
hánɡ kōnɡ duì
  • Aviation team;air force/fleet
  1. 由于呼吸到了废弃矿井中的泄漏气体,一名前陆军航空队军官陷入了一种假死状态。

    Exposure to a gas leak in an abandoned mine induced a former Army Air Corps officer to lapse into a form of suspended animation .

  2. 前英国陆军航空队(BritishArmyAirCorps)军官蒂莫西·皮克(TimothyPeake)目前是欧洲航天局(EuropeanSpaceAgency)驻国际空间站(InternationalSpaceStation)宇航员。他周四给家里打电话时拨错了电话号码。

    Timothy Peake , a former British Army Air Corps officer and current European Space Agency astronaut aboard the International Space Station , phoned home to a wrong number on Thursday .

  3. 一架C-46运输机飞越驼峰到达印度基地为陈纳德将军的第14航空队运送物资。

    C-46 returns over " The Hump " to India for another load of supplies for Chennault's14th Air Force .

  4. 几天后我被编入了407空中服务中队,这个部队是第十四航空队第十四空中服务大队的一部分。

    Several days after I arrived , the407th Air Service Squadron was formed , and I was a member .

  5. 二战期间,盖博自动退出影坛,在陆军航空队服役。

    Gable voluntarily took a leave of absence from acting during WWII and served in the Army Air Corps .

  6. 美国第七舰队侵入了台湾海峡,美国第十三航空队进驻了台湾。

    Thus the Seventh Fleet invaded the Taiwan Straits and the U.S. 13th Air Force set up base in Taiwan .

  7. 他们为第14航空队(飞虎队)运来了燃料、食物、弹药和药品,抗击日本鬼子。

    They kept the fuel , beans , bullets and bandages coming so the14th Air Force could take on the Japanese .

  8. 当美国方面威胁要将4月份提供给Y部队的补给转交给第14航空队的时候,蒋介石终于批准了Y部队的行动计划。

    When the Americans threatened to divert April Y-Force supplies to the Fourteenth Air Force instead , Chiang finally approved committing the Y-Force into action .

  9. 他是美国空军志愿队的头,然后扩展为美国十四航空队,基地在昆明。(这个地方不知道在那里?)

    He headed the American Volunteer Group ( AVG ) and was promoted to general in command of the14th Air Force , based in Kunming .

  10. 美国陆军航空队,相信在白昼轰炸,应以防御性的空中堡垒重轰炸机为组织之骨干。

    The U. S. Army Air Forces believed in daylight bombing with the heavily defended Fortress type of bomber as the backbone of the organization .

  11. 摩德纳的大教堂、市民塔和大广场陈纳德航空队曾经广泛地参战⑶。

    The Cathedral , Torre Civica and Piazza Grande , Modena Chennault 's air fleet took an extensive part in the civil war . [ 3 ]

  12. 所有第十四航空队的成员在他们的衣服上都有“飞虎”的臂章,所以也叫飞虎队。

    Members of the US14th Army Air Force continued to wear the " Flying Tiger " badges on their shoulders and were better known as Flying Tigers .

  13. 从1941年8月美国志愿航空队成立到抗日战争结束,中美空军在中国战场进行了充分的合作。

    From the August of 1941 , the United States voluntary Air Force to the War of Resistance Against Japan , Sino-US Air Force at the battlefield of china has cooperated fully .

  14. 尽管史迪威也认识到第14航空队在支援中国军队的战斗中所体现出的巨大价值,但他仍为陈纳德到处兜售其野心勃勃的空中进攻计划感到不满。

    Although he recognized the value of the support of the Fourteenth Air Force to the Chinese Army , Stilwell was increasingly frustrated by Chennault 's success in selling his ambitious air campaign .

  15. 日本航空自卫队基地防空地面设施(BADGE)系统

    BADGE System of Japanese Air Self Defense Force

  16. 日本防卫省(MinistryofDefense)表示,在那段时期,日本航空自卫队曾八次出动飞机来应对台湾飞机。但防卫省没有透露详情。

    Japan 's defense ministry said its air force had scrambled jets eight times during that period to respond to Taiwanese planes , but declined to elaborate .

  17. 日本航空自卫队(JASDF)航空医学实验队的研究和训练

    Research and training in Japan Air Self Defense Force ( JASDF ) aeromedical laboratory

  18. 从“本土防御”转向“海外干预”日本航空自卫队发展新动向

    New Trend of Japan Air Self - Defence Force

  19. 中国外交部则拒绝置评。在此之前,中国外交部似乎对由航空自卫队运送救灾物资的建议持开放态度。

    China 's foreign ministry , which had previously appeared open to the idea of ASDF flights , declined to comment .

  20. 按照计划,“探索频道”将会录制一个大型的专题记录片&该飞机的打捞和修复及美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)的历史。

    As now planned , the Discovery Channel will be producing a major documentary " special " on the recovery of the aircraft and the history of the American Volunteer Group .

  21. 从20世纪80年代中期到1994年,该机场一直由一个独立的航空救援队使用,服役的有An-12BP,Mi-8T和一架图波列夫水陆两用飞机。空军大队成员的飞行套装。

    From the mid 1980s to 1994 the airfield was used by a separateaviation rescue detachment that had An-12BP , Mi-8T , and a Tupolev amphibianaerosleigh in service . Flight suits for airgroup members .

  22. 日本政府23日指示航空自卫队做好准备,激活防空系统,以应对朝鲜计划中的卫星发射。

    Japan 's defense minister has ordered interceptor missile units to prepare for the DPRK 's planned rocket launch next month . Tokyo took the same measures in 2009 , in anticipation of a previous DPRK satellite test .

  23. 美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)飞行员身上穿的皮夹克的背面缝上了“血书”,证明他们是来帮助中国人民的“飞虎队”队员。

    Sewn onto the back of leather flying jackets worn the pilots of the American Volunteer Group , the " Blood Chit " or " Xuefu " was worn to identify the " Flying Tigers " to the Chinese people .

  24. 在罗伊格林内尔创作的名叫“在他们的机翼下”的图画中,用多种手法形象地说明了在美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)的年轻美国飞行员和中国人民之间日益增长的特殊关系。

    I n " under their wings " roy Grinnell has created an image that in so many ways , dramatically defines the special relationship that grew between the young American aviators of the American volunteer group and the people of china .

  25. 美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)的王牌飞行员和飞虎协会的主席,约翰迪克罗西和基金会执行董事杰夫格林一起在前美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)和美国空军在中国桂林的机场处留影。

    American Volunteer Group fighter ace and President of the Flying Tigers association , john " dick " rossi and Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation executive director , Jeff Greene are photographed at the former AVG and American Army Air Force airfield at guilin , china .

  26. 但他说美国航空航天局队和其它项目科学家象钟表机构制作使命发生。

    But he says the NASA team and other project scientists made the mission happen like clockwork .

  27. 陆军航空兵轰炸机飞行员和美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)副中队长和王牌飞行员。

    Army Air Corps trained Bomber pilot and AVG " Flying Tiger " Vice Squadron Leader and fighter ace .