
mǎ dēng
  • barn lantern;lantern;baron lantern;hurricane lamp
马灯 [mǎ dēng]
  • [baron lantern;hurricane lamp] 一种手提式的煤油灯,能防风挡雨,夜行时可挂在马身上

马灯[mǎ dēng]
  1. 人员不断更换,就像走马灯似的。

    Personnel constantly shifted like on a running-horse lantern ( or a merry-go-round ) .

  2. 在那个殖民地,官员调动频繁,就象走马灯似的。

    The transfer of administrative personnel in that colony was so frequent as to create kaleidoscopic effect .

  3. 之后,这家老牌硅谷公司的CEO虽如走马灯般不停更换,但业绩却毫无起色。

    And it is big indeed , given that the storied Silicon Valley company has lurched from chief to chief to chief ever since the board , in 1999 , eased out Lew Platt and recruited Carly Fiorina from lucent ( ALU ) .

  4. 分析师表示,华尔街走马灯似地更换CFO令人心惊。投资者担心银行的财务状况,以及它们是否有能力应对更加严苛的监管法规和资本金要求。

    Analysts said the merry-go-round of CFOs on Wall Street was alarming given investors ' concerns over the strength of banks ' finances and their ability to deal with more stringent regulations and capital requirements .

  5. 最接近的一次是在本世纪头10年的中期。当时,走马灯般上任的雅虎首席执行官之一特里•塞梅尔(TerrySemel)收购了Inktomi、AltaVista和Overture,试图与谷歌的算法竞争,却没有成功。

    The closest it came was in the mid-2000s , when Terry Semel , one of its parade of chief executives , acquired Inktomi , AltaVista and Overture in a failed attempt to compete with Google 's algorithms .

  6. 匈牙利演员莎莎•嘉宝(ZsaZsaGabor)的漫长影视表演生涯虽未能大红大紫,但她以自我戏仿的魅力以及同多位百万富翁走马灯般的婚姻为其增添了一层美国名流光彩。她于周日在洛杉矶去世,可能享年99岁。

    Zsa Zsa Gabor , the Hungarian actress whose self-parodying glamour and revolving-door marriages to millionaires put a luster of American celebrity on a long but only modestly successful career in movies and television , died Sunday in Los Angeles . She was probably 99 .

  7. 举行婚礼前的那几天忙得像走马灯似地团团转。

    The days before the wedding were a merry-go-round .

  8. 当前,由于科技进步和竞争激励,世界日新月异,风起云涌,一些国际性大公司的首席执行官在位时间越来越短,走马灯式地换人。

    Nowadays , the world changed quickly owing to technical progress and fierce competition .

  9. “胃”是执行视觉消化的功能,里面有大量的动画视频象“走马灯”一样滚动播放。

    Stomach do the digest fiction of visual , there are many animation video broadcast .

  10. 这几年,问题食品像走马灯似的,你方唱罢我登场。

    Over the past years , the " problem foods " appeared one after another .

  11. 首席执行官如走马灯般更换,经营磕磕绊绊,但办公室政治盖过了一切。

    Chief executives come and go , the business blunders on , but politics overshadows everything .

  12. 在他人生最后一段在医院中的日子,他走马灯似的看了67个护士才找到3个喜欢的。

    In the hospital at the end of his life , he runs through sixty-seven nurses before he finds three he likes .

  13. 他们争辩说,正权总是像走马灯那样更迭,政治问题总是朝生夕逝的,只有奥林匹克精神才是永存的。

    They argue that regimes come and go , that political issues are always transient , and that the Olympic spirit is transcendent .

  14. 但在实践中,走马灯一样不停轮换的董事服务(高层享受优厚的待遇、名利双收),很少能让人感到满意。

    Yet in practice , the merry-go-round of board service , well lubricated at the top level with fees and prestige , leaves few satisfied .

  15. 对于弱势的日本首相走马灯一样地换来换去,日本人民也越来越不满。菅直人一旦下台,接替他的人将成为日本五年来的第五位首相。

    There is growing frustration with the revolving door of weak Japanese prime ministers . Kan 's successor will be the fifth prime minister in five years .

  16. 他提着马灯踉踉跄跄地穿过院子,马灯光也跟着一直不停地晃来晃去,到了后门,他把靴子一脚一只踢了出去,

    With the ring of light from his lantern dancing from side to side , he lurched across the yard , kicked off his boots at the back door ,

  17. 他们身上令人惊异之处,并非是他们走马灯似地换夫人,而是他们基本上都找到了适合自己的那个人,然后对她不离不弃。

    The remarkable thing about them is not that they have gone through wives as quickly as the twinkling of a bed post , but that they have mostly found one and stuck with her .

  18. 刘备见状掣宝剑,骑黄鬃马斜刺过来,三个人把吕布围在当中,走马灯般的轮流厮杀,吕布毕竟难敌三人,渐渐觉得难以招架,便朝刘备虚晃一戟,拍马冲出了包围圈逃回虎牢关。

    The three brothers closed in . This proved too much for L ü Bu , who feigned a lance attack and while one of the three dodged , ran back to Hulao Pass for his dear life .

  19. 被公认为日美两国战事转捩点的中途岛战役只占了两页的篇幅,一些其他内容的细节却太多:一连串的将领、军队和战役如走马灯似地出现。

    The battle of Midway , arguably the defining naval engagement between Japan and America , gets two pages . At other times , there is too much detail : a succession of generals , armies and battles come and go .

  20. 如今,在城市公园或露天广场,各种灯笼高挂展示,宫灯、奔马灯、花灯和植物灯笼等。到璀璨之夜,会吸引很多平时很少夜里出来的人。

    Today , in city parks or in the open squares , various kinds of lanterns are highly hung and displayed , and palace lantern , running horse lantern , flower-and-plant lantern , etc. have added to the bright night and attracted many people who rarely come out at night .