
jìn dù bào ɡào
  • progress report
  1. 他们索要工程进度报告。

    They asked for a progress report on the project .

  2. 你可以给我们提供进度报告吗?

    Can you give us a progress report ?

  3. 委员会一致要求市政府工作人员就该项目准备一份进度报告。

    The Council unanimously directed city staff to prepare a status report on the project

  4. 这将生成大量输出,所有这些输出都是“进度报告”,表示创建用于处理Web服务器的各进程。

    This will generate a lot of output , all of which is the'progress report ' , indicating the individual processes being created to handle the web server .

  5. 在所有进度报告中,承包商对业主的报告层应通过ctr。

    The contractor 's reporting level to company shall be by CTR throughout all progress reports .

  6. 每个月应向Su-dan项目工程师提交两次的模具进度报告。

    Die progress reports are to be submitted twice a month to the Su-dan Project Manager .

  7. 对于大型的、复杂的规划,PMO帮助建立和维护适当的工作过程、控制和保持规划进度报告管理的报告功能。

    For large , complex programs , the PMO helps establish and maintain appropriate work processes , controls , and reporting functions to keep management apprised of the program 's progress .

  8. 据它的作者所说,ScaleUp提高了上传速度、支持不受限的上传文件大小,将每台服务器同时支持的上传数提升到上千个,并且包含了进度报告、流传输和过滤等等。

    According to its creators , ScaleUp increases upload speed , supports unlimited upload file sizes , scales up to thousands of uploads per server , and includes progress reporting , streaming and filtering .

  9. 员工的直线经理将会准备定期进度报告。

    The employee 's line manager will prepare periodic progress reports .

  10. 本周的工作进度报告会安排在周三举行。

    This week 's progress report meeting is scheduled for Wednesday .

  11. 给我一份有关新项目的进度报告。

    Give me a progress report on the new project .

  12. 现场进度报告及承包商进度付款的控制;

    Site actual progress report and updated contractor 's payment data control ;

  13. 事务委员会讨论青年发展中心进度报告。

    The panel discussed the progress report on the cyd .

  14. 无法以流模式上传,并且没有进度报告

    Uploads could not be streamed and there was no report on progress

  15. 有关迄今发生的事的进度报告。

    A progress report on what has happened so far .

  16. 我们马上就可以提交工作进度报告了。

    We are almost ready to present the Status Report .

  17. 将您的增量结果报告与您的进度报告分开。

    Separate your incremental result reporting from your progress reporting .

  18. 项目执行小组有没有每月完成及提交进度报告?

    Has the project executive team completed and submitted monthly progress reports ?

  19. 提出、呈交、写出定期的进度报告

    Produce , submit , draw up regular progress reports

  20. 在他未要求前主动给出进度报告。

    Give progress reports before he asks for them .

  21. 承包商应向雇佣单位提交月进度报告。

    Contractor shall submit monthly progress report to employer .

  22. 它们的进度报告将于六月出炉。

    Their first progress report is due in June .

  23. 准备好你们的学习进度报告。

    Prepared by the end of holiday break .

  24. 提供了进度报告、流传输和过滤的特性

    Features like progress reporting , streaming and filtering

  25. 学生需要提交两个进度报告和一个最终专题报告。

    Students are required to hand in2 progress reports , and a final project report .

  26. 项目管理委员会有没有对每月进度报告审阅及签字确认?

    Have the monthly progress reports been reviewed and signed off by the project management committee ?

  27. 准备合同部门的月进度报告,包括客户报告和其他所需的报告。

    Preparation of contracts department monthly report for inclusion in client report and other reports as required .

  28. 它很方便,因为它省去了在发出进度报告之前测试监视器是否为空这一工作。

    It 's handy because it saves testing whether the monitor is null before issuing a progress report .

  29. 此类进度报告将依次形成分析进度索赔和付款的基础。

    These progress reports will , in turn , form the basis for analyzing progress claims and payments .

  30. 向世卫组织、缔约国和世卫组织理事机构提供定期进度报告,包括图表。

    To provide regular progress reports , including maps , to WHO , States Parties and WHO governing bodies .