
  • 网络Fashion Festival;Mode Festival
  1. 2006上海国际首饰时尚节精采亮相

    Ongoing Shanghai International Jewelry Fashion Festival 2006

  2. 另一件在时尚方面有失礼节的事就是,在上了一定年纪后还穿色彩鲜艳的衣服。

    Another fashion faux pas was wearing bright colors after a certain age .

  3. 这些城市的时尚产业组织不仅巧妙的将历史、文化、心理与经济相结合,还以时尚节事作为契机,将本土的时尚文化和诉求传播到世界各地,从而成为时尚产业发展的风向标。

    The fashion organizations of such cities not only integrates history , culture and psychology with economy , but also advertises the fashion culture and ideas to all around the world so that they all become the wind vane of fashion industry .