
  • 网络Engineering project management software;Psoft
  1. 加入WTO后,推广工程项目管理软件以提高工程效率是亟待解决的问题。

    After entering WTO , it 's a urgent problem that extends the software for engineering project management for improving efficiency .

  2. 工程项目管理软件在建筑工程项目中的分析及应用

    Analysis and Practice of Engineering Project Management Software in Building Project Management

  3. 工程项目管理软件中资源配置比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Resource Assigning in Project Management Software

  4. 工程项目管理软件功能分析

    The Function Analysis of Construction Project Management Software

  5. 建筑工程项目管理软件的发展方向&4D建模及应用

    The Development Aspect of The Building Engineering Project Management Software & 4D Modeling and Application

  6. 三峡工程项目管理软件开发研究

    Development of Three Geoges Project Management Software

  7. 目前,我国工程项目管理软件的质量和实际应用水平远远落后于发达国家。

    At present , our country engineering project management software quality and practical application level is far behind the developed countries .

  8. 本文简述了几种工程项目管理软件的特点及功能,说明了该类软件的应用对项目管理的积极影响。

    This paper summarizes the characters and functions of several software for engineering project management , and narrates its active influence .

  9. 这几种系统集成在一起的工程项目管理软件,在目前市场上是比较少见的,针对本人的工作特点的管理软件就更少了。

    This kind of integrated management software is seldom seen on the market , and is not fit for my work feature .

  10. 很多工程项目管理软件中都支持甘特图、网络图等进度图形的绘制功能。

    Many project management software support the function of drawing " Gantt Chart ", " network map " and other progress graphics .

  11. 智能建筑工程项目管理软件可以为管理者提供准确、精细、及时的信息,使项目管理计算机化,把工作人员从繁重的工作中解脱出来,使管理更加条理、科学、快捷。

    It provides accurate , precise and timely information for manager , computerizes the project management , frees the works from the heavy work , makes the management more structured , scientific and fast .

  12. 并且与基于启发式算法的工程项目管理软件得出的结果进行了比较分析,发现遗传算法能够更好地解决该类问题,遗传算法用于该问题的有效性得到了证实。

    The dissertation also compares with the result of project software witch based on the heuristic algorithm and finds out that the results of the GA are better . So the effectiveness of this algorithm is confirmed .

  13. 基于该软件体系结构开发的工程项目管理软件,已成功在某大型建筑工程中得到实施,表明了这种新的软件体系结构可以很好地满足工程项目管理的需求。

    The engineering project management software based on the new software architecture is successfully implemented in a large construction engineering project , which shows that the new software architecture can well satisfy the requirement of engineering project management .

  14. 为了实现电力安装项目的科学化和现代化管理,本文从项目管理的各个阶段出发,在Project2000基础上,定制开发了一套适合于电力安装的工程项目管理软件。

    In order to realize the scientific and modernized management during electric power construction , this paper has been studied about how to customize a set of software which was applied to electric power project on the basis of Project 2000 according to the theory of project management .

  15. 本文介绍了基于WBS方法的工程项目管理系统软件&CMIS的开发思路、主要功能及不足之处。

    This paper introduces construction project management system software based on WBS method - CMIS , its development thoughts , main function and shortcomings .

  16. 一种用于航空工程项目管理的软件

    On a Software for Managing Engineering Projects in P.R.C Civil Aviation

  17. 由手工统计让位于计算机信息化处理,目前有些地区使用了一些建筑工程项目管理应用软件,大大地提高了工程管理业务部门的工作效率和建筑施工企业管理的水平。

    As computer information processing instead of artificial statistic , some companies have used construction project management software . The software has greatly improved work efficiency and the level of management .

  18. 我国在项目管理应用的研究还处于比较初级的水平,项目管理应用研究的重点领域是工程项目管理与软件开发项目管理,对于其他行业项目管理的应用研究领域尚不完全。

    Application of research in project management is still in the relatively junior level , project management applied research focus areas are project management and software development project management , project management for other industries is not fully applied research .

  19. 在建筑工程项目管理中应用Project软件从创建资源、分配资源到调整查看资源,以及监测成本的过程。

    This paper introduces process of erecting resources , distributing resources , adjusting and viewing resources , and controlling cost in constructing engineering project management with project software in details .

  20. 一种面向工程项目管理的新的软件体系结构

    New Software Architecture Oriented Engineering Project Management

  21. 本文概要介绍了一个建筑工程项目其造价动态管理软件系统的结构、功能、数据流程图、编码和数据库结构等。

    This paper introduces briefly the structure , main function , flow diagram of data , code and data base of a computer network system for dynamoic management of construction project and cost .

  22. 石化工程项目管理是一项比较复杂的过程,各大型企业对工程项目管理软件的使用越来越迫切。

    The management of projects is a complicated process , refers to many aspects , and is difficult to be handled .

  23. 本文对工程项目进度管理的背景和现状进行研究,提出了研究面向Web的工程项目进度管理软件的必要性。

    In this paper , background and status of project management is studied , the necessity of research on the web-oriented schedule management software is proposed .