
mín chuán
  • Civilian ship;privately owned boat
民船 [mín chuán]
  • [privately-owned boat] 私人所有的载客和运货的木船;民用船只

民船[mín chuán]
  1. 同时,与传统电动机(铜线线圈)进行了比较,表明HTS电动机具有重量轻,体积小,噪音小,维修少和效率高等优点,十分有利于海军舰船和民船的使用要求。

    Compared with a conventional motor , HTS motor has many advantages , e.g. reduced weight , small size , low noise , low maintenance , high efficiency etc , which are very favourable to marine and merchant ships .

  2. 虽然IMO只规定了民船安装AIS,但是军用舰船在同样的海洋环境下航行,面临的复杂航行环境是一样的,执行的国际避碰规则也是一样的。

    Although the IMO only requires civilian vessels to install AIS , military ships sailing under the same marine environment face the same complicated navigational environment at sea and carry out the same International Regulations for Preventing Collisions .

  3. 都被李留下保护民船了。

    Lee left all of his planesto guard the civilian ships .

  4. 几只武装民船经常在这个海峡的进口附近巡航。

    Several privateer often cruise near the entrance of the channel .

  5. 民船电力推进技术应用及发展方向

    Application and Trend of Electric Propulsion Technology for Commercial Ships

  6. 民船主要船型发展述评

    A Review on the Development of Major Merchant Ship Forms

  7. 民船和海洋平台出口退税的研究

    A Study of Duty Drawback for Export Merchant Ships and Offshore Platforms

  8. 所有国家在19世纪之前都曾利用武装民船进行私掠行动。

    All nations engaged in privateering from the earliest times until the19th century .

  9. 在马岛之战中,英国动用了民船作为战时医院船。

    In the Malvinas War , Britain employed civilian ships for medical use .

  10. 卢西塔尼亚号不是一条民船,而是武装商船。

    And itwasnt a civilian ship , it was carrying arms for sale .

  11. 民船的船长们想见你。

    Civilian captains want to meet with you .

  12. 结构振动和噪声控制对于民船和军船都是一项十分重要的研究课题。

    The noise and vibration control is a major research subject in civil and military fields .

  13. 模块化设计思想在战时民船征用改造成维修保障船中的应用

    Modularization Design Idea Used in Confiscating Civilian Ship to Rebuild Repairing Ship in the War Time

  14. 日军用抢来的民船运输部队,沿水路向南京进击。

    The Japanese Army using seized civilian sampans to transport its troops toward Nanking on local waterways .

  15. 在现有的民船设计规范或军船设计方法中都有对质量的规定,一般以公差的形式给出。

    Current design guidelines on quality requirements such as tolerance specifications are available from classification society rules or military standards .

  16. 1856年「巴黎宣言」发表后,英国和欧洲主要国家(西班牙除外)都宣布武装民船之私掠行动为非法。

    In1856 , by the Declaration of Paris , Britain and other major European countries ( except Spain ) declared privateering illegal .

  17. 作者以具体的市场调查数据说明减摇鳍将在民船应用方面有大发展。

    The author demonstrates that fin stabilizer will have a great future in civil marine application with specific data of market surveys .

  18. 对模块化设计思想在战时民船征用改造成维修保障船中的应用作了有益探讨,对战时民船征用改造成维修保障船的必要性进行了论证。

    We have discussed the necessity of using modularization design idea to rebuild-ship by confiscating ship in the war time in the paper .

  19. 本文参考民船结构直接计算的方法,结合舰艇结构设计规范,研究舰船结构直接计算方法和解决方案。

    This paper study on naval ship structure direct design methods by reference the commercial direct calculation methods and naval ship structure design rules .

  20. 结果表明,层次分析法具有简明实用的特点,是对民船进行有选择征用的一种有效方法。

    The calculation of it is illustrated and the results show that it is simple and practical and is an effective way in civilian ship mobilization .

  21. 而且,军舰在保密航行时,民船难以发现其航行踪迹,在这种情况下,军舰肩负着更大的避碰的责任,一旦造成事故,损失严重。

    Moreover , when warships are sailing in confidential , the civilian vessels could hardly find its navigation track . In this case , warships undertake a greater responsibility for avoiding collision .

  22. 结构的振动噪声预报及其控制无论对于军船还是民船都是一项十分重要的研究课题,它关系到舰艇的隐身性能、船舶的舒适性以及结构的安全性。

    Forecast and control of Structural vibration and noise is an important project for both naval vessels and other kind of ships because it relates to the structural safety , stealth performance and comfort of passenger .

  23. 未来10~15年,中高速柴油机仍将是大中型舰船、中型民船主机、辅机和高速艇的主要动力。

    The authors of the paper expect that , in the coming 10 to 15 years , high and medium speed diesel engines will still be the main power equipment for large and medium size naval ships , medium size civil ships and high speed boats .