
  • 网络time estimation;time estimate;estimation of time;Round-trip time estimation
  1. 基于Haar小波变换的信号到达时间估计

    Arrival time estimation of signals based on Haar wavelets transform

  2. 基于模糊神经网络的实时路段行程时间估计

    Real-time Link Travel Time Estimation Based on Fuzzy Neural Network

  3. 你把卸货所需的时间估计进去了吗?

    Did you reckon in the time needed for unloading the cargo ?

  4. 在决定之前花点时间估计一下你有几分把握。

    Take a little time to measure up your chances before deciding .

  5. 基于GPS浮动车的路段行程时间估计方法比较

    Comparison of link travel-time estimation methods based on GPS equipped floating car

  6. 首先,为了实现移动台的定位,本文采用BLUE来实现文中给出的定位协议下的各种基于时间估计的定位方法。

    Firstly , in order to locate a mobile station , BLUE is utilized to implement the different positioning methods in this thesis .

  7. PERT工序时间估计的一些研究

    Studies on The Estimation of Activity Time in PERT

  8. PERT方法时间估计问题的探讨

    Study of the time estimations used in PERT

  9. 本文根据统计学原理,对PERT方法的时间估计问题进行了分析;

    The problems about the time estimations for completion in PERT are statistically discussed in this paper .

  10. 针对三套标记TTC的运动目标序列图像进行接触时间估计实验,结果令人满意。

    The experiments of TTC estimation for three sets of the TTC labeled image sequences were done , and the results are satisfactory .

  11. 采用一种基于具有直射径的(LOS)多径环境中使用第一径来进行时间估计的简单有效的TOA估计方法,并且使用MATLAB利用IEEE的标准室内多径模型进行仿真,最后给出了结果以及评估。

    A simple and effective TOA estimation based on time of arrival of the first multipath under an indoor line-of-sight ( LOS ) multipath environment is presented , and the simulation is conducted using MATLAB and IEEE standard indoor multipath models . The performance of proposed method is evaluated .

  12. 针对现代物流的特殊应用,在LTLBS中设计了一些特殊的功能,如货物跟踪,到达时间估计等。

    For modern logistics application , such special functions as cargo tracking and estimation of arrival time are designed in LTLBS .

  13. 文章就野生动物动态生命表收集和处理过程中常见的右删失数据处理问题、个体死亡时间估计、同生群初始值N0估计以及早期死亡数据的估算问题提出了一点建议和讨论。

    Some commonly encountered problems , such as the right censored data disposing , the failure time estimating , the initial size of cohort estimating , and the early failure data disposing are proposed and discussed here .

  14. 系统测试表明,MC-Backfill策略可以在用户对作业执行时间估计不准确的情况下较好地减少作业平均等待时间,提高系统吞吐率。

    The experiment results show that with MC-backfill policy , even in the case of inaccurate estimation of job running time by users , the average waiting time of jobs can decrease , and the throughput of system is improved . 4 .

  15. 软件成本和时间估计不是简单的计算。

    Software cost and schedule estimating is not a simple calculation .

  16. 时间估计和分配会在随后的会议中得到执行。

    Time estimates and assignments can come later in the meeting .

  17. 空间预警系统的关机点时间估计及精度分析

    Estimation of Burnout Time and Precision Analysis in Space Early Warning System

  18. 城市道路路段行程时间估计及融合方法研究

    Study on Estimation and Fusion of Travel Time for Urban Road Section

  19. 专家系统优化排列准则及时间估计模型研究

    Time Model in Expert Systems of Optimal Sequence Knowledge Base

  20. 一个随机过程的小扰动的平均越出时间估计

    Asymptotics of mean exit time for small perturbations of a stochastic process

  21. 退化扩散过程小扰动的平均越出时间估计

    The mean exit time estimates for small perturbations of degenerate diffusion process

  22. 基于时间估计的作业成本法改进研究

    Research on Improvement of Traditional ABC by Incorporating Time Estimation

  23. 采用可用度理论的瓶颈设备前缓冲时间估计

    Estimation of feeding time buffer size of bottleneck based on availability theory

  24. 带时空相关性分析的行车时间估计模型

    A Travel Time Estimation with Temporal and Spatial Correlation Analysis

  25. 基于模糊神经网络的设计活动时间估计方法。

    An intelligent estimation method for design time based on FNN is proposed .

  26. 实时软件最坏情况执行时间估计研究

    Research on Worst-Case Execution Time of Real-Time Software Estimation

  27. 利用导引头测角信息进行遭遇段剩余飞行时间估计的算法

    The Algorithm of Time-to-go Using Angle Information Provided by Seeker During Missile-target Encounter

  28. 行车时间估计与路径寻优问题

    The Problem of Traveling time Estimate and Optimal Routing

  29. 一种简单高效的前沿检测时间估计算法及其应用

    A sample effective algorithm of time estimation of leading edge detection and its applications

  30. 基于规则的专家系统时间估计研究

    Time Model in Rule - Based Expert Systems