
mín shì yì wù
  • civil obligation;obligation in civil affairs
  1. 确立董事对公司债权人承担民事义务制度。

    Establishment of the system that director bears civil obligation of the company creditor .

  2. 民事义务与民事责任是民法理论体系中两个最基本的概念。

    Civil obligation and civil liability are a civil law theories system in two most basic concept .

  3. 民事义务的拘束性是由国家强制力赋予的,是权利法律之力的体现。

    Civil Obligation is one of basic legal concepts in civil law , which corresponds with civil right .

  4. 但民事义务和民事责任对民事权利的实现具有不同的法律基础和不同的制度意义。

    However , civil obligations and civil liability for the realization of civil rights has a different legal basis and significance of different systems .

  5. 就民事义务来源的概述,来讨论网络交易平台提供商的义务来源:获益和合同。

    By the summary of the origin of the civil , we discussed the origin of duty of the IPP , that is , benefit and contract .

  6. 民事义务具有法律上的拘束力,而民事责任具有法律的强制性,民事责任是国家公权力介入私法领域的桥梁和中介。

    Civil obligations have legal binding , and civil liability has legal coercive power , civil liability is the intervention in the field of private law and intermediary bridges for a national public authority .

  7. 同时,梳理了我国法律法规对公司董事民事义务的规定,借鉴了世界各国公司立法中有关董事民事义务与责任的相关内容,分析了我国法律体系中公司董事民事义务规定存在的漏洞。

    It also expatiates our national regulations about the civil duties and obligations of company directors , using other countries ' laws about these for reference , analyses the shortages of our regulations about obligations of company directors .

  8. 民事义务对应的是原权利,民事责任对应救济权,所以,在民法理论和法律制度的构建中应以权利义务法为核心,以权力保障或权利救济法为保障形成科学严谨的体系。

    Therefore , the construction of theory and civil law system should be based on the Rights and Obligations Law , then form a rigorous scientific system which for the protection of the protection of the rights or the right to relief .

  9. 第四章违约责任与侵权责任竞合的探讨:从民事义务和保护利益的角度来分析违约责任与侵权责任竞合的根本原因,并提出我国的责任竞合制度。

    Chapter 4 The discussion of concurrence between liability for breaching contract and tort : the analysis on the reasons for concurrence between contractual liability and tort liability from the perspective of the civil liability and protected benefits , with the liability concurrent system in China provided .

  10. 因此,本文在澄清民事义务与民事责任概念真义的基础上进一步研究二者之间的应然性联系,并以此为基础试图构建立体化的权利救济模式。

    Therefore , this text at clarify civil obligation and civil liability concept true the foundation full general of righteousness be further research twos of of should however sex contact , and take this as foundation to try to set up stereoscopic the right for turn succour mode .

  11. 首先,以民事义务的来源为视角,无论是从法律规定、合同约定或是产生一般注意义务的诚信原则要求来看,相对于持卡人,特约商户都应当承担特定的审核义务。

    First , the source of the civil obligations as a visual Angle , either from the law , the contract or produce the obligation of good faith principle generally pay attention to see requirements , relative to the cardholder , special merchants should take specific review obligation .

  12. 对民事注意义务的违反,还应当从如下两个特殊的角度予以考虑。

    The breach of duty of care should also be considered from these two special angles .

  13. 民事注意义务的违反;

    The breach of that duty ;

  14. 对于成文法上民事注意义务违反的判断可以依法直接认定为有过失。

    The breach of the duty of care in statutory can directly identify the existence of negligence .

  15. 民法精神的理念指导着民事权利义务规范的实现。

    The spirit of the civil law directs the realization of the standardization of the rights and duties .

  16. 其次,根据行为方式的不同,民事注意义务可以分为消极不作为的民事注意义务和积极作为的民事注意义务。

    From another angle , duty of care can be divided into active duty of care and passive duty of care by different behavior manner .

  17. 医患法律关系是医疗机构与患者因患者接受医疗机构的医疗服务而形成的民事权利义务关系。

    Legal relationship between doctors and patients is the civil legal relationship which occurred in the course when medical organization offer medical services to patients .

  18. 第三者虽不是离婚损害赔偿的义务主体,但应当成为另案的民事赔偿义务主体。

    The third party is not the duty corpus to be responsible for the indemnity , but who can became the duty corpus in the other case .

  19. 而国家的民事赔偿义务确是具体的、确定的,受害者可以通过民事法律程序实现获得赔偿的权利。

    However , the civil compensation obligation of state of origin is more specific , determined by international treaties , by which the victims can obtain compensation easily .

  20. 本文从比较法角度、我国古代法律规定以及民商法内部海商法领域考察,我国应该在侵权行为法中确立一定范围内的一般民事救助义务,保护受害者。

    From comparison method , our country ancient law and maritime law point , we should have obligations of a general duty to rescue in a certain scope .

  21. 行为人对受害人承担损害赔偿责任的真正根据是过错,即某种民事注意义务的违反行为。在过错侵权责任中,行为人对某种民事义务的违反行为是该种侵权责任的最重要的构成要件。

    The true basis for which doer bears the obligation of compensation for injury towards sufferer is fault , in other words , certain infringement of civil duty of care .

  22. 未成年人电子合同是指有未成年人参与的通过信息网络以电子形式达成的设立、变更、终止财产性民事权利义务关系的协议。

    The minor electronic contract is refers to the minor who participate in the contract to set up , change , terminate the property civil rights and obligations of by network .

  23. 首先,根据法律渊源的不同,民事注意义务可以分为非成文法上的民事注意义务和成文法上的民事注意义务。

    From one angle , duty of care can be divided into the duty of care in statutory law and the duty of care out of statutory law by the difference in sources of law .

  24. 民事权利义务规范的设定有行为本位和资源本位两种模式,民事责任规范作为民事规范的一种也不例外。

    Two modes are affirmed as to the norms to settle civil rights and obligations : one is based on the acts and the other on the resources . Being one of the civil norms , the civil liability norm is no exception .

  25. 我国民法中没有对一般性民事救助义务作出规定,通说认为,当被救助人处于危险境地需要救助时,救助人如果见死不救,是不承担不作为侵权责任的。

    Chinese Civil Law did not provide for the general obligation of civil relief , Stone said that , when the rescue people in danger and need of assistance , the relief person who refused to help , is not a tort does not assume responsibility .

  26. 本文中的电子合同是指当事人之间通过计算机互联网以EDI、电子邮件等网络手段设立、变更、终止财产性民事权利和义务关系的协议。

    Electronic contract in this article indicates that different parties set up , change and terminate their agreement of property civil rights and obligations by means of EDI and E-mail through Internet .

  27. 论民事权利、义务和责任的关系

    On the Relationship among the Civil Right , Duty and Liability

  28. 论合伙式联营主体的民事权利和义务

    On Civil Right and Obligation of a Partnership

  29. 责任总是与义务紧密相连,同时民事主体的义务又是以其法律地位为依托。

    Legal liabilities contact with obligations deeply , and obligations are based on legal status of the civil subject .

  30. 在未成年子女对国家、体或他人造成损害时,父母有承担民事责任的义务。

    Where the underage child causes any damage to the state , collective or other person , the parents thereof shall take civil liabilities .