
  • 网络aviation personnel;airmen;Airman
  1. 航空人员违反规章制度,致使发生重大飞行事故,造成严重后果的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;

    Any aviation personnel who violate the rules and regulations thereby causing major air accidents and serious consequences are to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment or detention ;

  2. 抵达国际空间站之后,奋进号机组人员将运送和安装“宁静”号节点舱,这将为航空人员提供额外的空间。

    When they get to the International Space Station , the Endeavour crew will be delivering and installing a module known as Tranquility , which will provide additional room for crew members .

  3. 结论ERPs中的慢电位在一定程度上可以体现心理负荷和脑功能状态,在航天航空作业人员的选拔和训练中应注意听觉ERPs的特征及其承受心理负荷的状况。

    Conclusion The slow potential amplitude of ERPs may reflect the psychological load and the brain function state . Attention should be paid to the feature of auditory ERPs in space medical practice .

  4. 航空机组人员宇宙射线职业照射研究概况

    Research review on occupational exposure to cosmic rays among civil aircrew

  5. 基于层次分析法的航空机务人员素质能力评估模型

    Diathesis Ability Evaluation Model of Aviation Aircraft Crew Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process

  6. 在入住时,航空从业人员必须证明他们的职务和所在公司。

    Person claiming airline discount must identify themselves , position and company , upon check-in .

  7. 有必要控制天然辐射产生的职业照射,如地下矿工和航空机组人员。

    Occupational exposure from natural radiation should be controlled , such as to underground miners and air crew .

  8. 数千名波音公司的员工、潜在买家和航空公司人员在现场观看了当天的首飞。

    Thousands of Boeing employees , potential buyers and airline executives , were present to watch the inaugural flight .

  9. 罢工看来是没戏了。法官宣判,英国航空空乘人员的罢工计划不能举行。

    Strike is off , the judge says plans for a by a British Airway 's Cabin Crew cannot happen .

  10. 我代表火星远景航空全体人员感谢大家今天选乘我们的飞机。

    On behalf of all Mar Vista Airline employees , we 'd like to thank you for selecting us today .

  11. 某天,一位纳瓦伙族老人和他儿子遇见正在岩石间穿行的航空工作人员。

    One day , a Navajo elder and his son came across the space crew , who were walking among the rocks .

  12. 汉莎航空技术人员今天也参与了罢工,他们主要负责飞机的保养和检查工作,而且汉莎的地勤人员也参与了罢工。

    Staff at Lufthansa Technique were striking today . They are in charge of maintenance and technical overhauls , plus some Lufthansa catering workers .

  13. 飞机下降期间,飞行员没有和航空管制人员有过任何通话,也未发送任何紧急讯号。

    At no point during the descent was there any communication from the cockpit to air traffic controllers or any other signal of an emergency .

  14. 近日,加拿大航空安全人员向其乘客发出警告:不准携带喷水枪和玩具枪登机。由于需要进行安全检查,这些东西会导致航班的长时间延误。

    Exasperated Canadian air safety officials on Thursday told passengers " to leave their water pistols and toy guns at home " because they were triggering big delays at airport security .

  15. 航空工作人员要经过培训如何去听抱怨,如果他们能表示出同情,并且能够耐心听听旅客的问题,那么他们的问题就不会那么严重。

    Airline employees are taught how to listen to complaints . If they are able to show sympathy and to listen long enough the passenger 's problem will begin to seem less important .

  16. 当这名深圳航空工作人员被问到老鼠是怎么进来的时候,他表示,除了正常乘客通道和行李通道,老鼠可能在飞机还停在机场上的时候就已经进入了。

    When the Shenzhen Airlines staff member was asked how the rat got onto the flight , he said that in addition to the usual passenger and cargo channels , the rat may have entered the aircraft while it was parked on the tarmac .

  17. 看看这段从有关航空公司乘务人员工作的信息手册中摘录的文字。

    Read this extract from an information booklet about the work of an airline cabin crew .

  18. 英国航空公司地勤人员的罢工已经造成伦敦至曼彻斯特的航线停运。

    A strike by British Airways ground staff has led to the suspension of flights between London and Manchester

  19. 遗传算法在航空公司飞行人员排班中的应用研究

    The Study of Application of Genetic Algorithm in Airlines Pilot Rostering

  20. 航空行业中人员差错数据库

    Development of human error data base in aeronautic facilities industry overview

  21. 山东航空公司空勤人员预防非典的措施

    Preventive measures against SRAS for aircrew taken by Shandong Airline

  22. 军事航空医学科研人员的信息需求及有效获取信息的对策

    The information requirement and the strategy of information acquirement for military aviation medicine researchers

  23. 目的探讨发作性头痛的脑波涨落图特征,为航空航天作业人员选拔提供参考方法。

    Objective To offer reference of the screening procedure for aircrew and astronaut selection .

  24. 为餐厅员工和航空公司工作人员设计制服一直是时尚界的副业。

    Designing uniforms for restaurant employees and airline crews has long been a fashion sideline .

  25. 海南航空公司工作人员手语培训;

    Hainan Airlines staff sign language training ;

  26. 万圣节,大多数航空公司机组人员获准穿着服装上班。

    On halloween , most airline crew members are allowed to wear a costume to work .

  27. 在魁省,该职业是不受规范的,但从事航空电子技术人员等需要飞机维修工程师执照。

    Mechanics , technicians and inspectors who install , adjust , repair and overhaul aircraft instrument , electrical or avionics systems on aircrafts .

  28. 周四晚些时候,参议院多数派领袖里德宣布民主党和共和党达成临时协议,允许联邦航空局工作人员领取薪资。

    Late Thursday , Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced Democrats and Republicans had struck a temporary deal to allow FAA workers to be paid .

  29. 载有球员、工作人员、记者及拉米亚航空公司机组人员的2933号航班在离目的地麦德林不远的一处山坡上坠毁。

    Players and staff were flying to Medellin along with journalists and LaMia Airlines crew when Flight 2933 crashed into a mountainside near Medellin , its destination .

  30. 长荣航空公司工作人员介绍说,“团团”“圆圆”一路上表现很好,没有因不适应陌生环境而恐慌。

    A staff of the Taiwan-based Eva Airway said Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan were very well all the way and didn 't feel panic to a strange environment .