a mental weapon to weaken the will , impair self-confidence and resistance of Chinese people .

  15. 对马来亚殖民开发中华人作用的探讨,有利于增强我们的民族自信心、正确认识亚太地区的经济形势和促进我国与该地区诸国经贸关系的发展。

    A survey of the role of the Chinese in the colonial Malaya would surely help to enhance the Chinese national confidence , to shed light on the present Asian-Pacific economy and to promote trade with countries in the region .

  16. 了解这些问题,进一步探讨传统女性观的历史性与真实性,找回在近现代历史中迷失的文化认同感和民族自信心是很有意义的。

    It 's significant to understand all these problems in order to have a further probe into the history and truth on traditional view of female , finding back the cultural approval and national confidence lost in the modern history .

  17. 严格的制度、深刻的管理思想及强烈的民族自信心是促使我国古建筑木构体系得以稳定发展、自成一派的重要原因,给我国当代建筑事业的发展以启迪。

    The important reasons for this wood-made system to develop stably and form the different characteristics from that of the other countries are the severe systems , profound thoughts of philosophy and strong self-confidence of nation , which enlighten the development of modern architecture of China .

  18. 来激发人们奋起抗日、还我江山的勇气和决心,表现了徐悲鸿强烈的爱国主丈情怀和民族的自信心。

    To stimulate the people rose up against Japanese aggression , I Jiangshan the courage and determination shown beihong-xu main Zhang strong patriotic sentiments and national self-confidence .

  19. 这样做,既可以提高民族的自信心,又有助于中国革命和建设的实践;其目的是为了创造中华民族的新文化。

    It can both improve our nation 's self-confidence and conduce to the Chinese revolution and construction for us to do in this way the purpose to create new culture of the Chinese nation .

  20. 打败西班牙人不但提高了英格兰民族的自信心,而且扫除了他们通向海外殖民扩张道路上的最大障碍,为斯图亚特王朝时期英国海外殖民贸易帝国的建立和发展准备了有利条件。

    Triumph over Spaniards not only enhanced the self confidence of English nation , but also cleared away the biggest obstacle to colonial expansion abroad and thus prepared favorable conditions for the establishment and development of the British Empire of trade in the Dynasty of Stuart .

  21. 上世纪末,由于西方设计师的引领以及国人对本民族文化自信心的重建,使中国民族服饰开始被接受,在新的世界环境中,我国民族服饰将进入全新的发展时期。

    In the end of last century , our national dress began to be accepted because of the leading of Western designers and the reconstruction of countrymen 's confidence . Our national dress will step into a new developing stage at new environment of the world .

  22. 全球化是由资本主义世界所主导的,这直接影响国民的民族自尊心和自信心,冲击传统的民族精神;

    The globalization is lead by the capitalism world directly , which affects the national self-respect , the self-confidence and the traditional national spirit ;

  23. 必须发扬爱国主义精神,提高民族自尊心和民族自信心。

    We must encourage patriotism and a sense of national dignity and self-confidence .

  24. 这些伟大成就,极大地增强了中国人民的民族自豪感和自信心。

    These tremendous achievements have greatly enhanced the Chinese people 's national pride and confidence .

  25. 它旨在提升黑非洲文明的精神,唤起黑人的民族自豪感和自信心。

    It intends to elevate the spirit of the black African culture and awaken the blacks national pride and confidence .

  26. 主张在坚定对本民族文化传统的自信心的基础上,让儒学走上自力更生之多形结构之道路。

    In our traditional culture , steadfast confidence , and on the basis of self-reliance of Confucianism to make more than the fractal structure .

  27. 通过借鉴国外,特别是对美国青年公民教育的方法和途径的分析,取其精华,有利于培养我国青年的爱国情操、民族自豪感以及自信心。

    Through learning from other countries , especially from the methods of the U.S. youthful citizenship education , by analysis and selecting the essence , to train the patriotic sentiment , national pride and self-confidence of our youth .

  28. 读史对发展民族新文化,提高民族自信心,有着极其重要的作用。

    It has much importance in development of newly national culture and confidence of people .

  29. 民俗文物对于弘扬民族的优良传统、增强民族的凝聚力和自信心,具有重要意义,认真搜集、保存、展示好民俗文物,是社会主义精神文明建设的有机组成部分。

    : It is important for the folk relics to develop the excellent national traditions and strengthen national confidence and cohesion . It is the important part of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization that museum collect , protect and display the folk relics .

  30. 加强大学生的民族精神教育,培养大学生的民族自尊信、自信心、自豪感,协调好个人利益与国家利益、个人创业与振兴民族经济的关系。

    Strengthen college students ' national spirit education , training students ' national self-esteem , self-confidence , and the letter of pride , by dealing with the interests of the state and the personal interest , coordinating the relationship between individual enterprise and promoting national economic .