
  1. 在二战之前,法国人坚信马奇诺防线对于德国人来说是不可战胜的。

    Before World War II , the French thought their Magnet Line as an invincible bulwark against German invasion .

  2. adj.难以克服的第二次世界大战前,法国人把马奇诺防线视为对抗德国入侵的坚强堡垒。

    invincible Before World War II . the French thought their Maginot Line as an invincible bulwark against German invasion .

  3. 我们想要的防卫手段,并不是马奇诺防线那样的东西,而更像是运动战。

    The kind of defence we want is not something akin to the Maginot Line , but more like manoeuvre warfare .

  4. 法国国防部长安德烈。马奇诺沿法国东部边办构筑了这条墙式防线,但他忘了比利时是缺口。

    Andre maginot , the French Minister of defence , had this wall built along the eastern border of France but forgot about belgium .

  5. 这种进攻也会绕过马奇诺防线,并且可以避免对永久性的防御工事正面进攻可能遭受的损失。

    This would turn the Maginot Line and would not entail the losses likely to be sustained in a frontal attack against permanent fortifications .